
Definition Essay On Heroes

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When you were younger, did you look up to someone and think”I want to be just like them”? Did you look up to your parents and want to be just like them? Many heroes risk their lives every day, and they don’t do it for money or fame, they do it for us. Heroes of any kind, real or fake, boy or girl, can all make a difference. Even if what they did was not on the news, it doesn’t mean it wasn’t important. We can all be heroes in our own way, and I will tell you how.
A hero is someone who inspires us, often by their actions. A hero can be anyone, such as Batman or Superman, or a firefighter or a police officer. Some of you may even have a family member as a hero. Some heroes show that anything is possible. Some heroes act with good decisions, …show more content…

Let’s pretend a young boy is drowning and the lifeguard is not paying attention because she is on her phone. A woman playing with her child sees the boy, and swims over to him and saves him. This woman wasn’t hoping for fame. She was just a normal mother in the right place at the right time. Another example, one that happens every day but is often overlooked, is a soldier is in a war and saves a wounded soldier. This is part of the soldiers duty and one that is easily recognized as heroic. These example are important because they are selfless actions for others in need.
Heroes are very special people, and I have some of my own. After doing interviews on my mom and grandma, I discovered that we all have a different definition of ‘hero’ but a hero is important to each of us. For example, my grandma thinks a hero is someone who lives what they believe, and my mom thinks a hero is someone who is selfless, puts others before them, and always does the right thing.
As I think of my definition of hero, I agree with my mom and grandma in that a hero leads a moral and selfless life. I believe John F. Kennedy was a good man who put others first, and that is why he is one of my heroes. He had many inspiring and motivating speeches and did amazing things. One example of his selfless acts is he saved his crew from drowning when he was in the

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