
Dead Poets Society Response

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Movies around the world are a great type of entertainment. Through them, directors are able to convey their moods, thoughts, and beliefs to sculpt their masterpiece for the overal enjoyment of the public. Writers, too, have been able present this through the syntax of thier poems. 'Dead Poets Society' is one of these movies that has been made to present thoughts and worldly themes. In the 'Dead Poets Society', the theme of 'society has influence on how one should be' is also present in the poem "Mirror". In the movie 'Dead Poets Society', this theme of how society dictates one by how the students lives are dictated. Although many aspire to be more, or different, than what their parents and teachers are pushing them to be, the are captive to thier peer's dictation. Niel Perry, for example, wants to be an actor while his father is heavily pushing him to be a doctor. Distraught, his father sees no other choice to remove him from school to make sure his wishes come true. The teachers, likewise, are also captive to societal standards. When Mr. Keating introduces original thinking and methods, he is …show more content…

Through the speaker, the reader becomes aware of how a woman looses her beauty. The speaker show how "a women bends over [it], searching [its] reaches for what she truely is" 10-11)only only to reveal how she has lost her beauty "like a terrible fish" (18). Yet, the woman "comes and goes. Each morning" (15-16) to see herself. It pains the woman, what she sees, because "she rewards [it] with tears and ... agitation"(14) clearly expressing her distaste for her looks. From the words and thoughts of the speaker, the reader can grasp on how a woman is uncomfortable on her looks. She cries tears because society has made many women feel as if their selfworth is based uppn thier physical beauty. That is why she keeps returning; she wants a reassurance in herself, but can not find

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