
Definition Essay On Desire

Decent Essays

Desire is commonly referred as a “want, wish, or even an emotional or physical feeling” according to However, desire can only be defined to a certain extent since such “feeling” can only be determined and is conclusively dependent on the person who “wishes”. With that in mind, it’s much easier to desire or “wish” since it seemingly acts as an instinct or necessity which dates back to the first stages of life. I personally view desire as a thought or belief that lingers throughout the mind and seemingly acts a defense mechanism or instinct to achieve a superficial purpose or reason. However, although effortless to establish, desires are even more difficult to handle. Desiring is simple, but handling it isn’t. Isolation for me is my way of handling desires, but consequently correlates with alienation. Handling desires is what makes or breaks us as human beings and can entirely define us. It seemingly acts as a waiting game where the longer you wait the longer and difficult it gets to successfully beat or in this case handle.
We as humans are so quick to want or wish for things and pester the idea throughout life as we know it. We seemingly let envy steer desire as it consumes us after seeing rich, famous, and important icons on TV, social media, and the press. It …show more content…

With the quote acting as a motivator to realign those who’ve distanced themselves from reality, it purposely persuades one to return to Taoism or “The Master” to rid of personal solitude and be dignified with hope and realignment in life. With that in mind, one can learn a lot and come to embrace such practice or words of hope instead of following remote beliefs Hegel follows. However, Hegel’s idealism isn’t completely wrong, but using his view of self sufficiency for handling desires and alienation

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