I think we should definitely use insecticides to try and get rid of all the insects that can be
threatening to humans in Africa. We should use DDT in Africa because of the harmful effects of
dangerous insects. We should use it because it stops the spread of malaria, it kills mosquitoes
that are the cause of malaria. It helps kill the insects that can be dangerous to crops that people
grow in Africa. It also kills poisonous insects that can poison people and even small children.
First off DDT has the ability to kill insects that carry diseases such as malaria. There is
about 207 million cases of malaria and 80% of cases of malaria in the world are in Africa. There
are over 3,000 types of mosquitoes and there are billions and billions
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DDT can help get rid of a lot of insects even the ones that can cut off important resources to us.
Some insects in Africa can damage crops that give us food and DDT can put a
stop to those kinds of bugs. Farming in Africa is abundant and provides a lot of food to the
people that live there however other organisms have a liking to food as well. There are many
types of insects that are crop eaters. Especially in africa there are insects that eat all sort of crops
which is causing a crisis with the food count. DDT can get rid of those insects that are stealing
and eating the food people grow in africa to survive. Now the way we live can be killed by
insects and then we can just simply be killed by insects.
Now in africa the environment can be very dangerous because there are insects that are
dangerous to us but DDT can get rid of all those harmful ones. Insects such as wasps, tsetse flies
and African ants can be dangerous to humans and all of those creatures can be found in Africa.
Deadly insects are abundant in africa and kill people daily. The tsetse fly can cause sleeping
sickness and can make people die terribly put using DDT will put a stop to the
Carson clarifies that “the sprays, dust, and aerosols are now applied almost universally to farms, gardens, forests, and homes-nonselective chemicals that have the power to kill every insect, the “good” and the “bad”.” In contemporary world today many people use these mankind chemicals without understanding the effects of nature. For example, the reproduction of bees are dropping traumatically because of the pesticides effects on the insects. According to CNN “How Pesticides are killing the bees “Recent data published in science, Nature and other un journals show that bees are dying from some pesticides that are found in our food supply.” The damaged the chemicals are doing to the bees have worries many scientists. The New York Times wrote, pesticide linked to honeybee deaths, “a group of pesticide believed to contribute to mass deaths of honeybees.” Another example of the harmful chemicals affecting the good insects are by destroying favorable insects such as lady bugs and butterflies, which are another great alternative way to pollinate flower. These beneficial insects are very important for human wellbeing; therefore, we should minimize the use of
A positive consequence of DDT is its effectiveness, even in the face of pesticide resistance in the anopheles mosquito. The eradication of malaria in the United States and the health of US Soldiers while fighting in World War II can be greatly credited to the use of DDT
DDT has been used since WW2 as an insecticide to control the outbreak of malaria and typhus among troops and civilians. This is because malaria is spread by mosquitos and DDT was considered to be a powerful in eliminating these populations, thus decreasing the infection rate for malaria. Since it was first discovered as an insecticide, worldwide it was used in very large amounts because nobody knew any better and it was considered to be revolutionary. It wasn’t until 1962, when biologist Rachel Carson first outlined the potential harm DDT has on the environment, believing it caused cancer in humans and harmed bird wildlife. This led to the United Stated ban of DDT use in 1972, and later, a worldwide ban under the Stockholm
Too much of the insecticides will allow acetylcholine to build up which would lead to convulsions and eventually death.
”On those visits, I feel not only the spirit of the local people…and the seasonal change.”(345).Nowadays seasonal variation in industrial societies is minimized by importing many products that mature in specific seasons from different parts of the world. Technologies however, are impacting on our lives. “DDT would exert incredible selective pressure for mutations that would confer resistance” (347), it killed malaria-carrying mosquitoes but in few years large numbers of mosquitoes will return. It also has ecological damage the compound is ingested by many organisms, become concentrated up the food chain in a process called biomagnification. It causes heavy bird mortality.
DDT is a chemical that is widely known for is properties as an insecticide. When humans discovered this “wonder product” the whole country was on fire! The one company that made the most money was Montrose Chemical Corporation. From 1942 - 1971, when DDT was banned, the MCC pumped out DDT tons at a time. However, the bigshots were faced with a problem. Where do you dump all the leftover byproduct? Hey, why not the ocean! When DDT byproduct, DDE, was dumped into the ocean, fish and other seafood had it leached into them. This meant the bald eagles’ main food source was contaminated. When the bald eagles ingested their main source of food, the DDE became very concentrated in them. When bald eagles attempted to lay eggs, barely any would hatch! The DDE caused their eggs to be porous, and the eggs fail to hatch. This meant the bald eagles’ total extinction on the Channel Islands by the 1950’s.
DDT use can lead to horrible effects in humans and we can not become immune to these horrible unlike the flies that we are trying to kill. We think we have all this superiority over little insects when in fact they have the hand over us. Not because they are more intelligent than us but because we are too intelligent for ourselves. Conniff’s essay shows how our own superiority can lead to our demise.
DDT is an insecticide that is known to be particularly effective in controlling the spread of malaria-bearing mosquitos. However, the use of DDT is also controversial because of its negative effects on the environment and the potential risks to human health, which were brought to attention in Rachel Carson’s hugely influential Silent Spring (1962). DDT has been banned in the United States for over thirty years, largely due to the response Silent Spring incited in the public (Bailey, 2004). Malaria remains an issue that is especially prevalent in developing countries; it is also these countries that often rely on foreign aid, and that aid occasionally comes with the condition that the use of DDT be banned.
Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT) has had a huge impact on the fight against malaria, helping to ensure the control or eradication of malaria in many countries around the world in the mid-twentieth century. However, since its peak in the 1960s, succeeded by environmental and health concerns about the usage of the insecticide, more and more countries have been banning the use of DDT.
There have been many attempts at preventing malaria, none of which have been very successful. These have usually involved protecting human beings from mosquitoes, the dreaded carriers
Throughout his essay, Suzuki supports his arguments with specific examples. To justify his reasoning, the author uses the case of DDT, otherwise known as dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane. This chemical compound is used as an insecticide to eliminate the population of malaria-carrying mosquitoes, which it did effectively, and saved millions of lives. Unfortunately, due to unforeseen circumstances, complications arose, which led to an increase in chemicals and caused a domino effect of
In conclusion, DDT is a harmful chemical to all organisms around the world. DDT has caused disasters to humans, plants, birds, and ocean life. Thankfully, the U.S. has banned the use of DDT and has no longer put humans at risk. This chemical has done plenty of damage to our world during its time of use.
It was developed as one of the first modern synthetic insecticides in the 1940.It was initially use to combat insect borne human diseases such as malaria,typhus,and many others in both military and civilian populations.It was also found to be effective for insect control for crop and livestock production,institution,homes,and gardens.Due to it quick success as a pesticide and board
Just like DDT, these insecticides are not only affecting their target species but they are also impacting the other species that come into contact with them. These human-introduced contaminants have had many negative impacts on non-target species. One major insect that insecticides are used for today is a mosquito. An ecotoxicology study was conduced where they examined the effects of commercial mosquito insecticide formulations and predation on the survival, growth, and development of a species of tadpoles (Pauley et. al 2015). They had to take into consideration environmental stressors like predation and temperature because that can change the lethality of the insecticide. They used three insecticide formulations: mosquito bits, mosquito dunks, and mosquito torpedoes. Mosquito dunks showed the biggest significance because they caused a decrease in tadpole survival when used with a predator. The predator was used as an environmental stressor that affected the lethality of the formulation. This caused the decrease in that tad pole species. Similar predator-insecticide interactions have been found using a variety of insecticides and herbicides, incorporating multiple environmental sources of amphibian stress (Pauley et. al
The way they suck all the nutrients out of the crops is the reason why they are injurious for the crops.