
Dean Of Admissions Essay

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The Office of Admissions in an integral component in the success of any institution of higher education. The main responsibilities of the admissions office are to recruit and admit quality students to the institution. The work of the admissions office does not stop there. Admissions personnel must work in concert with various other departments to provide services to the student population. After several years working in both admissions and student academic services, I have been offered a position as the Dean of Admissions. This position will be extremely challenging as there has been a forceful change a leadership. Shortly after beginning my new position, I learn that the department has been inadequately lead and staffed and the morale is almost non-existent. The office has been mismanaged for the past ten years. Admission goals have not been met and there is extremely high turnover amongst staff. In an effort to turn the admissions office around, I would devise a detailed plan the spells out how progress will be made. Murphy and Jentz suggest using reflective inquiry and action which is comprised of five steps: “1. embrace your confusion, 2. assert your need to make sense, 3. structures the …show more content…

My first priority is to learn as much about the institution as possible because this information will be used to generate a strategic plan for the admission’s office. Murphy and Jentz (2005) state, “entry requires that they build relationships with stakeholders and develop a process for learning, rather than reflexively focusing on tasks” (p. 738). I will create opportunities for open and honest communication amongst myself and vested parties to voice opinions and indicate areas of concern. Armed with this information I can begin to gain an overall understanding of the issues that need to be

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