The Office of Admissions in an integral component in the success of any institution of higher education. The main responsibilities of the admissions office are to recruit and admit quality students to the institution. The work of the admissions office does not stop there. Admissions personnel must work in concert with various other departments to provide services to the student population. After several years working in both admissions and student academic services, I have been offered a position as the Dean of Admissions. This position will be extremely challenging as there has been a forceful change a leadership. Shortly after beginning my new position, I learn that the department has been inadequately lead and staffed and the morale is almost non-existent. The office has been mismanaged for the past ten years. Admission goals have not been met and there is extremely high turnover amongst staff. In an effort to turn the admissions office around, I would devise a detailed plan the spells out how progress will be made. Murphy and Jentz suggest using reflective inquiry and action which is comprised of five steps: “1. embrace your confusion, 2. assert your need to make sense, 3. structures the …show more content…
My first priority is to learn as much about the institution as possible because this information will be used to generate a strategic plan for the admission’s office. Murphy and Jentz (2005) state, “entry requires that they build relationships with stakeholders and develop a process for learning, rather than reflexively focusing on tasks” (p. 738). I will create opportunities for open and honest communication amongst myself and vested parties to voice opinions and indicate areas of concern. Armed with this information I can begin to gain an overall understanding of the issues that need to be
Located in Northern California, near Palo Alto, Stanford University is a medium sized, private university with 16,000 students. It is often referred to as the “Ivy League of the West.” As the most selective college in the United States, Stanford accepts only 4.8% of the approximately 44,000 applicants, carefully selecting applicants that have the potential to be leaders in the future. Leaders such as John F. Kennedy (US President), Larry Page & Sergey Brin (co-founders of Google), and Elon Musk (Entrepreneur - best known for Tesla motors) are well known alumni of Stanford who have become extremely successful in their respective fields. When applying to Stanford one should consider the admissions criteria, tuition, and academic majors. Also, it is important to have academic support, understand the college’s demographics, and familiarize oneself with campus life.
1. “So if spitting in my face and threatening me saved Mayella Ewell one extra beating, that’s something I’ll gladly take.” (Lee 222)”
Duke University is a private research college located in Durham, North Carolina. It was founded by Methodists and Quakers in the present-day town of Trinity in 1838. But was moved to Durham in 1892. Today Duke is ranked as one of the the best ten top ten school in the country, ranked number eight. This well respected school has drawn many to apply due to their very exceptional academics, to their untouchable athletics program; from the fields to the courts, and most of all the beautiful eye catching campus.
When walking into the student center, the first department the student sees is the admissions office, the first stop in becoming a new student in the college. Admissions is responsible for keeping the records of all the students who are in a attendance, and answer questions the students have and help them fulfill their steps towards a degree. Having such responsibilities such as giving out GPA averages,
According to true colors I am a green. The twenty words that best describes me are analytical, calm, cool, investigative, strength, creative, strategic thinker, knowledgeable, visionary, enthusiastic, independent thinker, future focus, objective, tough minded, meaningless dialogue, emotional displays, subjective thinking, social function, challenging and flexible.
Methodist University was one of my top five schools when I started to apply for school. There were three important aspects to why I chose to attend Methodist University. The most important part aspect of going to Methodist was the education part, along side with the men’s lacrosse program and my girlfriend.
The diversity at Hofstra is commendable as people from all walks of life contribute to the intricate community at Union, which invariably is a learning curve for the student as the student is exposed to a dynamic environment. I am inspiring to apply to the Frank G. Zarb school of business. One of the main reasons why I am applying to Hofstra is the fact that very few schools offer the major of my choice – Accounting. Hofstra has one of the most renowned Accounting programs which are accredited from the AACSB as well, which attests to how well Hofstra prepares its graduates for today’s global business environment. The Frank G. Zarb business school has won many accolades and having award winning teachers under Hofstra’s belt, no doubt, Hofstra provides world class education. Having one of the largest and most technologically advanced academic facilities in the country, Hofstra provides its graduates with the most top notch education. Over 30,000 successful Zarb alumni, bestow invaluable connections leading to prestigious internships and full time positions. Moreover, when you are living in New York, a thousand opportunities are waiting for graduates just around the corner. Hofstra offers a vibrant campus with hundreds of social, academic, and cultural events per year. Offering dynamic programs with up to 200 student run organizations to provide a diverse college experience, Hofstra University enriches the student’s college experience beyond the classroom as well. With so much to offer, I envision myself at studying in
Although criticised openly, Atticus is respected throughout the town of Maycomb.There are very good reasons for this. He is insanely loving, he is very unselfish, and most importantly, he can see a situation from multiple points of view.
This is another formal email to appeal the rejection decision of Howard University's Department of Admissions for the Class of 2021.
During my almost two years of high school, I have earned outstanding grades throughout the turbulence of attending different schools in two different countries. Freshman year was a transition across the United States from the West to East Coast. However, even in the midst of struggling in a drastically new environment, I maintained a 4.0 GPA and received High Honors all four quarters. This year was an even bigger leap from the United States to Japan, but I have continued to maintain my high standard of work. This year, I have kept up a 4.0 GPA and was recognized on Principal’s Honor Roll. Overall, my outstanding academic work is remarkable because I have achieved high grades in all honors classes, all while facing new school environments each year and balancing sports and extracurriculars as well.
When I was three years old, I could be found standing on fountains at the local mall and putting on concerts for passers by. Now, at 18 years old, the same joy I felt singing in the middle of a mall is what I feel crafting stories on stage and pursuing a character’s truth. Throughout the years, theatre has been an immensely important creative outlet for me, and the confidence I have found on stage has translated in my real life, making me a stronger person. As I pursue higher education in this field, I am excited at the prospect of continuing my studies at the University of Michigan, and being able to take advantage of all the opportunities I am so passionate about.
My Mother and Father relocated from Costa Rica to New York City where they met got married and where I was born. When I was just two years old, always wanting the best for us, my father moved our family from New York City to Jacksonville, FL in search of a better paying job and the American dream so he could provide us with a better quality of life. To ensure we were always clothed and feed, my father sacrificed everything for us and worked long hours to do so. Though I did have a pronounced, safe and active upbringing the North Florida school system didn’t expect much from the Hispanics that were starting to move to the then small town; unfortunately since my parents worked so much they expected the school system
Since the time when I was little, my parents always encourage me to do the best, work hard, become educated and have a positive life style at a very young age. My earliest memories are that of reading interesting books because I love to read and do my science whiz experiments. However, I also had great interests in playing with Lego pieces and conducting fun chemistry games in my own tiny lab. It was a fun time for me; at least that’s how I recall it now. The only things I had to worry about were: what will I have for lunch today, which chemistry game or Lego pieces do I want to play with and my team winning the sports games I use to compete in.
Syracuse University is an outstanding place of higher education. It provides a diverse, stimulating, and exciting classroom, and one that truly teaches its students how to live a life of value. Syracuse’s level of diversity promotes understanding and tolerance in all, helping to eliminate racism and religious intolerance in its student body. Its stimulation helps to encourage its students to “always seek the light of truth,” as the words of the High School National Honor Society pledge echo. Students are always encouraged by the university to expand their knowledge, and to never stop learning. The feeling of enthusiasm on campus, provided not only in the classroom, but also through Syracuse’s wide selection of on-campus activities, such as Division I athletics, clubs, and service organizations, teaches students to seek opportunities to live a full and meaningful life. This is what I truly hope for my life, and Syracuse University can help me become
If someone asked me where I am going to be in ten years, this would be my answer. I will have a great, high-paying job, and beautiful wife and family, and a nice sports car parked in front of my lovely house. When I look into the future, I see myself being successful and happy. Even though I always pictured myself this way, I never worried too much about how I would get there. I feel the Suffolk University can lay the groundwork for making these dreams into reality.