It is more detrimental to wear a mask. People who hide their true identities usually end up getting caught. Getting caught can result in trust issues, jail time, hurt feelings, and much more. Not staying true to themselves hurts them and others around them. Despite the fact that some may disagree, faking how people truly are can lead themselves to fame and fortune, but they will never be true to themselves and to others. They will have consequences handed to them for the masks they wore. People always find a way to unmask the lies and find out the truth. A loving father receives a letter from his young daughter as he walks to school with her. In the video, the daughter writes a letter to her dad about his mask. She says that her dad acts like he has everything under control, but he doesn't. He rushes to job interviews and doesn't get them. He struggles to make money (My Dad’s Story). The father has no one to express his pain with. He keeps his thoughts inside, causing a great deal of stress when he is alone. People should never hide feelings that cause them great pain. Staying true to themselves would do them good. Another con of …show more content…
In the poem, We Wear the Masks, the poet wrote about what we hide and why we hide it behind the mask. In the poem, it states, “We wear the mask that grins and lies,It hides our cheeks and shades our eyes--This debt we pay to human guile:With torn and bleeding hearts we smile, And mouth with myriad subtleties”(Dunbar). Dunbar wanted to explain that we hide or give distort vibes when showing our emotions or feelings to others. Some hide themselves and their true feelings behind their mask, people lie to loved ones, people shove their hurt feelings out the door when it comes to showing them. People wear masks usually, but that doesn't exactly mean it's okay to wear
Throughout the essay “Our secret” by Susan Griffin, Griffin talks about a few characters’ fears, secrets and she gives us insights into these “secrets”. Griffin comes to realize her own secrets and fears by examining others. She relates to a few of the characters such as Himmler, Leo, Helene and everyone else even though she is different than all of them. The only thing that all of these characters have in common is that they all represent human emotion. Susan Griffin reveals that everyone has a hidden side to them and anything being showed on the outside could be fake or a false representation of themselves. “I think of it now as a kind of mask, not an animated mask that expresses the essence of an inner truth, but a mask that falls like dead weight over the human face.” (Griffin 237) This quote explains what she means about secrets being the barrier to others’ feelings and having this mask hides what you really feel on the inside.
Paul Laurence Dunbar’s “We Wear the Mask” depicts the world as a deceitful one. It shows society as one that often hides behind things to prevent reality from showing. It gives examples of how people attempt to hide their feelings and illuminates what is actually happening inside of them. The author uses symbolism, sound qualities, and figurative language to support the theme of people hiding their true self from the world.
Sometimes things are not as they seem. People often choose to hide their true self in hopes to protect themselves from the wrath of others.
One way masking is beneficial is saving people’s lives. Specifically, in Alex Rider: The Story of an Assassin, Yassen Grevovich concealed his identity to make it to the train without being killed. The text says, that Yassen’s town was destroyed by the government for an unknown reason. He was the only one that escaped from his town. Everything else was demolished completely by bombs. His parents, friends, and family were killed. Nothing was left in him but himself. He was lucky enough to make it to town, but he had nowhere to go. He decided the first thing he will do is get out of Russia. After what seemed like an eternity, he made it to the train stations. He was about to walk inside, until he saw a lot of security guards inside. He knew clearly
The poem We Wear the Masks by Paul Dunbar is an example of how people hide their feelings due to what others think of them. Like in the book To Kill a Mockingbird, the colored people in town are stereotyped due to their color and looks. The poem states, “We wear the mask that grins and lies, it hides our cheeks and shades our eyes” (Dunbar). When people are stereotyped they hide their feelings to make others happy. Wearing the mask is a symbol of how people cover themselves to get away from their feelings.
In the novel The Hate U Give by Angie Thomas and the poem “We Wear the Mask” by Paul Dunlap, the authors highlight how hiding one’s own identity comes with consequences. For example, in We Wear the Mask, by Paul Laurence Dunbar, the author shares his frustrating experience of having to wear a mask and hide who he is. For example, in the first stanza, the author writes, “We wear the mask that grins and lies,” and that “it hides our cheeks and shades our eyes” (1-2). Here, the author is saying how people put on a happy appearance to hide how they truly feel. However, putting on a mask to cover how you feel is a problem because it results in no change for the better.
Determined to find exactly what altered masks can do to an identity, an experiment involving 18 female college students and a clinical trainee was conducted. Gergen’s intentions were to “find the factors of an individual’s choice
A mask is a covering for all or parts of the face, worn as a disguise, or to abuse or terrify other people (merriam Webster n.p). In the novel The Great Gatsby, Scott Fitzgerald use mask like a covering to hide each characters true emotions. Even today the use of mask can be found on just average people. A mask, we’ve all worn them for a variety of reasons, whatever it may be. It disguises who we are for at least a moment and can bring a sense of continuation for the time being. In this novel, the masks used by the author are most evident on three of the main characters, Myrtle, Daisy, and Jay Gatsby. They are looking for something else, because what they have just isn’t enough. We often wear masks to disguise who we are for a moment and
Different people put on a different mask depending on what “part” they are playing . Whether that be with peers, friends, teachers or parents you change because of the surroundings. Masks make you feel untouchable while you wear them, but when you take the mask off you feel monstrous about the acts committed while wearing your disguise. The power masks hold cannot be explained, they can turn the innocent into the barbaric. Masks have been worn throughout history. A good example is the German Nazi Swastika that symbolizes World War Two. The Nazi’s Swastika resembles their mask of genocide, deception, and tragedy. They wore this on their left arm and felt domination. They did not feel remorse for the inhumane acts they committed while hiding behind “their masks.” Once the war had completed, many Germans felt disgrace for their actions. The novel Lord of the Flies, by William Golding was published at about the same time World War Two was occurring. Golding took ideas from the annihilation of the war and put it into the context of his story. Some of his ideas were inspired from the cruelty of war. William Golding was a British novelist, playwright, and poet known for his award winning book Lord of the Flies, published in 1954. In Lord of the Flies, most of the boys abandoned the civilized society they had always lived, and resorted to being savages.
This really captures the idea of mask because I was fake and didn't show my true feelings. The opening line of your poem very much demonstrates this idea when you write, "we wear the mask that grins and lies"(1). I say this because I hid behind my veil and, "starched and ironed" my face
An Analysis of “We Wear the Mask” In a world where pain is mocked, and genuine kindness is ridiculed, members of our society have grown to feel that it is necessary to hide, and create false images to protect our inner selves. Paul Laurence Dunbar’s poem, “We Wear the Mask”, uses strategic iambic tetrameter as well as symbolism to emphasis and display the natural man’s tendencies to hide behind metaphorical masks. In his poem, Dunbar uses imagery that allows the reader to visualize the person hiding behind the mask.
But because everyone has different feelings, you are neglecting other people.Some people have the exact opposite problem of wearing a social mask. You probably know some of them.In fact, you probably know way too much about them. These are the people who share every detail of their lives with you, even if you don’t know them well. For example, in the book fatal flower the girl wanted to be pretty so she had someone cast a spell that would make her pretty, but then guards started looking for the pretty girls because the king of the village needed a heart so they chose all of the pretty girls for their hearts. This is why is say masks are harmful but they can still be beneficial at times like I
Everyone wears a mask at some point, some of us are just better at hiding it. In the book “The Great Gatsby” by F. Scott Fitzgerald many challenges are being faced. Many fake people are being discovered. Lying is a common aspect faced for many decades to hide what we don’t want others to know to gain or keep their respect/reputation . Gatsby, Daisy, and Myrtle all wear masks to try and hide their superficiality so that people can like them.
I believe for myself it depends on the situation that I’m in. Of Course I couldn’t show my Vulnerability for everyone, but only for selected people in my life. Because my Vulnerability is what makes me unique from others. In my life, I use the mask in different ways situation. For instance, I could use the mask to show my family that I’m feeling well fine and I’m great, but in real something is hurting me inside. A person can’t stop hiding vulnerability and don’t use masks, because then all people would know everything about him/her and he/she won’t have any privacy in their lives. Another way that I could use a mask for example, if I hate a someone and I really want to treat him badly, but I can’t, because he is close to me. In this type of
In conclusion, people covering their identities due to social pressure destroy authenticity. Authenticity is important because originality is what enables people to maintain their lifestyle and behaviors, and if we lose authenticity means we lose true parts in ourselves. However, People are in a conflictive situation that covering themselves sometimes makes them feel uncomfortable and dissatisfied but they choose to be unauthentic not only because of the social pressure but also because of the benefits that inauthenticity brings to them. Being unauthentic might not be a total bad thing. It helps people fluid in the society to a certain extend. However, what we need to be aware of is that not to lose our authenticity too much when trying to