When I was in the 3rd grade I was walking to my classroom when someone said “I hate you!” I turned around and yelled at the person and said that was not very nice. The dictionary defines “hate” as “to dislike intensely or passionately;feel extreme aversion for or extreme hostility toward.” (Dictionary.com). However, the social meaning is: when you dislike someone/something a lot. (1) The first time the word hate was used was mentioned in religious scriptures like, The Holy Bible, Dhammapada, and the Koran. When people use this word it is usually in a negative …show more content…
And it has hurt a lot of people in our society today. Almost 900 incidents had been reported because of hate and/or bias 10 days after the election. It also says in the article: “A black college student was fatally stabbed in college park., days before he would have graduated. Two men were killed and another wounded when they tried to stop a man’s hateful rant on a train in Portland, Ore. This week, a home in Los Angeles owned by the N.B.A star LeBron James was vandalized with racial slurs.” (According to Terray Sylvester/Reuters). These incidents happened because of hate, after the election people were being hated just because of who they voted for. There is still a lot of hate going around, including hate against certain groups of people for example, there has been many incidents because of hate. For example, the KKK has been a problem for long time and it still is, and they have broken a lot of rules because they do stuff like hate crimes and have broken laws. The word “Hate” has been used a lot and still is, and it has become a big issue in our society because there has been many incidents and deaths including
The emotional damage that is inflicted upon a person of a hate speech is very harmful. “Some of these students came to college as a means of escaping a life dominated by race-based discrimination but found an environment more hostile than they had expected.” (Marcus 147). If our students do not feel safe while at school they will not attend school, if the number of educated people go down at a
In this world hate means many different things. For some people hate may mean the emotion they feel against their country for all the deaths and disparities that the war torn country has caused them. For others the word could mean that the teen is going through a phase and may “hate” their parents for not getting them the a in style piece of clothing or a resplendent new phone. But in the 1300’s there was a whole different rationale of the word “hate”.
Hatred is an efficacious word that is often shown through violence. When people do not know how to express their thought, they use their body language to show their loathsome feelings.
If one hates someone or something that means they have an intense dislike towards them. Sometimes this hate can be so large it can be an influence for mass destruction. We have learned, or even have seen examples of hate turning into something bigger throughout our history. These examples include the multiple wars, terrorist’s attacks, and genocides. Many of these incidents were drove by hate, and did not end well. What drives this hate? How can people turn on one another with just feeling hate towards them? The Holocaust being one of the many genocides in our history was indeed influenced by an intense dislike. That intense dislike was towards certain types of people it ended up taking multiple lives.
Throughout my life, I have always been told that hate is a strong word. This saying so happens to be true. This word seems to be used loosely but there are not many people who can say they hate someone, in opposition to disliking
America has always been a country filled with discrimination towards a group whether it be Native Americans, Hispanics, Native Americans, or Asians. The hate in this country is real, even today we still have KKK protests in our own streets. I and many Americans hope this hatred towards people can stop, hate towards people for their skin color or ethnicity is down right dumb. It is our jobs as Americans to raise awareness and limit discrimination for the future of america. Even in today’s world there is still extreme levels of hate towards these people. When we take a look back to Hitler’s reign and the holocaust how is the hate we show towards blacks different then the hate towards Jewish people that he showed? There’s not a whole lot of a difference, granted it was way worse, but it’s still similar.
The theme hate is present in all the stories that we read this semester. Every story has an overwhelming amount of hatred, all hatred of another race. There is no other reason for the hatred other than the race they are. The goal they have is to mock or hurt or kill the others for being exactly who they are, and they can’t help it. I will talk about all the stories we learned about in this class and how this theme made it the book that it is.
Hate is a very strong word, it should not be used often. The nature of hate has a lot of subjects. Subjects that are cruel, foul, and just plain mean. Hate is a crime. It is a major social problem that can poison your soul and cause a lot of destruction to all those around you.
For my research paper topic, I have decided to examine hate crimes in the United States. More specifically the strain and distance it puts between citizens. Hate crime is defined as an illegal act against a person, institution, or property that is motivated, in whole or in part, by the offender’s bias against the victim’s group membership. Although hate crime is a relatively new category of crime, the United States has a long history of biased actions against individuals because of their race, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, disability, and gender. In my paper I will look at laws put in place to attempt to help people against hate crimes. I will also examine and analyze the statistics of hate crimes committed in the U.S. I will also interpret common theory’s about hate crimes. Concluding my paper, I will discuss how we as human beings should respond to hate crime and ways to prevent these vicious acts.
Recently, there have been a lot of political coverage of black hate crime from Police Officers and Police hate crime from the black community. There have been organizations such as, black lives matter and blue lives matter to support both sides of the argument. Although all lives actually matter, there seems to be a lot of one-sided support depending what part of the community one lives or the color of their skin. Therefore, the two major sides on the hate crime is White Americans versus Black Americans.
Prejudice, in many forms, is defined as a preconceived opinion that is not based on reason or an actual experience. This prejudgement is often a negative attitude towards members of a group and can lead to intolerance of certain groups of people based on characteristics like race, color, gender, class, ability, weight, or country of origin. Despite some progress that our society has made to counter prejudice, prejudice and discrimination have been present throughout our history, due mostly to fear and oversimplified beliefs about other cultures and people that we don’t understand or typically know nothing about.
The issue of hate crimes in America has become more prominent in recent years. Social media has brought light to the issue and magnified it. Hate crimes are generally defined as human rights violations, which are classified by an infringement of the basic rights that people are given, largely in the United States of America. Hate crime laws are not as strong as they ought to be, due to the vast misunderstanding of what a hate crime is and what effects it has. Many people misinterpret hate crimes, and come to the conclusion that they are similar to hate speech, or that hate crimes are a minor form of discrimination. This is one of the reasons why hate crimes are not taken as seriously as they ought to be. This is why there ought to be
Hate crimes has become an increasing problem here in the united states ranging from racial hatred to gender discrimination but what are hate crimes? According to Dr. Jack McDevitt, a criminologist at Northeastern University in Boston Hate crimes are message crimes, Hate crimes are defined as crimes that are violent act against people, property, or organizations because of the group to which they belong or identify with. The coined term “hate crimes” was first used No matter how many different definitions there are for hate crimes but we all can agree that hate crimes are wrong and immoral. But within hate crimes they are many different types of hate crimes. One of the main reasons that people commit hate crimes would
Throughout the ages, hate has found it place to take the lead of people judgements and emotions it was the motive in whatever they are doing. Who taught people that
In a recent survey conducted by UCLA professor John Villasenor, 660 out of the 1,500 college students surveyed about hate speech insisted that hate speech was not protected under the Constitution. Additionally, 240 students, from the same study, were unsure if hate speech was protected or not. (Timpf) This study reveals how misinformed people are on hate speech and how censorship is becoming more acceptable in American ideologies. Americans are seeing words that they disagree with as acts of verbal violence rather than learning to accept differing opinions and beliefs. Instead of being proactive and using the Constitution as a source to fight back people would rather choose to change it even if it means taking away core values of the First Amendment. Although the Constitution covers speech that is deemed hateful, legislation should not change the law to restrict people from saying hateful words; instead, individuals affected by these obscene words should utilize the First Amendment to counteract the words with a positive message instead of trying to silence those with opposing beliefs and viewpoints.