
Dbq Civil War Essay

Decent Essays

The Missouri Compromise forbade slavery in the northern portions of the Louisiana Purchase caused a mass amount of debates. ( Thirty years after its,’ threat to resolve the union, the controversy with slavery continued. The United States maintained to put the issue of slavery on hold first thorough the Constitution. It wasn’t until the end of the Civil War and after the signing of the Emancipation Proclamation in 1863 that slavery finally ended. The Northerners and Southerners held strong distinctive views both politically, and economically. To function under half-slave and half-free in the United States was not plausible. Therefore, it is in my honest opinion, that in order for the United States to operate and sustain the union, the Civil War was necessary.
The United States half-slave and half-free is a nation divided. “United we stand together we fall.” As a nation in the United States we are to unite as one. Abraham Lincoln, (Schweikart, L., & Allen, M. P. 2004. A Patriot's History of the United States: From Columbus's Great Discovery to the War on Terror pp 303) stated the Republican party looks at the institution of slavery as morally, politically, and socially wrong. Nominated for the United States Senate, Abraham Lincoln delivered his famous words …show more content…

They believed with the industrialization system growing, it created a new positive capitalist. Thus, in free labor, and education would result in a thriving success for a modern society. The Northerners opposed to the expansion of slavery, some wanting slavery abolished. The North had a huge industry and its manufacturing business was developing fast. ( The transportation system expanded and canals and railroads were built. The population increased and the cities

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