
Dear White People Sociology

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After watching the film Dear White People, I was not entirely sure if I enjoyed the production or not. At first, I was not a fan of the movie, but about midway through I started appreciating it more. I think producer Justin Simien appropriately used satire in the film by almost ridiculing every cast member, not just focusing on someone who was heterosexual, black, white, or what socioeconomic class they came from. I am sure at different colleges and universities race relations exist. I personally have not experienced any type of negative race conflict here, at The College of New Jersey. To get the most obvious social identity portrayed in the film out of the way and perhaps the most critical to the production, race. It mainly focused on black, white, and mixed-race people. One character who I felt personally portrayed the black stereotype the most was the man who was interested in producing the television show, Helmut West. While he himself did not necessarily come off as a “typical” black male, whatever that may be, he tried to push black female stereotypes on Colandrea, more commonly known as Coco in the movie. To him, she was not ghetto enough for the role, and she tailored her personality to be what he needed in order to get what she wanted. While watching Coco transform herself to be what West …show more content…

While I feel there was not a lot of it the issue was still touched upon. In the scene when Troy and Sophia are walking up the stairs, they pass what I believe is the school store and Sam’s current boyfriend, Reggie is working it. There is banter exchanged between Troy and Reggie and at some point Troy says something along the lines of “You are just trying to fuck my leftovers.” To me, this was blatantly disrespectful to Sophia, Troy's current girlfriend, whom he was standing right next to. This also makes it seem as if Sam is just an object up for grabs, not a real human being with emotions, just something to

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