
Definition Essay: Defining The Meaning Of Revelation

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I decided on this particular essay, because I distinctly aspire to comprehend what is meant by “Revelation.” The; who, what, when, how and why of this word called “Revelation” beckons by interest. Initially, I believed revelation to be a manifestation of what, is to occur or come to pass prior to the end of time, commonly located in the New Testament. However, upon my discovery, I ascertained that revelation has numerous meanings. one is most certainly the revelation in the New Testament, as I previously mentioned, but then there is the doctrine of revelation of the word of God.

In addition. According to a (Wade 2003) article; a question was raised, “What is revelation?” what’s more, New Testament scholar Leon Morris quotes from The Shorter Oxford English Dictionary, and conveys that “Revelation, it says, is the disclosure of knowledge to man by a divine or supernatural agency, and secondly, ‘Something disclosed or made know by divine or …show more content…

Now I too have not only verified God’s verbal existence, I am able to witness and testify my experience, that God can and will speak to you verbally and mentally. Actually, this revelation has helped me to know who I am to God. That I am privileged, I have a personal relationship with God, and I am chosen.

In conclusion, “Revelation is certainly more than the giving of theological information, but it is not and cannot be less. Personal friendship between God and man grows just as human friendships do namely, through talking; and talking means making informative statements, and informative statements are propositions … To say that revelation is non-propositional is actually to depersonalize it … To maintain that we may know God without God actually speaking to us in words is really to deny that God is personal, or at any rate that knowing God is a truly personal relationship.” (Wade

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