What freedom means to me is something we don't actually have in america like they say we do. Freedom is where you can do anything you want without any consequence. Like for instance being able to go around and not have to be scared when the police is behind you just because you're black. Not saying white people don't get scared but typically it's the black people who get hurt in the long run. Another example is you can't go around smoking marijuana in certain places without cops being called or spending time in jail for it. That's not freedom. Freedom is when you can go out and do what you want to not being locked up in chains and being restrained beaten or hung for being a color or for something that you do. People make mistakes and they shouldnt
True freedom is not something that can be given. It is something that every single person must discover for themselves. If a person were set free, though still thought of themselves as a slave, they are a slave. America is a country that thrives on freedom. Though numerous people throughout the United States take this privilege for granted.
The definition of freedom according to the Dictionary.com definition number 17, is “the power to exercise choice and make decisions without constraint from within or without; autonomy; self-determination”. Freedom is the base of American society, it is something that is taken for granted, not every country has this luxury, others must demand freedom and fight for it. The people that don't have this luxury of freedom have to demand it then fight and struggle for it, it will never be just given, it is worth too much, it is being held back to benefit a higher power. In Martin Luther King Jr. “I Have a Dream Speech African Americans have some but very little freedom, they can act with free will to an extent, and they have to speak with extreme
Freedom is not a term with a simple definition or interpretation. While the basic understanding of freedom is for one to have certain rights and liberties as a citizen, the American notion and application of freedom have certainly changed since its very beginning as a nation. A crucial part of America’s history that challenged the idea of true “American freedom” for citizens was the Reconstruction Era. Although the Union troops were pulled out of the South and ended de jure segregation, the emergence of Jim Crow laws at the end of Reconstruction facilitated de facto segregation. Instead of completely achieving equal freedom, Reconstruction ultimately hindered African American’s freedom with the emergence of the black codes that resurfaced again
Freedom is how we are living, it’s how we stand, and it’s how we are free to speak out. In my opinion freedom means the power to act, speak, live, and think as we want without any harm or limit from somebody. Everyday citizens are working and doing hard labor to try and keep America civilized. I highly respect people who work and make an effort to maintain our life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness. America is Where everybody wants to go and is why people leave their hometown because of freedom. America is supposedly the land of the free. I feel though as if our nation is falling apart. As stated by John F. Kennedy, “America is filled with both crisis and opportunity.” This meaning you can make your “life experience” in America good or bad but there’s always hope. America can fall apart with terrorist attacks or events like 9/11 but these events is how we make allies and how the citizens of America work together as a team no matter your race, gender, experience, or status there is a job to be completed and that is the main reason how America gets stronger.
What does freedom mean to you? For me, it means that you can do what you want to do. But I know that America says that it is the land of the free, but it really isn’t. My E.L.E. class watches CNN Student News, (Which by the way is now going to be CNN 10) and when we watch CNN Student News, it sometimes says some things where freedom goes too far. A lot of people take things too far just because they have the power.
Freedom means different things to various groups of people. For African Americans, freedom was being released from slavery and given the same rights that their white counterparts were allowed. For female suffragettes, freedom meant the right to vote, and to have a voice equal to the one that men had. Different groups have a different definition of what freedom means to them.
One thing that America has given to my generation that others im sure in the past did not have was freedom. Freedom is an important thing in life. What can you with freedom? Well you can do a lot of things with freedom such as freedom of speech,freedom of belief,freedom of association, and many more. Other countries in the world probably don't have freedom while others don't even know what freedom is. Americans are very lucky to have these types of freedom because we are very fortunate to live in America.
Freedom has a large range of meaning. The encyclopedia Britannica defines freedom as “the quality or state of being free, and the absence of necessity, coercion, or constraint in choice or action” (Britannica). In the American society there is a lot of emphasis on freedom, and the right to be free, but one must question to what extent we are truly “free”.
Freedom to me means for people to do what ever they want to do. Freedom is to let people do whatever they feel is right, but freedom is not always how you think. However, Freedom means the right to speak, or think as you want without any restraints. Freedom to many might mean something else to other people but to me it means what i think. The United States of America is considered a free country, but it's not always what you think.
Freedom can get you places you never knew you could get to. Liberty is freedom for all. This does not mean whites get more freedom than blacks, or the other way around. This does not mean men get more freedom than women. This means everyone gets the same amount of freedom.
Many ideas are important within the American culture, but to the American sense of patriotism, freedom is most fundamental. The idea of freedom is central to the American politics – which is at times referred to as liberty. Since the birth of the nation, freedom has been the vocabulary of the American language and its importance cannot be underestimated. The Declaration of Independence, for instance, ranks liberty as an inalienable right. On the other hand, the Constitution reckons that it purposes to protect civilians’ liberty. The importance of freedom has even stretched further than the political arena and has prompted the birth of civil rights movements and other activist protests. The Cold War and the Civil War were all for the cause of freedom. The importance that Americans attach to freedom can also be demonstrated from the erection of statues, banishment of slavery, use of liberty poles and a right to vote for adults. For many years, women and the African Americans have for a long time fought against denial and infringement of their freedom . However, given the importance that Americans affiliate to freedom in the conceptualization of their country, it has been the subject of modifications over the course of years especially before the Revolutionary War.
Freedoms have to be repeatedly won. Once you have lost your privileges that you had you can't get them back until the person who took it away ( mom or dad, or even grandma! ) gains your trust. This could take as much as doing the dishes, or cleaning potties! (eww!) Once you earn this trust you may have to re earn it depending on the circumstances.
of us fail to cherish and value our granted freedom. Many of us do not
The constitution of the United States of America gives me the right to freedom because I am a United States citizen. I consider "freedom" to be my right to express myself in any way I choose. Freedom is defined as "having liberty of action or thought, independent". "Self-governed or not controlled by an outside party" is another definition of freedom. Freedom has a different meaning to each individual thus making it hard to find a clear concise definition.
Imagine witnessing someone who is being arrested for a crime they've committed. The police officer reads the criminal being detained his Miranda rights and then asks the criminal, “What were you thinking when you committed the act?” The criminal responds with,” I’m free, I live in America. Therefore, I can do whatever I want to.”