"Fear is only as deep as the mind allows." -Japanese Proverb
Fear, is an unpleasant emotion caused by the belief that someone or something is dangerous. Fear is a mental state rather than being physical because it's how your mind takes in a situation and it's not just about what is happening in front of you.
When you're in certain situations your mind can take it to be scary or exciting. For instance, when you're about to play a game; you can be thrilled that its game day, or you are in a daze of fear of not knowing if you are going to make a mistake or not. Being scared of making mistakes is so common, and it's more of a mentally thought. If, you think you're going to make a mistake you are more likely to make it.
Physical fears is what
Fear is a powerful human emotion. It can make you do things you wouldn’t normally do, like risk taking and bad choices. Fear can spike your adrenaline. For example if someone was to lift a car off a run over child, that would be caused by adrenaline, which is caused by fear. According to several studies done by physicians
Fear. Fear Is not just being afraid of that Clown that just follows you around on halloween night scaring everybody in sight. Fear is the emotion in the back of your mind that torments you every waking moment. It tells you what to say and keeps you from letting things out, even when sometimes the best thing for you is to let it out. “Fear is the little death that brings total obliteration.” quoted by unknown.
Fear is a chemical chain reaction in the brain. It is in the part of the brain that allows us to communicate and to speak with other people ("Layton, Julia"). The idea is an autonomic response in the brain with many parts of the brain involved. Fear starts with a scary stimulus and ends with a fight or flight response telling the human to fight back or run away. It starts with two processes the quick and messy way, and the clear and slow way ("Layton, Julia"). The quick way is when you are panicking and out of breath and the clear way takes a while and is when you calm down and realize it was nothing. Both of the processes happen simultaneously ("Layton, Julia"). The brain uses your blood stream and nervous system to create fear. When your muscles tighten and your heart races, you are probably in a state of fear. Without fear you would walk into traffic or pick up poisonous snakes. Fear saves our lives ("Layton,
What is fear? Fear is that pit in the back of your stomach, your anticipation to do something, overwhelming yourself for no reason or a nightmare you might have. Most of the time people blame their fear on other people. This is inaccurate; a person only controls there own fears. A person's brain can
Fear can create an instinctual response to perceived danger. A good example is of the time my husband and I were alone on a long hike in the jungles of Belize and came upon a fer-de-lance snake that would most likely have killed us with its bite. Without any time passing, my instinct of fight or flight emerged and I pushed my husband out of the way, telling him to run as I did. Also, in an instinctual state of fear, someone can perform tasks they did not think were possible such as being able to lift a
Fear introduces people to various feelings, one being adrenaline. With adrenaline, people feel a rush of different emotions, these being excitement or anxiety and mainly used for life-threatening situations. This means that people have different responses to fear. Some feel nervous and try to separate themselves from it, while others embrace it. The other feeling that fear introduces is nerves, which makes your thoughts blurry and is an overall distraction to people.
Fear is just an Illusion; One that most innocent people can not control. Fear comes to a person when the person does not know what to do and is in an helpless position or in other words insecure. Unfortunately according to many sources a lot of human fear is based on social anxieties and threats. When someone puts one in a situation the person receiving the situation can not control it triggers hyperactivity in the amygdala which causes them to think irrationally. Without knowing what to do these innocent souls end up making the wrong decision and possibly ruin their lives.
Fear is something everyone feels at some point in their life. Fear is a feeling that your body produces in dangerous, threatening, or scary situations. It is the ability to identify danger and make a choice to either confront that fear or flee from the situation.Why do we human act in strange ways when reacting to fear in a negative way. Fear is a rash feeling that cause affect on humans. Fear would negatively affect people in ways to make them to unrashinal things. Positive things that can come out of fear is being alert and being more self aware.
What is fear? Fear is a particular state of mind than can be originated from a realistic circumstance or a sense
On the evening of June 17th, 2015, a twenty one year old white man identified as Dylann Roof opened fire, killing nine African-Americans attending a Bible study at the Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church in Charleston, South Carolina. As friends and family members mourn for their tragic losses, people blame this attack on the ‘insane’ individual, however failing to recognize that this wholly racist crime is the product of self destructive America. The motivation sparking this vicious felony is alike for all man-made decisions; a product of induced fear.
Fear is an emotional response made by a threat, which causes a change in brain and organ function, as well as behavior. It is an unpleasant emotion caused by the belief that something or someone is dangerous and likely to cause paint or threat. Usually fear is caused by something traumatizing that has happened in one’s life. In order to overcome fear, you have to face it. Avoiding fear prevents people from moving forward and standing up to fearful things help move past that fear. (Towey)
Fear is a feeling induced by experience, perceived danger, or watching a frightening traumatic accident. The fear responses arise from the perception of danger and ultimately a change in behaviour, such as fleeing, or hiding or from perceived traumatic events. Every person has fears and different fears may be different adaptations that have been useful in our evolutionary past. I have fears too, and sometime, I feel embarrassed to intersperse my fear with others.
According to fear is an emotional response induced by a perceived threat, which causes a change in brain and organ function, as well as in behavior. Fear can lead us to become narcissistic, to run away from various issues, or to freeze up and become victim under circumstance, or it may come in the form of a discovery.
Written by Oxford English Dictionary, fear is an unpleasant emotion caused by the threat of danger, pain, or harm, and is an emotion that is programmed into all animals and people as an instinctual response to potential danger. Fear isn’t always adaptive though. For example, a small amount of fear before an important speech serves a purpose. It encourages you to focus on your topic and avoid embarrassing yourself. This is a type
Fear is an emotion that makes people do things that they would not normally do, for better or for worse. People tend to let their emotions guide their actions as-well-as control their lives. Fear does two things, it can negatively impact people or it can positively