
Definition Essay Defining Family

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Defining Family
Defining family is a complex topic and so is the role of a family. I wasn't in class in the very first week when the topic of family was discussed extensively but, reading the textbook and having some prior knowledge on family academically, I believe I can reflect on the topic family comprehensively. Before thinking about what family is to us or to the world in general, we already know what kind of different families that are around and the three most popular are, nuclear family- a mother, the father and the kid/kids, single parent family- a parent and the kid or kids and also extended family which comprises of nuclear family but with addition of other outside family members. That being said, we also have other kind of families which can sometimes not be held in the same status as these big three like, Other (bi nuclear; cohabitators; gay couples) adoptive family- not your biological family, and step families-comprises of a biological parent and siblings maybe. …show more content…

For me and most of my classmate, family can be people whom we are related to most times by blood and are present in our lives and supports us. I know this definition is not only flawed but dismissive and cliche because that definition only represent some certain kind of family and not all of them. Google and co might give us a concrete definition of a family but in actuality that definition is flawed because, there isn't any one way to define family but rather the definition of family is drawn by what is not only happening to us but around us and most importantly the advancement of the community/society we live

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