
Deep Meditation In Death Of A Salesman

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The pain and the struggles we go through are essential for us grow and mature. Dan experiences a life changing moment when “a light flickered in the darkness...” and he realizes “the process of real meditation- to expand awareness, to direct attention, to ultimately surrender to the light of consciousness” (Millman 97). In that moment of deep meditation, Dan’s body “becomes a radiant prism, throwing splinters of multicolored light everywhere. And it came to me that the highest purpose of the human body is to become a clear channel for this light-- so that its brightness can dissolve all obstructions, all knots, and all resistance” (Millman). Millman uses his light as a metaphor to represent awareness. During deep concentration, the light makes the contents of our minds visible, and we are able to now see all of the negative …show more content…

This is shown when Dan gets into a motorcycle accident and fractures his leg. After his accident, Dan learns the power of his mind in recovering from a hardship. In this instance, the mental recovery is just as important as the physical recovery for Dan. Socrates also teaches Dan that pain and hardship are part of the human experience, but it is up to him to control his response to these negative situations. Socrates teaches him control through the process of meditation. Dan learns that “Silence is the warrior's art” (Millman 93). Socrates uses a sword as a metaphor to describe meditation, he states “it is the central weapon you'll use to cut through your illusions” (Millman 73). Through meditation, Dan focuses on the present moment and removes the negative thoughts that consume his mind. Dan learns the power of his mind. By using meditation and focusing on the present, he is able to control his reactions to this negative experience; he then turns his obstacle into a uplifting and positive

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