Trust has multiple definitions, but when I think about trust, always coming through, and being trustworthy are the first ideas that come to mind.Most importantly, Trust can be defined as someone you can tell anything to. You can have trust with your family, friends and relatives. People may see trust differently based on past experiences or events. For example, someone who has trustworthy friends who tends to keep secret information secret, might view trust positively. But, someone who has friends that can’t keep secrets, and tells everything they hear might view trust in a negative way. Therefore, I believe that trust had many different view and definitions which are a lot different than what I would ever have expect creating a never ending …show more content…
There are many different form of trust that can expand our expectations and deepen our views. The trust you have with your parents may be very similar for the trust you have with your siblings. As a young child you mainly only trust your parents, who provides you with food, shelter, clothing and extra wants. As a child you are helpless, leaving your trust in your parents, to provide you with basic needs to be healthy, is what I believe the child's first trust instinct is. Next, as you get older and begin play with your siblings, you start to rely on them to keep you safe. You trust that they will keep you out of the street, when you are playing in the front yard or not let you get lost in the grocery store while your parents are shopping. You trust your siblings just as much as your parents to provide you with safety, fun and needs. Then, you experience trust with your friends. This can be shown by relying on each other, keeping each other safe and believing that they will be there for you when you need it most. As you grow older, trust grows to new expectations forcing you to constantly learn. The different types of trust we experiences teaches us different life lessons that stays with us forever. Throughout our lives, everyone wants to be trusted and experience trust with someone
To me trust is being able to count on someone during good times and during bad times.
What is trust? Trust is a believing someone. But you have to trust the right people. King Lear had to face this phenomenon and made a mistake and later paid the price. Lear had three daughters. Two of the daughters Goneril and Regan flattered Lear and behind his back they agreed to take his power. But the dying king failed to realize that they were tricking him. But the youngest daughter Cordelia denied to praise the king. She saw King Lear as much as a daughter should praise a father. She was right. But lear made a mistake not believing her. He took away all of her power and sent her with France. The foolish king then struggled. He tries to stay at one of his trusted daughter's castle Goneril but is treated miserably. Then he goes to the
Trust is something that is difficult to find, however once found is worth more than any amount of money. In life we are faced with many obligations. More often than not these obligations may first appear as burdens, putting a bump in the journey of life. An example of one of these burdens is in trusting and being trustworthy with yourself and others. When we place trust in people worthy of such honor ,great challenges can be overcome.
Why does trust help make an enduring friendship? For example, in Freak the Mighty, Max carries Kevin on his shoulders. By doing this they can get around fast and builds trust because Kevin trusts Max not to drop him and Max trusts Kevin’s directions. In addition, a way trust is shown in Freak the Mighty is through Kevin’s secret. That is that he is going to get a bionic body, and Max is the only person Kevin told about. So, Kevin trusts Max not to tell anybody. On the other hand, Kevin also trusts Max with writing their story about their adventures. In fact, Kevin trusted Max to do
Trust is an incredible trait to have. Some may say that without trust the world wouldn’t go around. But what exactly is trust? Merriam-Webster defines trust as “ one in which confidence is placed”(“Trust”). Confidence is a whole big impact that goes along with the feeling of trust. Being a trustworthy person means that people can rely on you for things. Trust can lead to a lot of danger also. If trust is broken, There can be a lot of lack of communication because someone might not trust you with some things. Trust might not come as just vocally trust. When you are asked to do something a certain way, you are trusted you will get it done in that way. Trust is a very important thing in everyday life.
I've been this way ever since I was a child and the reason behind this logic it's because when I move from place to place I do not often keep in touch with the friends that I made in that state. so I need someone to talk to I go to my family. they know everything from my academic issues to my personal issues I face as a young adult. in addition to other families, they face their problems and so does my family. we are by no means an exception. my parents have separated and gotten back together multiple times. I remember the reasons why my parents decided to separate and because of that reason it is affecting my views and my ideals of what trust should be. over the course of that time, I have seen what it's like to get to know people and to learn how to trust those people. slowly but surely I'm working on my self-improvement in order to be a better
According to Erikson’s Nine Stages of Psychosocial Development, “Trust vs. Mistrust,” trust and, or, mistrust is experienced from as young as infancy. I first experienced trust when I was just an infant. Since my birth, my parents have been entrepreneurs, specializing in home decorations and home improvement. Where ever my parents went, I went, which is the reason why I found trust in them. I always knew that I would be right by my parents side at all times. Both parents pulled an equal amount of responsibility while raising me and my other four siblings, with each of us being two years apart. As claimed by my parents, I started walking at only five months and I did not crawl on my knees, as babies usually do, for a long. My parents also
We define trust as a certain belief and a sense of assurance that is based on strong but not logically-conclusive evidence, or based on some ones character, their ability, or truth that someone or something has shown over a period of time or over experiences (Cambridge, 2015). Trust makes for a sense of being safe or of being free of fear, enough so that one 's focus can be on
What is trust? The dictionary meaning of trust is a firm belief in the reliability, truth, ability, or strength of someone or something. The second meaning is, confidence placed in a person by making that person the nominal owner of property to be held or used for the benefit of one or more others. But what can we really define as trust? In this paper, I will discuss how trust is used every day in different situations, how we deal with trust in various relationships, and how we as individuals practice trust within ourselves.
Having trust makes one fell safe and free of fear enough so that they can focus on other things.
Building trust takes time and effort up front. It takes deep commitment and follow-through. It pays off.
Trust is the firm belief in the reliability, truth, ability, or strength of someone or something. From the time, we were born in an infant stage babies interaction with the mother determines whether an attitude of trust or mistrust will be incorporated into his/her personality. When the mother responds to the infant’s physical need and provide ample affection such as love and security, then the infant will develop a sense of trust. Therefore, when the mother is inattentive, resentful or inconsistent in her behavior, the infant develops an attitude of mistrust, and will become anxious and fearful.
Trust is a value that was very hard for me to learn. I was always afraid that someone was going to hurt me one way or another. My mother was always telling me that I should learn to trust others so that they could help me from time to time, but I never could do it. Eventually I finally learned to trust others a few years ago. I have realized that other people can do many things for you if you just trust in them. This helps me in the relationships I have with my friends. Trust doesn’t happen overnight, it takes time. I have learned that trusting certain people is worth the risk, and helps the relationships I have with them.
It is not something we just give away or created by feelings or emotions. Trust is something which we need to earn. To keep the relationships, we must be a trusted person. We meet with people in everyday life, but our friends and loved ones are special. We can love any people we meet in our daily life but the relationships want trust. Trust, so that we can share our secret, happiness, sorrows. To give our hundred percent in any relationship, we need the believe that they feel the same for us. In any situation, if we fall down, they will come to save us, this is called trust. Most of the time, family members are the most trusted person in our life. Also, friends and lover earned the trust from us by staying with us, by telling us the truth. Sometimes, lovers lie in the beginning of a new life, they hide things to save relationship, but it is not the way to keep a relationship. Truth can never be hidden, it will come up and we won’t be able to handle the outcome if we broke the trust they had. We should be as trust strengthen a relationship, also there can’t be a relationship without
When I hear the word trust I think of friends. You have to have a lot of trust in your friends and they need to be able to trust you. I have a huge amount of trust in my best friend, I tell her everything. There are some people who say that you can trust them, but then it turns out that you can’t and they’ve told everyone your secret. I think that trust is confiding in a person or people that you know if you say, “don’t tell anyone,” they won’t tell anyone. For instance, in Romeo and Juliet, Friar Laurence kept Romeo and Juliet’s trust by not telling anyone about their marriage. I think that Romeo and Juliet trusted each other enough