Introduction Browsing down a Facebook page, I see pictures and statuses of Husker football, University of Nebraska-Omaha Hockey, Nebraska’s State Fair, supporting veterans, agriculture, and plenty of help that is provided for those who want or need it. This is a true Nebraskan’s Facebook page. There is 1.882 million people in Nebraska, so it could possibly be any one (Nebraska). Looking closely at the posts, I see statuses about what is going on in Washington D.C., and pictures of a woman Senator traveling around places and talking with constituents. This lady looks so familiar and I realize I should know who it is, so I scroll to the top and see that it is Deb Fischer’s official Facebook page. (Deb Fischer, Facebook) From above, you can tell that I chose to follow is Deb Fischer. There were many reasons why I chose to follow Deb Fischer. A few of those were that she cared strongly about health care, is a female, and owns her own ranching business. My life is mainly composed of those three things so I wanted to follow somebody that had a concern greater …show more content…
A recent example of something that Fischer has publicized about is Russia’s role in Syria. The United States involvement in the Middle East is not something that we can mess with, so it is a very serious topic. This article discusses Russia’s role in Syria and what Fischer thinks about their involvement. Not wanting a world war to break out, Fischer is concerned that Russia is gaining leadership in an area that they should not be. Instead the American leadership needs to step up because we can better the Syria situation. As quoted in the article “Lack of American leadership (has opened) a vacuum that is being filled by a country that should not be a leader in that area.” (Walton) I am not a person that likes to be informed on what is internationally going on, but hearing that Russia is a threat in an area where we would be in better control, concerns
On August 24, 2015 at approximately 6:40 pm. Officer responded to shots fird complaint in the North Mclemore and Lark Street area. Officer loacated two subjects that had been shot and two otheer subjects uninjured.One subject (Cedrick Person) had been fatally wounded from multiple gun shots. The other injured subject was his son (Marquis Person) had what appeared to be a single gunshot wound in the shoulder area. The shooting stemed from an altercation that occurred earilier that same day. After further investigationg the case, investigaters learned that Lakendrick Deberry was possibly the shooter in this incident. Arrest warrats were issued for Lakendrick Deberry for !st Degree Homicide, Attempted !st Degree Homicide and possessing a firearm
Food security case study analysis Donna Miller is an 83-year-old Caucasian woman and friend from church, living in South Western Sydney. She is retired and is living on her pension, with her accommodation provided by the Housing Commission. Donna is a lower-class citizen who lives alone in a small apartment in a low socioeconomic area. Despite this, public transport, recreational parks and local grocery stores are accessible and within walking distance (1). She lacks familial support as her family dwells in Queensland and suffers from mental health issues.
This worker met Ms. January Hollins in the children hospital. Privacy practices and Tennessen notices were reviewed and signed. The interview was recorded.
1. There are a few boundary issues that need to be addressed. The social worker developed a personal relationship with Bea. Bea was in need of additional income, she wanted to find a female to rent her spare room to. The social worker had a friend, “a woman who might be interested” renting the room (Hoffman, & St. Clair, 2003, p. 46). She asked for permission to let her friend know of the room, asking to releasing Bea’s information was appropriate. The boundary issue is that the social worker should have not even offered her friend as an option to rent the room. This situation becomes a conflict of interest and cross the boundaries of social worker and client (NASW, 2008, p. 7). In addition to this situation the social worker admitted to having
What makes all of America concerned about President Trump. The relationship between President Trump and many citizens is shaky. This makes Leonhardt question why President Trump helps with his campaign when those people had a limited role in his success. Leonhardt questioned, "Do you remember Paul Manafort, the chairman of Trump's Champaign, who ran the crucial delegate-counting operation?” Leonhardt did not ask this question on accident. Leonhardt purposefully asked the question to answer it. The question interacts with his audience, which in effect guides one reading his editorial in the direction he wants one to think about President Trump. Leonhardt wanted to emphasize how Trump is a hypocrite. There is no way that Trump won his election by himself without much help, establishing an irritated angry tone. Leonhardt also adds a rhetorical questions by Adam Schiff in which Schiff asks, "Is it possible that all of these events and reports are completely unrelated, and nothing more than an entirely unhappy coincidence?" The rhetorical question means is that can the suspicious ties and encounters between Trump and Putin seriously be a fluke? Maybe; but nonetheless, Leonhardt incorporates this rhetorical question into his editorial even though he did not say it because it is not a coincidence. If it looks like a duck, sounds like a duck, and smells like a duck, then that mysterious animal is a duck. The rhetorical question has an implied answer of maybe; however, the purpose of that rhetorical question is to further guide one reading his editorial in the direction Leonhardt wants his audience to think. Leonhardt does not trust President Trump and he wants everyone to understand why. President Trump is playing the hide and seek game, but it is not the same game children play. It is the game every lying president has
The claimant testified that she does not like to be around and is fearful of people. She shops when there are only a few people in the store. She does not have any friends or a significant other. She has to write things down to remember them. She went to psychiatric inpatient treatment in March of 2018 for four days. She has irregular sleep patterns, nightmares, and is “jumpy”. She sees a psychiatrist, Dr. Tsui, for mental health treatment and sees a counselor one to two times a week. She has plantar fasciitis, a bunion, and nerve damage. She is scheduled to have injections in her feet. She gets nerve blocks for pain in her back, which lessens the pain. She gets steroid shots for bursitis in her right hip. She has been diagnosed
One hundred senators represent the United States of America, but one in particular has received a surprising amount of attention. Elizabeth Warren is serving out her first term as a senator, but many consider her one of the most significant democratic figures of the current time. She toured with Hillary Clinton during her 2016 presidential campaign and was featured on Saturday Night Live. Several media organizations write stories in her favor. Despite the media’s mistakes, they have rightfully portrayed Elizabeth Warren. Her effectiveness as a senator has earned respect of people and co-workers. However, Elizabeth Warren has gained negative coverage due to one scandal. Despite this issue, Elizabeth Warren has accomplished numerous goals and set a lasting precedent on the nation despite her past challenges.
In “Questing for Monsters to Destroy,” John Mueller, an American political scientist, says American policymakers put “a truly massive emphasis on exquisite theorizing and on defense expenditures,” because these policymakers, “became mesmerized by perceived threats that scarcely warranted the preoccupation and effort,” of actual military action (p 117). He argues that American decision makers constantly saw Russia’s actions as bigger threats than they really were and acted accordingly, which resulted in the U.S. spending money and troops to fight wars they should have never been involved in.
I picked Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz because she enjoyed writing and so do I. I don’t like to write plays, like her, but I like to write about other things. She was a women’s right activist and wrote a play called “Hombres Necios” (“Foolish Men”). It was about men behaving rudely against women. I’m no women’s right activist, but I do believe we all should be equal in every aspect. We women should have the right to get an education and get the same wages as men in all jobs. As she famously said, “One can perfectly well philosophize while cooking supper,”
In Shortcomings, Adrian Tomine writes about Ben Tanaka’s relations with women, indirectly commenting on relationship between different races. An overarching theme through the novel is the gendered double standard that Ben holds when it comes to an Asian person's relations with white women versus white men. A double standard is defined by Merriam Webster as: “a set of principles that applies differently and usually more rigorously to one group of people or circumstances than to another; especially: a code of morals that applies more severe standards of sexual behavior to women than to men” (“Double Standard”). The second half of this definition is the most relevant part of our analysis of Ben. When Ben visits Miko in New York after she moves, he’s upset when he sees her on the arm of someone he assumes to be a white man despite having been with a white woman himself. This double standard that Tomine portrays reflects both Ben’s own perspectives and his inability to see past gender and race. Another important aspect to keep in mind is the use and danger of fetishization as talked about in Shortcomings. A fetish, according to Merriam-Webster, is: “An object or bodily part whose real or fantasized presence is psychologically necessary for sexual gratification and that is an object of fixation to the extent that it may interfere with complete sexual expression” (“Fetish”). The most important part of this definition is the second half, as Ben’s fixation on white women interferes with his sexual expression. Shortcomings emphasizes double standards and fetishizations through the repeated illustrations of women and through a comparison to Alice’s lesbian relationship to prove why Ben treats women in the book the way he does.
Hillary Clinton has tried her hardest to become an internet sensation among the youth by paying for Buzzfeed articles, making Star Wars references during debates, and doing the “Nae Nae” on live TV. Rather than rallying around her, her target audience has actually ridiculed her for it. In her quest to become a meme, Clinton's campaign neglected the fact that those who are capable of voting are over 18 and would rather hear about her policy than how much she loves Beyonce. She failed at identifying with her audience and showing them that she understands their needs and expectations.
Aware of the need for action more visible than diplomatic maneuvering and concerned with the
There are environmental and internal factors that could have an impact on a student’s behavior. Students with challenging behaviors are communicating to their teachers that their needs are not being met and something is not right. This communication is often in the form of problem behaviors.
“When in Rome…………” This is something heard often. This refers to the massive power the Roman empire had for almost 2 centuries. During that time, Rome went through successive leadership within the Caesar family. These leaders were in a position to gain extremely important war victories. These victories significantly impacted Rome and Rome’s surrounding countries economically, socially, and politically for many years to come.
In the aftermath of this year’s presidential election which has baffled liberal voters and politicians alike, Democratic senators from across the country assembled in the home of Washington’s Democratic senator Heidi Heitkamp to discuss and debate how the Democratic Party failed to appeal to both consistent and moderate liberal voters. There were criticisms to Hillary Clinton’s narrow focus on social issues and that the National Party has overlooked the American voter’s best interest in rebuilding the economy. As many Democratic leaders agree that this adjustment to the platform should not sacrifice the party’s stands on issues such as abortion and gun rights, they do believe there must be changes to its