
Definition Essay: Defining Norm

Satisfactory Essays

Define ‘norm’ A norm is something that is usual, typical, or standard Define/Describe the norm you are breaking Normally when people go into a store, they walk, so instead of walking I thought, why not skip around? There isn’t a spoken rule that you have to walk into a store and actually walk, but everyone just does, so I want to know what people would do if you didn’t walk, but skip or run or do something other than walk. Describe your activity. What did you do? I decided since I’m always on target, I wanted a lot of people to see it, and I know that a lot of people are a Target on Saturday’s, so, I went to the store to see if enough people were in there, after about 2 or 3 minutes, then I walked out, then when I got into the doors, right

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