It’s early, I usually sleep in on Sundays but daylight savings time has just ended so while instead of being ten it’s actually 9o’clock. I have a long day ahead of me but I want to simply enjoy the morning so I try making an omelet. Unfortunately I forget to put butter on the pan and it all ends up sticking. So much for that. I make some oatmeal instead, I can’t really screw that up. I slice up a banana and pour myself some orange juice special mugs. I pull out my laptop and start going through my emails. I go through my work email first to see if anything important has come up but there’s nothing in the inbox. I move on to the next one, I haven’t checked this one in a while because I’ve signed myself up for so many shopping sites that it’s unhealthy for me to go through the emails. Just a couple of weeks ago I made the mistake of checking this one and there was a sale at STORE, I couldn’t miss that so I clicked on it and then apparently there was free shipping for all orders over $75. I wasn’t that far off, so I thought, I might as well buy something else instead of paying for shipping. So I ended up spending …show more content…
It subject is: FREE 8X11 calendar. It sounds like a scam but it’s actually true, I know because about a year ago I received an email that was labeled: FREE MUG. All I had to do was pay for shipping. I don’t really drink coffee but I could use it for tea. I got all excited designing the mug and then I got a letter from Denise. We hadn’t talked in a couple of months not since I’d screwed things up but she still send me a lovely card and my favorite chocolate for my birthday. I hadn’t even remembered hers. So I ended up putting pictures of us in the mug, and I send it to her. Then I bought three for
At first I had forgotten what I had planned for today, but I quickly remembered after a groggy sigh. I was meeting with my uncle to go hunting! The thought of getting to watch the sun come up while waiting patiently in the refreshing outside air was enough to get me out of bed. I fixed myself a small breakfast of apple juice and a couple pieces of toast. I went back into my room and changed into my long johns, put my regular clothes over top on that, threw on a jacket and finally slipped into my camouflage. I proceeded to load up my rifle and secure it in its case. A few minutes later, I received a phone call from my uncle asking if our plans were still set. "Morning, nephew! Are you still coming over in about 30 minutes?" he said. I replied, "Yes sir! I'll be there no later than the time we've discussed." He acknowledged and hung up the phone. I took one last look around to make sure I wasn't forgetting anything. I was burning up at this point because of all the layers of clothes I had put on. I got in my car, turned on some good music, blasted the a/c and off I
Daylight savings time is a great time of year. It was first put into action in the United States in 1918.I like many others love daylight savings time, here in America. For one thing there are many people who do not like daylight savings time I on the other hand like daylight savings time.
To begin with, Daylight Savings Time has been a nuisance to ordinary people since its inception in the United States in 1918. First, the hope was that moving the clocks forward and backward one hour in the spring and fall respectively, would have an enormous impact on both energy consumption and safety. I, like many other Americans, hate daylight savings time. Contrary to what people had hoped, daylight savings time has had a negative impact on both energy consumption and safety.
Daylight savings is the act of setting clocks back an hour in March and setting them back in November; this is done as way to reduce the consumption of energy. Many claim that daylight savings has proven effective in reducing the usage in energy and helpful in other areas such as safety. However, others claim that daylight savings has not made an impact on energy usage and that it can affect the way people function. While daylight savings has proven effective in some areas, daylight savings should not be continued because of the individual effects it has on people’s mood and behavior.
Was D-Day a good idea? How did we overcome their army of soldiers? How is this still affecting us in the life we live today? D-Day was a battle of WWII that was the most important because it turned the war towards the allies. It was a surprise blitz, a huge turning point in the war, and a response tactic to the allies.
July 4, 1776 marked a very special day. A day that holds the future for many. The day that reminds us year after year up to this day and beyond that we shall never forget. How special you may ask? July 4th is known as the 4th of July. We celebrate this day with fireworks, parades, cookouts, camping, vacations, and more. What are we celebrating? We are celebrating the day America became free. The day our founding fathers adopted the Declaration of Independence. The day that 13 colonies claimed their independence from Great Britain.
In a radio broadcast on June 6, 1944, American President Franklin D. Roosevelt said, “They fight not for the lust of conquest. They fight to end conquest. They fight to liberate" ("'They Fight Not for the Lust of Conquest. They Fight to End Conquest'"). Roosevelt was referring to the Allied attack on the beaches of Normandy, better known as D-Day. The events leading up to D-day were just as important as what happened on the actual invasion day, and in the following days.
In life, humanity has evolved over time. Present day, humans sit in these massive countries with pleasant houses and have less hassle opposed to many generations ago. Over time, humanity has convicted the most beautiful and the worst events in history. One of the worst- the Palmer Raids, how it signified to be the worst assault on civil liberties in United States History. There will be coverage on Palmer’s prediction for May Day, his insufficient evidence, and the raids disregarding civil liberties. The Palmer raids was a brutal act that came to mass deport and arrest any suspected communists.
My Opinion on Daylight Savings Time Why is daylight savings time useful? I have heard about daylight savings time, but I never realized that it had a purpose. Reading about the history of daylight savings time was really interesting, it was a way to save money and to do more activities in the evening. Just about country moves their clocks on hour ahead in the summer and one hour in the fall, but they all have different change dates. The amount of light around the equator is twelve hours long each season, so, the countries around the equator don’t have to change their clocks.
My first visit to Daybreak consisted mostly of learning about the facility and helping the girls work on their team building projects. When we first arrived, I begin to realize how serious the situation these girls are in is. I was told to put a lock on my phone and to not share too much information about myself. At first I was extremely nervous, but once we entered the common room with all the girls I started to feel more comfortable. These girls have been through more then I could ever imagine. I have been sheltered from drug abuse for most of my life and I never could have thought that girls so young could get caught up in hard drugs such as crack and heroin.
I walked outside took a deep breath and ran back in. I tore the box open gagging as I did and opened the first carton. I was already out of breath. My eyes were watering and my mouth went dry, I quickly dumped out the first, then he second, the third, fourth, fifth, and all of them up to the tenth. My body was shaking and I feared I might pass out from the awful smell, but I continued, I only had two more cartons. They were horrible. The bottoms were all green and flimsy, dripping milk all over the ground as I rushed them to the sink. The job was done, until I turned around and saw the mess we left. I hauled the giant trash bags over my shoulder and threw them up into the old dumpster in the back of the building. By the time I was coming back in all the girls in my group had finished their break and came back in to help, but I was all done. I mopped up the ground and the room lightened. Everyone seemed pretty happy that they didn’t have to clean up, I was pretty happy that I did clean up, I did the best job. Our day was done and we were dismissed from our worksite. As we climbed into the van, and I closed the heavy door, I thought so much, but most of all I thought about how our first day at work was and what the week had to
Over the Christmas break, i woke up very early on Christmas morning. But the night before i had stayed up very late because my excitement kept me up. When i woke up that morning i hopped out of bed, put on my robe and slippers. Being very drowsy because of no sleep, i marched to my living room where the presents reside. One of the presents i opened up was an Astro A40 headset with the baby blue colorway. But i couldn’t help but notice they were for and Xbox one. I do not own an xbox one so my adrenaline was through the roof. I opened up more gifts. While i'm looking for an Xbox one i realized I have opened up all of my gifts. Although I am very grateful for everything that was given to me. I began to be sad because i hadn’t gotten an Xbox one.
throughout the day to make it the perfect temperature. It isn't too hot or cold, but perfect like 73 degrees.Don't have a car, you can get around using the monorails and underground subway system. Because the monorail acts as fast transportation at a speed of 267 mph it is the fastest way of transportation in the whole city!
This is not a scam, they market their products and services as gift or memorials right from the beginning. There are buyers out there willing to purchase them as a gift. Scanning through the web, my favourite line is “Star Registry® offers a unique birthday gift,
In 1700, his corpse was moved by way of the city to a more prominent crypt. While a necklaces become found on his skeleton bearing the date '1700', his body was hurriedly reinterred.