
Deadly Mind Traps Analysis

Decent Essays

Do the people know that they do many traps in their everyday life? Do they know that these traps may cause them to die? The people do many mistakes every day. Sometimes, they people don’t realize what they do because of different causes, such as simple emotion, overconfidence, and many others causes So, Jeff Wise Wrote an essay about the general traps that the people do in their life. He feels that these traps may lead the people to die. In his essay “Deadly Mind Traps” He explained how the people do these traps without realization of what they do. He used different ways in order to support his essay, such as examples for each traps and what the researchers said about these traps. Also, the author gave solutions to how to avoid these kinds …show more content…

One of these ways is analysis, the author analysis the traps that the people fail into it in their daily life. When he talked about the domino effect he realized that “the domino effect results from deep-seated emotion: the need to help others” (para.7). He used the farmer example to show the people how the simple emotions lead them to die, and how the emotion to save other people lead them to go in order to save them without think about the effects of it. Also, he supported his examples from the professor Sian Beilock when he said “people lose the ability to think about the long-term consequences of their actions” So; this quotation supported the Wise evidence. Also, he realized that “We tend to avoid risk when contemplating potential gains but seek to avoid losses” (para12.). He used the balloon example to show the people the traps that they do every day, and he added another example to support his idea by explain how the people chose to accept the fifty- fifty chance of losing and decline to accept the certain loss. Also, he supported his examples from the professor Art Markman said “I always tell my students, if you’re tempted to go to Vegas, just write me a check instead” (para.13). So, this quotation supported the Wise

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