
Dbq Mongols Being Barbarian

Decent Essays

How do you interpret the word “Barbarian”? The word barbarian was used to describe the ruthless Mongols during the thirteenth century and is meant to be a demeaning term. The Mongols were a small tribe from Central Asia who expanded their territory by war. The Mongols were very barbaric people. They showed barbarian traits by the way they lived, how they fought, and the rules they had.

The Mongols were barbaric because of how they lived. This tribe lived in a manner as if they were outside the reach of civilization which is a definition of the word “barbarian”. For example, in the backround essay, it writes, “They knew little about mining and cared nothing about farming. They were nomadic people who lived off the meat, milk and hide of horses, and the meat and wool of sheep,” (119). This evidence shows that the Mongols did not focus on the building of civilization or long term living but on surviving now and hunting animals for what they need. …show more content…

For instance, the essay states that “numerous Chinese cities felt Mongol brutality. Slaughter was so great that the streets of the Chinese capital were greasy with human fight and flesh,” (119). This shows that the Mongols were brutal people who fought with no remorse for their own life of any other lives. Also, document 3 writes, “and when they come out to them they seek out the artificers (artisans) among them and keep these, but the others, with the exception of those they wish to have as slaves, they kill with the axe,” (129). This is another piece of evidence that explains the brutality of the

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