
Definition Essay: The Role Of Hate In Our Society Today

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When I was in the 3rd grade I was walking to my classroom when someone said “I hate you!” I turned around and yelled at the person and said that was not very nice. The dictionary defines “hate” as “to dislike intensely or passionately;feel extreme aversion for or extreme hostility toward.” ( However, the social meaning is: when you dislike someone/something a lot. (1) The first time the word hate was used was mentioned in religious scriptures like, The Holy Bible, Dhammapada, and the Koran. When people use this word it is usually in a negative …show more content…

And it has hurt a lot of people in our society today. Almost 900 incidents had been reported because of hate and/or bias 10 days after the election. It also says in the article: “A black college student was fatally stabbed in college park., days before he would have graduated. Two men were killed and another wounded when they tried to stop a man’s hateful rant on a train in Portland, Ore. This week, a home in Los Angeles owned by the N.B.A star LeBron James was vandalized with racial slurs.” (According to Terray Sylvester/Reuters). These incidents happened because of hate, after the election people were being hated just because of who they voted for. There is still a lot of hate going around, including hate against certain groups of people for example, there has been many incidents because of hate. For example, the KKK has been a problem for long time and it still is, and they have broken a lot of rules because they do stuff like hate crimes and have broken laws. The word “Hate” has been used a lot and still is, and it has become a big issue in our society because there has been many incidents and deaths including

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