
De Jaeger And Di Paolo

Decent Essays
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In Participatory Sense-Making, authors Hanne De Jaeger and Ezequiel Di Paolo discuss the concept of sense-making, or the interaction between the human mind and the environment around it that results in “the creation and appreciation of meaning” (De Jaeger and Di Paolo 488). Specifically, it addresses what occurs when two individuals converse and interact in a way that generates this meaning together, what De Jaeger and Di Paolo identify as participatory sense making. They argue that when placed into a social context, this sense making process becomes a separate entity from the two individuals, one with “a temporary form of autonomy” (De Jaeger and Di Paolo 492). For De Jaeger and Di Paolo, the fundamental aspect of cognition is the sense-making process. “Organisms do not passively receive from their environments,” they state, but organisms …show more content…

This process requires action, the intake, distribution, and application of information with speech, motion, even biological processes. As De Jaeger and Di Paolo state, “movements are at the center of mental activity: a sense-making agent’s movements – which include utterances – are the tools of her cognition.” These tools serve to facilitate “a particular kind of encounter between a ‘questioning’ agent with a particular body…and a ‘responding’ segment of the world” (De Jaeger and Di Paolo 489). De Jaeger and Di Paolo took this phenomenon a step further in their essay, expanding on the process of sense making and putting it into a conversational context between two or more people. They state that when sense-making occurs between two

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