Death penalty, also referred to as capital punishment is a subject that is highly debatable and it always raises serious discussion. Most nations show a great split on the public’s opinion on death penalty. However, there are still a few countries that uphold it while others abolished it. Death penalty was employed in the ancient Greece by the Romans for a wide range of offences including murder, arson, rape and treason. It has also been sanctioned various times by some major religions in the world. However, death penalty is wrong and immoral. This essay describes why death penalty is wrong based on moral, psychological and social grounds. In conclusion, the essay gives an account of how different countries in the world abolished this immoral act. When considering death penalty on moral grounds, this sort of punishment is wrong because there is no individual who has the right to ultimately decide who dies or lives. This is according to one of the Ten Commandments from the Bible which states that no one should kill. However, most people argue that when an individual takes away another person’s life, they lose the right to live. …show more content…
Citizens may also be impressed by the strong stand by the government against the violent criminals. It would be wrong for people to think that because the government is killing prisoners, life is cheap. In a social perspective, authorities would like death penalty to work as a warning to the potential criminals. However, in different countries where death penalty is in use, the rate of murder is still high. Figures indicate that crime rates have indeed increased in countries that use death penalty as a
Is capital punishment justice? Capital punishment, also known as the death penalty, remains to be one of the most hotly debated issues in the justice system. This subject contains large gray areas concerning many aspects of what is we consider modern justice. Many wonder if such a punishment should be allowed in our modern society. The argument of this paper is to convince others that capital punishment and all that it entails is a practical and just form of delivering justice, providing both secular and religious explanations as to why the death penalty is just.
The legitimacy of the use of capital punishment has been tarnished by its widespread misuse , which has clouded our judgment regarding the justifiability of the death penalty as a punitive measure. However, the problems with capital punishment, such as the “potential error, irreversibility, arbitrariness and racial skew" , are not a basis for its abolition, as the world of homicide suffer from these problems more acutely. To tackle this question, one must disregard the currently blemished universal status quo and purely assess the advantages and disadvantages of the death penalty as a punitive measure. Through unprejudiced examination of the death penalty and its consequential impacts, it is evident that it is a punishment that effectively serves its retributive, denunciatory, deterrent, and incapacitative goals.
Should we put capital punishment to death? Nowadays In modern and civilized societies, its supporters have decreased in number considerably. Critics view the death penalty as inhumane and barbaric. Others says that is an unrealistic and romantic view ignores the basic human nature. This report will investigate what will happen if it is reintroduce. This report will look at how effective it is in performing its purpose which is to deter others and is it really the best decision for the economy in addition to the public opinion.
Capital Punishment is not a fair choice to do and it violates the human right to life. Everyone is born with the human right to life, even those who commit any type of crime; sentencing a person to death and executing them violates that right ( ). Just because a murderer killed someone, it does not mean their life should be taken away for punishment. It is generally accepted that people should not be punished for their actions unless they are guilty ( ). Whether the person is guilty is guilty or not they should not be given a deadly punishment. He inmates should just be locked up in prison and die from natural causes. When the prisoner becomes executed it is painful and cruel.
In this essay, I will argue for the implementation of the death penalty. I will establish a clear-cut profile for a criminal to be eligible for death row. I will put forth arguments for and against the death penalty as supported by various groups and try to defend my position. I shall also try to criticize the case against the death penalty with individual arguments. Finally, I will demonstrate that no alternative to capital punishment can be reached and try to convince you for its fairness. Despite ethical and moral concerns, the issue of capital punishment must not be dismissed without serious consideration and scrutiny.
4. Lack of Deterrence - The purpose of any punishment should be deterrence from repeating the same act. But, according to the statistics available, the death penalty has not been effective in controlling the homicide rate. The studies have revealed the shocking truth that executions actually increase the murder rate. That means the capital punishment does not deter violent crime. According to a New York Times study, the last 20 years witnessed 48% homicide rate in states with the implementation of capital punishment compared to 23% in the states without capital punishment.
Imagine Sierrah coming to court and hearing the judge say she is sentence to die. Imagine waking up every day in a cell waiting to die. There are no contact visits and she is in a cell 23 hours of the day by herself. She wait on death row for two decades until finally her day of execution comes. The guard comes up to cell twenty eight and says it’s time to go and takes her to the death house. She gets the last meal and says final goodbyes before being strapped to a gurney and asked to say her very last words. Family slowly watches her die and soon they take the body to prison cemetery. So, is the death penalty right for America? There have been people that were convicted of a crime they did not do. Innocent
Many call the death penalty inhumane, and a large number of countries no longer execute criminals. However, the U.S. has kept capital punishment because it deters criminals from committing murders that place them in the position of the death penalty. However, the death penalty is wrong. No one deserves to have their life taken away by another human, even if they are guilty of murder.
Capital Punishment is defined by the legal authorization to kill someone as a punishment for a crime ( The death penalty is an inhumane form of punishment that dates back to the fifth century B.C. While the death penalty used to be administered in unthinkable ways such as tearing people from limb to limb, tar and feathering, being boiled alive and even forced to drink boiling metals; it has evolved overtime as lethal injection and electrocution ( Although the way that the death penalty is done has changed to more modern times, it is still just as the definition reads as killing someone, and that is still wrong for many reasons.
The man, that hasn’t done anything wrong, is put to death. Convicted for the killing three people he didn’t even know but, yet they still believe it was him. Though there was very little evidence. Before the man was strapped to the gurney he mumbles a few simple words “ I thank,you mother. For giving me the life that I have lived.” within a few minutes the man is dead from three doses of three different substance.The man accepted his fate. This year let alone six states killed people on death row with Texas killing the most, thirteen people. The US sees it as a way to get rid of the criminals who have destroyed everyone hopes and dreams, but the way some people see it is more sentimental. The way they believe is that the will pay for their
The death penalty is a topic where many will come to a disagreement. In one hand, some may feel that it brings no closure to families of victims. In the other hand, there’s people who can testify to feeling or wanting to feel closure with the person who hurt their loved one dead. In some places, there’s evidence of the deterrent theory to be true and to not be true. Also, there’s facts that state that the death penalty violates human rights but at the same time, there’s facts that state that it saves lives. Lastly, there’s evidence that justice is and isn’t served when it comes down to the death penalty. There’s good and bad when it comes to the death penalty, closure or no closure, crime rates go lower or higher, and justice is either served
The death penalty has been a very controversial issue . Death sentences are usually handed out to people who have been found guilty of capital crimes. However it is not so easy to consider death penalty as an easy way to punish the guilty . If the death penalty is to condemn it does not that the guilty party should be released or allowed sympathy . It would defeat the purpose, as it would be using violence to counter violence. How can we tell if a Man/Woman convicted for murder is really guilty.
Capital punishment is beneficial to the community. It provides the society with a sense of security. The death penalty contains a positive influence on the future. A heavily debated topic is, “Does capital punishment deter people more than a life sentence to prison?” An explanation on why will be covered later. An issues many people have with capital punishment, is when it is just or not just. This is a topic many stray away from, because it is difficult to decide. Finding the right consequence for an action is difficult. While this paper is for the use of capital punishment, it is clearly not needed for every crime, or even every murder. Overusing capital punishment, such as using it for every murder, will negatively impact the country, and not using it has the same effect.
Capital punishment is most evident and controversial when the state convicts and kills an individual when they have used violence within a certain territory therefore committing a capital crime. In the majority of countries around the world, the law permits the state to impose a lifelong confinement but withholds the authority to take a life. Currently, in 109 countries, the death penalty in law or practice is rejected while 86 retain and use the death penalty but most do not practice capital punishment on a regular basis. Furthermore, in a ten-year span, between 1990 and 2001, over 30 countries abolished this cruel mode of punishment and nations are continuously deciding the state should not have the right to take a persons life. The death penalty should be abolished because it violates human beings right to life and it is a biased and unfair procedure that racially and socially discriminates minorities and the poor. Although many support the death penalty, punishment leading to death is not the answer signifying retributivism and deterrence may seem appealing but are not the most favourable systems. Therefore, rehabilitation is the most effective technique benefitting both the individual and society.
The concept of the death penalty is one of the most debated issues from then until now. Stearman (2008) defines death penalty as the government action, which takes someone’s life as a punishment for wrongdoing. In the legal system, the death penalty is commonly known as the capital punishment, which is derived from the Latin language, meaning “lose your head and you lose your life” (Stearman, 2008). It is considered the most extreme punishment that a government can utilize on its citizens. In the history, there are several societies throughout the world that utilized death penalty, especially as their last option in a small number of cases. There are two opposing sides shared by people who support and oppose the death penalty even though not all crimes are punishable.