
Decolonization Is Not A Metaphor Analysis

Decent Essays

Fahad Alabrahim
Response 5


Article 1:

The article “Decolonization Is Not a Metaphor” by Eve Tuck and Wayne Young address the falsifying use of the term “decolonization.” The latter is a term that is extensively used in social justice rhetoric. Tuck and Wayne argue that decolonization means the return of land and life to the original peoples, however, its rhetoric use in societies, schools and education has made the term lose its significant and initial meaning. The authors show that colonization is built upon relationships of settlers, natives and slaves. For example, the authors mention, “ Colonialism is marked by its specializations. In North American and other settings, settler sovereignty imposes sexuality, legality, raciality, language, religion and property in specific ways” (Tuck & Wayne, page 21).

Also, the authors argue that the metaphorization of decolonization serves the white as an evasion and moves to innocence, which the authors believe is problematic because the settlers attempt to make up with their guilt and complicity (Tuck & Wayne, page 3). The metaphorization of decolonization permits the white to take away his own guilt from his action by utilizing the term to their …show more content…

the climate” by Naomi Klein addresses the issue of climate change and its relation to Capitalism. Klein’s general argument is that climate change and environmental crises cannot be addressed from a Capitalist perspective because the latter advocates for wasteful consumption, which result in serious problems in the climate and the environment in general. Klein argues that human intelligence through scientific findings and technological development is capable of finding ways to protect the environment (Kelin, page 22). Klein offered solutions, which are “reviving and Reinventing the Public Sphere,” “remembering how to plan,” “Reigning in Corporation,” “relocalizing production,” “ending the cult of shopping,” and “taxing the rich and

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