
Deep Meaning Of Literacy Essay

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The Deep Meaning Behind Literacy When I first started this course, I was very interested about what literacy exactly meant and when I was younger, personally I had a lot of troubles with literacy. What do you think when you think of Literacy? Reading? Writing? Well, let me tell you my definition of it is the study of writing and reading. During this course so far, we have read a lot of articles about the good and bad of literature and how geography, family and the community influence a lot of it.

Something in my opinion that influences literature from young readers are parents. From my personal experiences my mom was the one who always read over my essays and she always read my books to me when I was younger because in my school it was hard …show more content…

As a reader of this essay, I hope you have your own definition of literacy and what you think of it. From my personal experience, I think the most important thing to remember about literacy is everybody goes their own pace and so many teachers and educators need to think about that. The best thing that made an impact on me was my IEP because it helped me to read and write more. Pertaining to family and community literacy study and how I have impacted from that has been from my experiences is being raised in a family that has influenced me to do well in all of my studies. My different communities have helped too but it is also geography that falls into me being a different reader and writer because of how I moved so much and different teachers have taught me different things. I think the biggest that has impacted my literature and academic literature in general was coming to the University of Arizona. This University has taught me so much about writing and reading because so many professors tell you interesting things. To wrap this paper up, this has been the biggest impact on me and I hope in the future I found out more about

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