
Decline Of Mayan Culture Essay

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Ultimately the Spanish were not the main reason for the extinction of Mayan culture. The reason for the Mayans demise was put on themselves with overpopulation that lead to the over use in and a decline in resources such as animals, water, and tools that were used for hunting. Other problems the Mayans had were environmental issues like deforestation and soil erosion which eventually hurt their crop growth. These were the problems that lead to the demise of the Mayan Empire. Conquistadors Hernando Cortez Francisco Pizarro and conquered the Aztec and Inca empires respectively. With their advances in war tactics, guns, and disease that both empires were not immune to figuratively wiped out the entire civilization. This leaves the Mayan Empire …show more content…

The cycle of deforestation causing an increase in temperatures and less rainfall resulting in less crop production continued. Since the Mayans were very mobile with hunting animals they were accustomed to not bringing food back to the civilization if they could not find any. Eventually finding animals to hunt became more and more difficult with every hunt they ventured on. The animals were also involved with the climate change the Mayans had unknowingly started. If the animals they hunted could not find food they would go off and find some, and with the animals relocating food became …show more content…

Constant civil wars and aggression amongst its own people have been considered. “Early Maya went to war mainly to acquire territory, take booty, control conquered groups for labor, take captives for sacrifice in sanctification rituals or a combination of these”, says Dr. Linda Schele, a Maya scholar at the University of Texas.” Major Mayan city’s trying to establish their dominance and become the most powerful city-state in the Mayan Empire could have led to political issues within the

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