Love is such a small word with different meanings to different people but to me love means an intense feeling of deep affection. On the other hand, it isn’t easy, so it comes with consequences and sacrifices. These are the times when you know if you’ve found the right person or not. Love is caring for someone else deeply and unconditionally. Finding that one person brings out the best version of yourself. For example, it is hard to even let go for a second although they make you feel comfortable and you always want to be around them. Love is being loyal to that someone. For instance, being honest, staying committed, being faithful, and treating that person as you wish to be treated. Also, it’s when you look at that person and just smile because
Love is classified as the stereotypical eccentric and bubbly emotion with a fairly positive connotation. When you feel love, you feel like you are walking on air and you don’t understand it but all you know is that you are feeling the quintessence of happiness. In a relationship, love makes you feel a oneness with another human being. You feel like you are the only two people in the world and nothing can break it apart. Love can do all these things but it's not all happy. When
Love is a variety of different emotional and mental states, typically strongly and positively experienced, that ranges from deepest interpersonal affection to simple pleasure. This value is precious amongst all humans, it is what makes or breaks us. Not only does love remind us of a time that was relevant or memorable,
Love is said to be one of the most desired things in life. People long for it, search for it, and crave it. It can come in the form of partners, friends, or just simply family. To some, love is something of a necessity in life, where some would rather turn a cold shoulder to it. Love can be the mixture of passion, need, lust, loyalty, and blood. Love can be extraordinary and breathtaking. Love being held so high can also be dangerous. Love can drive people to numerous mad things with it dangerously so full of craze and passion.
To love someone is to truly know them and what they want. When someone is in love, they hold that person above himself and they mean so much more than anyone else. Love does not occur overnight or upon first sight, it takes time because of how deep and surreal it is. Love is a bliss, amazing thing and only happens when you honestly know everything about the person who you are in love with. Romeo claims that he loves Juliet but he does not know anything about her besides that fact that she is glorious.
Have you ever felt the feeling of butterflies in your stomach or heard the phrase “my heart skipped a beat for you”? As children, we grew up learning from our elders and experiencing new beginnings in life. Much of our knowledge has been brought upon by what we see and hear, rather of what we know. Many important decisions we make in our life has to do with what our feelings show us. Love is an important matter in our life because it motivates us in different ways. Love can be shown through emotions or even through actions. What is a valuable definition of love? A brief definition of love can be said to be a variety of different feelings or attitudes that ranges from interpersonal affection to pleasure. In other words, to me love is when
If I, as a teenager, were to describe love, it would be having a sense of security in someone. When we love someone it usually means we can depend on them and they will be there for us in times of growth, happiness, sadness and loss. In my mind, love also means wanting what is best for someone and encouraging them to be their best self.
The other day I was babysitting my three-year-old niece, a most conniving little angel. As she sat gawking at my girlfriend's brother, Matthew, who was eating potato chips, she told me that she loved me "so much." She had already devoured her potato chips, but she obviously wanted more. Many more expressions of love proceeded to drip from her lips. Finally, the question came; "Reg, can I have some more chips?" At first, I thought this little show of bribery was cute and funny, but then I started to think about the true meaning of love. What is true love? Poets, philosophers, religious leaders, and the American media all have different definitions for this word. Too often, love is conceived as doing whatever it
By definition; love is a profoundly tender, passionate affection for another person. Love can be interrupted in many ways. Were we ever taught love or is it just a natural feeling towards a person? Some say you'll know the meaning of love when you fall in love, yet some don't believe in love at all.
One can love a sister, a brother, a mother, a father, grandparents, uncles and aunts, cousins and friends, strangers, pets, the sunlight on a warm evening, reflecting through a prism, held by fishing line stuck to a little suction cup to a dusty window. You can love food from cake to roast beef, even those tiny individual candy bars that are never enough but just give you a taste of chocolate before you pop in the second one. One is able to love the feeling of carpet between toes or the tension in a hammocks string when you lay in that 'u' position swinging delightfully with each motion of your body. We can declare love for sounds coming from a stereo, love for that particular sound wave in coordination with other
There is three different types of love, your love for your family, which is never ending. However you may experience so rather harsh brawl with one another but you can't seem to hate them. Thats actually the most important type of love, the one you have.
Definition of Love According to a male aged 21 years old, love is a feeling of doing anything to a person without being their slave. A female aged 24 years had a different definition of love whereby she defined love as caring and sharing with others without expecting anything in return. A female aged 27 years argued that love is being there for someone and staying with the person even when it hurts you. A male aged 32 years responded by saying that love is a feeling of care and empathy towards a person.
can be shown by giving someone a hug, kiss, showing you care or the classic I love you.
We all have different opinions on love whether it exists or not. A certain number of people in the world believe in “ love”. The ones that don’t believe it exists all have one concept on how “love” works but different meaning. In other words, they all phrase it differently but come up with the same conclusion. The same goes for the ones that do believe in it, the only difference is that they have the same concept and meaning. There is no such thing as love for if there were why do our “loved” ones abuse us, frame us, or even lie to us in our faces or about us.
Love has many different meanings to different people. For a child, love is what he or she feels for his mommy and daddy. To teenage boy, love is what he should feel for his girlfriend of the moment, only because she says she loves him. But as we get older and "wiser," love becomes more and more confusing. Along with poets and philosophers, people have been trying to answer that age-old question for centuries: What is love?
What is love? The type of love I’m describing is the one that gives you butterflies when a certain person comes to mind. Just seeing that particular person can be enough to make one smile and make your day and all the worries go away. Right now that person comes to mind. It’s neither a crush nor infatuation and many are willing to do anything for this thing that is called love. Love can hurt in the long run, and people can also be blinded by it.