What is a Gentleman?
What do you think of when you hear the word “gentleman”? Do you know how to describe a gentleman? A gentleman can be described in many words. Every person has his or her own definition of a gentleman. A gentleman can be cheerful, courteous, fair, open-minded, kind, chivalrous, and is also a hard workingman. It can be all or nothing to some people. A gentleman is seen in the eye of the beholder.
Gentlemen are mainly described as a chivalrous, courteous, or honorable man. It is a polite or formal way of referring to a man that meets a certain expectation a person sees gentleman like. He can be civilized, educated, sensitive, or a well-mannered man. He can be a man of good social standing or come from a good family.
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He always sees well in bad. He try’s to help other people see what he sees. If they don’t see the good in bad he try’s again in some other occasion. Always bringing happiness along side of him. He never seems to let anything bring him down. He is immensely courteous, polite, and well mannered to everyone that crosses paths with him. A gentleman is humble to the core. He never speaks of himself unless he is asked. He is always grateful for items and complements given to him. Always determined to do the right thing. He is never arrogant in any way. He is always fair in all occasions. Whether he is helping you solve a problem or simply splitting some candy. He always seems to solve an issue. He never thinks of taking an unfair advantage. When things don’t go to plan he never gives up in trying to find the right solution. A gentleman is always open-minded. He never seems to take sides. Never cares about any gossip. He’s always upright and straightforward with what he says. He ends up trying new things. He’s not afraid to try new food, new sports, and new games. He seems to not be afraid of exploring new possibilities or trying new
lives in a world of happiness and joy and he communicates these qualities to the
Being a man can mean many things, depending on who you speak to or what your own standard is. The traits of a man can fall into being tough or just being a humble kind individual. When we look at the instances of Willy Loman and Walter Lee, we see men who both have a sense of what being a man is like. But are too caught up in their dreams in life to be steady enough to handle the responsibilities needed in both circumstances.
When someone is thinking of a man, what do they think? Strong? Brave? That’s what most people think; in reality that is a very false image. In “Bros Before Hos: The Guy Code,” Michael Kimmel, talks about what it means to be a man and what it takes to be a man in today’s world. Men are pressured into what they “should” be. If they don’t follow certain unwritten rules, which include: not asking for directions, not giving up, not showing fear, or any signs of emotional weakness, such as tears; they are considered less than a man, a wimp. A real man must be aggressive and brave, he must defend his territory: status, family, possessions. Men blindly follow the Guy Code, they must comply in order to be part of the pack, to fit in.
What are their outstanding qualities? Does the author give any indication as to how or why the character developed these qualities?
tries hard to be responsible for his family and himself. He is a strong person
knows to perfection the proper etiquette and he has comitatus towards his leaders and elders. As
What is the quality of man, what is considered as a typical of a man?
gentle, and caring on the outside, but in actual fact, he uses his loving behavior as a mask to cover
-What he tries to do and how he responds to events and situations (create order, lead the others, get rescued) - how this helps him grow up learn responsibility (positive)
According to the Victorian definition, a gentleman "never takes unfair advantage . . . or insinuates evil which he dare not say out," and possesses, among other qualities, the ability to avoid all suspicion and
A gentleman, as defined by Merriam Webster's Collegiate dictionary is a man whose conduct conforms to a high standard of propriety or correct
The movie surveyed a wide array of the troubles faced by boys and men as they try to navigate the realm of masculinity. A common theme was the command “be a man” and the cultural baggage that comes with living up to that ideal. To “be a man” means to not cry, to not be sensitive, to not let people mess with you, to respond with violence, to be angry, to drink, to womanize.
In today’s society, masculinity has changed throughout time. Fast forward one hundred years ago, masculinity is defined as being strong and having a good paying job. But as the world is changing so is the representation of manliness. You don’t have to show your dominance over men or women today, but you should support your family nowadays and we have all been brainwashed by the thought of masculinity from our ancestors. As men our reputation is always being valued but now it isn’t so much about our reputation but about caring for one another and especially for our families. Perspective of manhood is also a significant factor in portraying what masculinity is in the eyes of other people. Masculinity has been shown through money, appearance, and providing protection for your family members but as we shift into the modern world, masculinity is not seen as displaying the most discipline but caring for one another by taking out some of your time to help one another. Throughout the paper, I will be writing about my interviews from a broad spectrum of ages from one of my younger sisters to my dad with not friends not at Seb’s in between so I can get what it really means to be a man from all ages.
Chivalry is the type of thing that would be great to have in our society but I don’t believe that it exists too much anymore in the world today. Let me break down here some of the chivalry rules compared with the actions of the people of the current world.
Positive Mental Attitude: He is a positive person. He keeps a smile on his face when things get tough, and sees the bright side of things. In addition, he seeks to find the positives in every negative situation, and tries to be philosophical.