
Definition Essay On Family

Decent Essays

What is family? Fam-i-ly (fam’ə le, fam’le) n., any group of persons closely related by blood, as parents, children, uncles, aunts, and cousins (Webster’s 505). Who decided the definition of family? Who has the say as to what family really means? As far as I’m concerned, anyone who is is a big part of your life, could be considered family. Although the definition of family is someone who is related to you by birth, blood doesn’t decide who your family is, close connections and support do.
Although family means different things to different people. To me, family isn’t who is blood related, but who is always there for you. According to Jagger and Wright from Erera’s article “What is Family?”, “The groupings that are called families are socially …show more content…

They are there to support you through everything. As Erera states in her article “What is Family?”, ¨Gay and lesbian families are not considered as families at all because the partners are of the same sex and because they are not married¨ (Erera 472). Lena, the adoptive mother from “The Fosters” says “DNA doesn’t make a family, love does” (Lena)end punctuation, where is Lena in your Biblio? Family is someone who never left, even when times got hard. You can’t pick your sexual preference. Just because you find the same sex attractive should not mean that you can not have children. You also can not pick your parents. If we could, I’m sure we would all pick different people. Furthermore, father figures play a big roll in a child’s everyday life, especially a sons’. Wade F. Horn, author of “Promoting Marriage as a Means of Fatherhood’, wrote about different types of support from a father. Horn goes on to say children whose fathers listened, guided, and nurtured them, were better off in school. (480). A father is just as important as a mother; “when fatherhood falters, children suffer” (479). Typically fathers are the ones to disappear, in this case, my father has been the one to support me. When I needed a stable home, food, clothes, love, anything, I counted on my …show more content…

According to James O.Wilson’s article, “Cohabitation Instead of Marriage” he discovers that most couples living together typically end in separation within two years (Wilson 476). When you’re young, you think you’re in love and nothing will get in your way. With statistics like Wilsons’, the chance of two people living together with a long term relationship are slim. In fact today 1 in 3 American children are born to unmarried mothers (Kefalas 487)For example, my parents were not married until I was three. I was the flower girl in their wedding that ended in a divorce. Although my parents were together longer than statistics show, you could tell their commitment and was was not

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