
Definition Essay On The Word Love

Decent Essays

I chose the word Love (l^v) because love is reputed to be the greatest thing in the Universe. It can destroy enemies by making friends of them and build bridges across cultures through friendships. The King James Bible mentions it or a derivation of love over five-hundred times. The concept of love, as is often used to mean a strong affection, has been around since the beginning of humankind and is said by philosophers to be the only thing we truly leave behind when we pass.
The Oxford English Dictionary defines it as an “an intense longing or feeling of affection for someone or thing” or “an intense feeling of attraction with sexual longing”. It’s a very interesting word to me since it is a simple, single syllable, four letter word and, a veritable Pandora’s Box of meaning. The Greeks had four types of love Eros: sexual love or lust, Agape, “pure love”, Philae, “brotherly love”, as in Philadelphia and “storge “, a love of kinship the kind we have for our siblings and parents and friends.
Love, Agape love or pure love, as it is thought of in most of the world, can be complicated …show more content…

The love-letter and the word love came into common usage where love was meant as a beloved person” Yes, my love.” Came about in the thirteenth century while the phrase for love or money meaning “for anything” came about around 1580 and to be in love with someone is early fifteenth century while to make love is from the fifteen seventies and had the connotation “to pay amorous attention to” but was not used as polite word choice for “having sex” until the nineteen fifties whereas the phrase Love life for one’s collective activities was in use as psychological jargon about the early nineteen

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