
Deadly Medicine Chapter Summary

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Between the 17th and 18th century, the British, French, Dutch and Spanish were all struggling to increase the size of their empires and also their wealth. At this point in time, they began to increase their struggles to colonize and thrive in the Americas. To do so, they relied upon a strenuous relationship with the indigenous populations. The collision of the modern industry found in Europe and the hunter / gathers of the indigenous populations led to centuries of clashes, greed and trade. All of this has been captured in the book Deadly Medicine, by Peter C. Mancall. The book is a rich description of the 17th and 18th century specifically focusing on the fur trade and the effects that it had upon both the indigenous populations and the colonizers …show more content…

Rather, than mention in passing (Mancall 55), I think the text would have benefitted from Mancall breaking down the numbers to emphasize the point that rum became a priority good, and the circumstances that perpetuated it to that point. Furthermore, there were times reading the text where the terminology stopped me from reading so that I could look up what Mancall was referring to. I think it might have been helpful to have or at least for Mancall to explain in passing what the term meant. While it is understandable that this text is implied for individuals well-rehearsed in this field of research, it would have been a helpful tool to have in the appendices. Finally, the most important aspect to the text is the use of quotations. I found them to be over used, and it seemed to me that every other sentence that I was reading was one. While I understand that to emphasize the different perspectives believed at the time, relying upon them heavily without breaking down as to why they are being referenced is a problem because the argument gets lost when there are continual statements or quotations from other individuals. Had Mancall broke down the quotes or then applied what the quote was discussing to the thesis and why it was relevant would have made the argument

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