
Definition Essay Friendship

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Based upon Webster's Dictionary, the definition of a friend is, "A person whom one knows, likes and trusts." Friendship is a relationship between two friends. It provides a mutual feeling of trust, understanding and belongingness. Freindship is the heart and soul of every relationship and it gives a whole new meanig to our life. A person who is not experiencing friendship is not truly living his life. While searching for friends people look for things that they share. Everyone has different types of friends according to their needs and wants. Friendship begins with the phase of being merely an acquintance. This is the beginning of every friendship. We usually meet these acquintances in school, at clubs, or some place that we visit frequently. The waitress at a local restaurant who waves and smiles even outside of work is a perfect example of an acquintance. There are many illustrations to show that a friend can be great comforter during tough times. For example, when a college student is going through tough times, a good friend can offer encouragement, guidance and support. A true freind always respects and loves us and makes sacrifices whenever he needs to in order to help his friend. I remember a couple of years ago when I was in my senior year in high school, I got into a fight with a couple of people. Even though I could …show more content…

I am one of those lucky people who has friends who make life worthwile. My friends live all across the globe because I travel a lot. One of the best think about technological advancements is that it has made communication between friends much more feasible. Facebook, for example, on of the most frequent sites visited by me and most of the other people around the world allows us to make new friends with just a click. I have hundreds of active friends on facebook which in turn fascilitates my social bonding with them. Social media has given a whole new perspective to the term

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