Signing of the Declaration of Independents.
I think that the signing of the Declaration of Independents is the most famous and well known events in history. It captures all that they wanted to accomplish as a nation into one, they were declaring their freedom. Through the hard working years, that is all they wanted was freedom from the British and to become their own independent country. The signatures were marking and stating that we are independent and we are all in this together and there is nothing you can do to stop us. I believe that the signing of the Declaration of Independents was the most important event in US history.
On September 11, 2001 is a very known and sad date for every american. On this day four different terrorist planes hit the largest buildings, the twin towers were 50,000 people work. When this happened everybody had to not become selfish and needed to help one another. After this took place many people died and were
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He talked about many different things during this speech. The things most remembered or classified as the most important was jobs, racism and freedom. This is the most important speech ever in United States history. Because the way it made the people open their eyes and really believe and act on what he is talking about. He used many details and examples to exclaim that he is right and that every person should have an opportunity to shine and to show that they are just like everyone else and color of skin should not matter. Everyone was so impressed and happy with the way he used his words with confidence yet also was straight to the point. After this speech affected many lives and ways people lives, more adventurous. By just one speech would have affected the history of those individual speeches so much and have an effect on not just him but on everyone around him and for the history of the United
September 11th, 2001 have affected and changed many Americans. After the “terrorist” (The reason why I have put terrorist in quotes because I believe that the 9/11 was an inside
The US Constitution, The Declaration of Independence as well as the Letter to the Danbury Baptist are not just historical documents, but some of if not the most important documents of the history of our nation. Although, similar in many facets the intentions and the goal pursued by each highlight their individuality. The fact that the Declaration of Independence was the first to be implemented and signed is of significant importance as it set the pace and put in motion the proceeding documents that followed. Ultimately, my goal is to not only show their comparisons or where they may contrast, but to highlight what makes these documents profound and therefore still relative and valid even today.
September 11th, 2001. A painful date in American history that impacted the entire world, and yet therefore brought forth multiple speeches to give the people hope once again. All of which used many strategies to achieve this needed reaction. Of these many speeches, there are two in particular that will be focused on now; President Bush's and Prime Minister Blair's.
In this essay I will talk about an article called “ The Declaration Of Independents ” You Should know what the Declaration of Independents is about but if you do not know, it’s about our “rights” written down so we know them. They talk about the rights you have but in more details.I don’t believe that the Declaration of Iindependence is there to argue a side or make a point. It’s there so that people are aware of what the government and themselves are allowed to do as a Citizen of the United States. Them stating rights can’t make The Declaration of Independence less important because it is important. The emotion and or desire in the declaration is to speak that the Citizens of the United States are the main priority as it states “ We hold
July 4th, 1776, the final text of the Declaration of Independence was approved by congress and later signed on August 2nd, 1776 by John Hancock. The Declaration of Independence marks the beginning of U.S. History because it speaks of human rights and a new style of government that were revolutionary for their time. The Declaration radically proclaimed that each of the colonists was filled with rights like equality and freedom. This was an idea that simple that had not been practiced before.
The Declaration of Independence is one of the most famous documents in the history of the United States of America. It helped the colonists declare independence from Great Britain and King George III. It is one of the documents that has made our country what it is today. Without the Declaration many things would be different. After reading this I hope you are able to see what these great men went through to make America’s founding document.
The Declaration of Independence is one of the most remarkable documents of the United States of America. The elaborate document contains almost fourteen-hundred words including a basic structure divided into two parts and within the two divided parts contains four main ideas within seven components. The declaration is not just any standard written document; it is a work of art painted by colonists who are driven by rage because of King George III of Great Britain injustices’ toward the colonies. This exemplifies that colonists took control and took part in creating the Declaration of Independence by voicing their opinions, hoping to acquire the freedom they deserve, “through time, to come together in one place, in one time, and in one
What happened on September 11th, 2001? A day that will be remembered and never forgotten, a day that many innocent people died because of a terrible tragedy that happened on September 11th, 2001 at the World Trade Center in New York City. To many people it probably just looked like another regular work day, but didn’t expect the worst that day. On September 11, 2001, nearly 3,000 people were killed in the terrorist attacks at the World Trade Center in New York City (”11 facts about 9/11”). September 11 was one of the saddest days in history. September 11, 2001 was the day that changed the world, and affected the US. People on those building s known as the twin towers weren’t only Americans but people of every
September 11, 2001, the start of terrorism in The United States, and the end of innocence in our lives. Some of us are lucky to never know the fright of that horrid day. For others though, the events that transpired on September 11 will live on forever in their memory.
In 1776, the Continental congress elected that Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, Roger Sherman, and Robert R. Livingston help write what many now know today to be The Declaration of Independence. The whole point of this document being written was to declare to Great Britain and King George III that the British colonies in North America would no longer be a part of Great Britain, but rather of their own free states, thus creating the United States of America and declaring independence from Great Britain. Because of what The Declaration of Independence stood for, it has been regarded highly throughout American
The Declaration of Independence brought America its independence, and it self, as well as our constitution. The declaration of independence had many positive effects on America. The Declaration of Independence is the usual name of a statement adopted by the Continental Congress on July 4, 1776. This stated that the thirteen American colonies, called themselves the thirteen newly independent sovereign states, and that they were no longer a part of the British Empire. Instead of staying in the British Empire, they formed a new nation; the United States of America. Many people wanted independence, but John Adams really believe in and pushed for independence. America’s independence was approved on July 2, 1776. A committee of five had already wrote a draft of the declaration, so it was ready when Congress voted on independence. The term "Declaration of Independence" is not used in the document itself, but is explained and perceived.
The speech “I have a dream” changed to world. It affected millions of American citizens. All of this was because his well written speech. This shows how important it is to put some tough into the speech instead of
The Declaration of Independence shows the strength of character of the American people and stands up for what is correct, freedom. As the document mentions grievances against King George III it contains proof of this trait in our founders. The Declaration reads “He has dissolved representative houses repeatedly for opposing, with manly firmness, his invasions on the right of the people”, and our founders were not going to stand for this invasion as they declared their freedom based on what they knew was right. The signees sacrificed, in many cases all that they had, to stand up for their values showing their great strength of character. Richard Stockton a member of the New Jersey delegation is a great example of the sacrifices those men made. The British captured his mansion and used it as one of their headquarters. When they left the British burned all of his personal items, including his library, personal papers and furniture. Then in November 1776 a traitor led the British to Stockton’s hideout where he was captured and jailed in NYC until Congress worked out his release. Joseph Hewes from North Carolina is another that sacrificed what he had to sign Declaration. He was a big part of the of the decision to cut off all imports and exports with the British. As a man whose fortune was built on trade he knew that it would ruin his wealth but made the sacrifice for what he knew was right. Additionally, we see the sacrifices made by what happened to William Hooper of North Carolina and William Floyd of New York. Both had their homes ransacked by the British with Hooper fleeing from Wilmington and not reuniting with his family until after and war and Floyd escaping to Connecticut but was left homeless for the remainder of the war. These are just some of the sacrifices made by the signees of out Declaration of Independence as they showed their great character by standing up for what
One of the horrific days in history happened on September 11, 2001, in New York. It was a day when the United States mourned the loss of lives destroyed by a horrendous act of hatred. Many were lost,
September 11, 2001 was a very tragic day but at the same time a very heart shaping experience. The men and women who ran into burning building trying to help the helpless had great courage and personal honor. Every person that had been hurt or killed during this horrific ordeal were rescued and treated as needed. The fallen rescuers did not even think of their own lives, just the people who needed the help. The personal honor that drives a man to search for up to 18 hours straight, looking for any sign of life, honors those lost, and honors his country.