
Deborah Tannen Women Are Unmarked

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In the following, Deborah Tannen who is a Professor at Georgetown University says, that “women are marked and men are unmarked”(130-135). This explains how women are being discriminated as marked due to women’s traits, and that men are unmarked because they do not have discrimination traits. The term “marked” means it is a staple that relates to the way language is being said. Women are marked in ways, such the appearance a woman has and having certain titles. Women are criticized each and everyday just by how they are dressed. For example, if a woman wears a tight dress and heels, it sends out a message to men who believe that women are looking for attention. However, if women wear nonsexual clothes that sends a message to her to think about how she could be attractive. Tannen states, “If her clothes are not sexy then that sends a message, lent meaning by the knowledge that they could have been”(133). This is saying that if women see others dressed up, then it makes them think how they as an individual can be like the sexy women. When it …show more content…

Women should not be discriminated by what title she carries because it is her life and no her choices. The form typically has four slots on which an individual's defines a title. If a woman checks herself as “Mrs.” they are known as a married woman. Although women's identities are taken from them once they are married; although, women become less valuable due to her husband has taking over his wife’s name. If they check “miss’ then that means a women has a conservative her valve of being an independent women. Now, if a woman checks “Ms” that shows that woman has been married and has divorce declining to be married, which is known as marked. If women decide to not take her husband's name, then that makes the woman marked. Titles for woman can be known as marked because each title criticise a woman's

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