When you were younger, did you look up to someone and think”I want to be just like them”? Did you look up to your parents and want to be just like them? Many heroes risk their lives every day, and they don’t do it for money or fame, they do it for us. Heroes of any kind, real or fake, boy or girl, can all make a difference. Even if what they did was not on the news, it doesn’t mean it wasn’t important. We can all be heroes in our own way, and I will tell you how.
A hero is someone who inspires us, often by their actions. A hero can be anyone, such as Batman or Superman, or a firefighter or a police officer. Some of you may even have a family member as a hero. Some heroes show that anything is possible. Some heroes act with good decisions,
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Let’s pretend a young boy is drowning and the lifeguard is not paying attention because she is on her phone. A woman playing with her child sees the boy, and swims over to him and saves him. This woman wasn’t hoping for fame. She was just a normal mother in the right place at the right time. Another example, one that happens every day but is often overlooked, is a soldier is in a war and saves a wounded soldier. This is part of the soldiers duty and one that is easily recognized as heroic. These example are important because they are selfless actions for others in need.
Heroes are very special people, and I have some of my own. After doing interviews on my mom and grandma, I discovered that we all have a different definition of ‘hero’ but a hero is important to each of us. For example, my grandma thinks a hero is someone who lives what they believe, and my mom thinks a hero is someone who is selfless, puts others before them, and always does the right thing.
As I think of my definition of hero, I agree with my mom and grandma in that a hero leads a moral and selfless life. I believe John F. Kennedy was a good man who put others first, and that is why he is one of my heroes. He had many inspiring and motivating speeches and did amazing things. One example of his selfless acts is he saved his crew from drowning when he was in the
According to Joseph Campbell, "A hero is someone who has given his or her life to something bigger than oneself" . This means that a hero is person who is made a sacrifice for the good of others. A Hero is defined by the Merriam-Webster dictionary as "a man admired for his achievements and noble qualities" . This means that a hero is someone people look up to. Anyone can be a hero. Heroes have qualities such as bravery, strength, and selflessness. Mothers, soldiers, and Odysseus are all examples of heroes.
Heroes come in different shapes, sizes, and looks. Maybe someone you saw on the street one day was heroic for saving someone’s life in a car accident. A hero to me is someone who can be brave in situations that aren’t so safe, and take a risk to make sure everyone is okay, no matter who
According to the dictionary, a hero is “a man of distinguished courage or ability, admired for his brave deeds and noble qualities.” I believe, however, that a hero is someone who exceeds expectations and does not stick to the status quo. Heroes will always try to do the right thing. They will put other people’s life above their own if they are given the chance to. This may include running into a fire to save someone, or helping a friend out if it is the right thing to do.
Heroes have different backgrounds, personalities, and journeys. A hero is someone who is willing to make sacrifices for others, making their lives a little better. Heroes are there for people; it’s what they do. A very big hero in my life is my mother.
People like parents, Michael Jordan and Martin Luther King Jr are true heroes, but sometimes there are not so heroic people or
Heroes are individuals who perform extraordinary deeds, thinks about others before themselves, and make sacrifices for others. They are selfless, bold leaders, and have a lot of perseverance. A hero stands for what they believe in and have made or are making a significant impact on history. An example of a hero was George Washington because he was one of the founding fathers of America.
A hero is someone who puts others before themselves and never gives up. They can be an ordinary person, but it is their actions that make them true heroes. Heroes are people that make the largest impact in a person’s life and has influenced their life to be better. Heroism can be sticking up for others or putting others before yourself.
Heroes are defined differently depending on who you are asking. Heroes are based on backgrounds, families, perspectives, and so much more. Based on what I have witnessed and been through, I believe a hero is someone who positively makes a difference in the lives of others through their actions and experiences. Heroes are supposed to make us feel safer and are supposed to make us feel better about ourselves. A hero is supposed to overcome difficult situations and help everyone believe that anything is possible. Bo Meagher is my hero of Scott County. Bo is someone who has overcome obstacles and cancer, when he couldn’t do much about his condition.
Everyone has somehow been a hero to someone, in one point of their life, even though they may not have known at the time or was recognized for it. They may have shown heroic qualities or stood up for someone, maybe even for people who were too shy to do it themselves. Heroes are quick-thinking, determined people that put the needs of others before themselves, like Rosa Parks because of her refusal to move seats on the bus. But, heroes don’t wear capes or special costumes, like in movies, they are just typical, ordinary people. Heroes are quick-thinking, determined people, that put the needs of others before themselves.
Heroes are selfless and go out of their way to save other people. For example, teachers who spend their lives educating students so the
Anyone who influences anyone else by saving or helping save his or her lives can be a hero. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. changed the lives of millions of people by bringing justice to minorities. Mahatma Gandhi, one of the greatest heroes, led a nonviolent revolution to free his country. Even a parent can be a hero to his or her child by leading them in the right direction. All teachers are heroes when they make it their job to teach a child anything that will help them in life. You don’t have to go to great lengths by risking your life to make a difference in someone else’s life.
Heroes are not always people who lead marches or do things for their country. For example policemen, firefighters, nurses, lifeguards etc. are heroes everyday because they take the time to save lives. When they’re going through a challenge or trying to overcome a conflict they always have courage. These people risk their own life to save someone else’s. To be more specific Dr. Ginger Holt from Dallas had saved a little boy’s leg. She was confident and determined to finding out what went wrong in the boy’s leg and went through many procedures looking at the tests.
He or she cares more about others than themselves. Some believe that heroes only perform these great acts for attention and to be recognized, but I believe that a true hero would not risk their lives for fame. Some say winning is more important, because if you are winning you get the attention you want. Heroism realistically means you are following your
For example, Tom Hanks said “A hero is someone who voluntarily walks into the unknown,” while Bob Dylan said, “A hero is someone who understands the responsibility that comes with his freedom.” People have all different opinions on what makes heroes
When the word "hero" is spoken, everyone has different thoughts. Some will think of super powers like flying and saving people from villains; while others have a certain person they know or have heard of that come to mind who have done something to make a difference in the lives of others but who is a hero to you? To answer this question you must first ask yourself what a hero is; what comes to your mind when someone says the word. When I am confronted with these questions I always have the same thoughts; smart, strong will power, and someone who stands up for what they believe is right.