
Ddt Research Paper

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I think we should definitely use insecticides to try and get rid of all the insects that can be

threatening to humans in Africa. We should use DDT in Africa because of the harmful effects of

dangerous insects. We should use it because it stops the spread of malaria, it kills mosquitoes

that are the cause of malaria. It helps kill the insects that can be dangerous to crops that people

grow in Africa. It also kills poisonous insects that can poison people and even small children.

First off DDT has the ability to kill insects that carry diseases such as malaria. There is

about 207 million cases of malaria and 80% of cases of malaria in the world are in Africa. There

are over 3,000 types of mosquitoes and there are billions and billions …show more content…

DDT can help get rid of a lot of insects even the ones that can cut off important resources to us.

Some insects in Africa can damage crops that give us food and DDT can put a

stop to those kinds of bugs. Farming in Africa is abundant and provides a lot of food to the

people that live there however other organisms have a liking to food as well. There are many

types of insects that are crop eaters. Especially in africa there are insects that eat all sort of crops

which is causing a crisis with the food count. DDT can get rid of those insects that are stealing

and eating the food people grow in africa to survive. Now the way we live can be killed by

insects and then we can just simply be killed by insects.

Now in africa the environment can be very dangerous because there are insects that are

dangerous to us but DDT can get rid of all those harmful ones. Insects such as wasps, tsetse flies

and African ants can be dangerous to humans and all of those creatures can be found in Africa.

Deadly insects are abundant in africa and kill people daily. The tsetse fly can cause sleeping

sickness and can make people die terribly put using DDT will put a stop to the

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