Phobia is the fear or irritation one has towards some things, objects or activities, which results to one totally avoiding them or trip off on sighting them.
While fear, a survival mechanism, is normal, as a reaction to potential danger, such as the reaction (often in first timers) when an airplane is taking-off or landing. Phobia on the other hand is an acute fear towards some illogical and unreasonable things, that barely pose any threat. Such as the fear of butterflies, fear of crowd, etc.
However, it is to be noted that irrational fear is not necessarily a phobia. For instance, someone that fell while trying to climb a tree and since then avoid it for fear that he may fall again (but may later, after some time, attempt it again). It is
The Indian Schools claimed their purpose is to “civilize” Native Americans in a way that resembled white culture. However, these schools, in effect, acted as total institutions that didn’t promote individualism. Instead, they forced Native American students to oblige to various rules that stripped away their identity and labeled them as working class people. The after product of this process didn’t help students smoothly transition to “American” way of life; instead, they were left in a society that neither helped them to flourish in the dominant culture at the time nor to practice their own culture. Generally, I see this project as a big failure to the current values of the American culture and I hope these and other minority groups will be
Phobic disorders are objects, places, things that people develop a fear of that are not realistically dangerous. People often develop this usually from one past experience. Many people have arachnophobia, acrophobia, claustrophobia, and hydrophobia. There is some strange phobias that people develop like homophobia, fear of long words, fear of popping balloons and fear that somewhere a duck is watching you. I don’t know if it was from when I was a child but I fear that people are going to let go of their balloons or pop them, which is very strange. My friend has agoraphobia which greatly affected her social life, and only last year got over it to find a job and be able to shop by herself. I used to have to drag her into town when I needed to go and if she saw someone we knew she would hide, and would even run out of the store.
Fear can make life intolerable, there is a variety of fears one person can have. For instance, fear of being alone, fear of dying, fear of being an disappointment, fear of animals, even fear of life itself and the lists goes
Phobia in clinical psychology context is an irrational fear of something or situation. The person suffering from phobia will try their best to avoid their phobia. In the extreme case that the person suffering from the phobia cannot avoid it, they will attempt to endure through the situation with a lot of distress ADDIN EN.CITE Swanson1986158(Swanson, 1986)15815817Swanson, Guy E.Phobias and Related Symptoms: Some Social SourcesSociological ForumSociological Forum103-130111986Springer08848971 HYPERLINK l "_ENREF_2" o "Swanson, 1986 #158" Swanson, 1986). Phobias can cause difficulties in a person performing their daily activities.
A Phobia is a persistent, abnormal or irrational fear of a specific thing or situation that compels one to avoid the feared stimulus. Phobias are largely underreported. An estimated 6 million people
“A phobia is essentially a human being's irrational fear of something. It could be an object, an animal, a situation or an environment. These fears are persistent, intense, excessive and unrealistic, which is primarily why phobias are deemed irrational. A clinically phobic person's reaction to what scares him/her may seem extreme and the fright may not appear to be justified.” (Grenier et al., 2011) A specific phobia is known by a deep and persistent fear of an object or situation which becomes anxiety. The anticipations of the stimulus may make the symptoms arise. Many individuals who suffer with this disease will avoid the stimuli. They will take extra steps and precaution to have no contact. The main characteristics that the DSM-5 describes for this disorder includes “the individual suffering from a persistent fear that is either unreasonable or excessive, caused by the presence or anticipation of a specific object or situation, exposure to the stimulus usually results in an anxiety response, the sufferer recognizes that their fear is disproportionate to the perceived threat or danger, individuals take steps to avoid the object or situation they fear, and the phobic reaction, anticipation or avoidance interferes with the individual’s normal routine and relationships, or causes significant distress. At last, the phobia that the person has to be constant for a period of six months or longer.” (American Psychiatric Association,
Regarding the scientific research and treatment, phobia is also a type of mental disorder or illness. A phobia is an anxiety disorder marked by a persistent, irrational fear and avoidance of a specific object, situation, or activity. The Canadian Psychological Association’s fact sheet has revealed that Phobia is a common disease. More than one in every 10 Canadians suffer from this disease. Therefore, this paper tries to attempt causes, symptoms, and treatments of specific phobia.
A phobia is an overwhelming and unbearable fear of something, such as an object, place, situation, feeling or animal. Phobias are a lot profounder than fears. In my essay I will be looking at a scenario of a woman called Amy with an extreme phobia of birds and how we can explain her fear looking at different psychological theories that explains learnt behaviour.
Phobia (from the Greek word for "fear") is an unnatural yet very intense fear of a certain element, noun, person, or situation.
In general, a phobia refers to “extreme [and] irrational fear reactions” (Powell, Honey, & Symbaluk, 2013, p. 190). Phobias are developed through a process called classical conditioning. Classical conditioning involves “a process in which one stimulus that does not elicit a certain response is associated with a second stimulus that does; as a result, the first stimulus also comes to elicit a response” (Powell et al., 2013, pp. 109-110).
Phobias, an extreme fear of something, can best be understood through use of the psychodynamic perspective. Oftentimes, childhood traumas or exposure to the object of the fear at an early age can lead to the phobia to manifest itself when the patient is an adult.
Known as a mental disorder a phobia is a persistent fear of a specific object, activity, or situation that leads to compelling desire to avoid it. Phobias tend to affect the way people live their lives, for example, their working and social environments, considering that they last for a very long time and are capable to cause intense psychological physical stress. It is considered today the most common mental and anxiety disorder in the United States (Matig Mavissakalian & David H. Barlow 1981 pp 2). There are many phobias such as: the fear of aging, fear of changing, fear of clowns, fear of getting fat, fear of being in closed spaces, etc.
Fear is the second type of emotion. In general, fear is refers to the phycological reaction that respond to the potential dangers or threats and the extremely uncomfortable condition which results in the physiological reaction. Fear can be divided into two categories which are the rational fear or irrational fear. Rational fear is the feeling arises when there is a potential threats. Fear is sometimes define as phobia as both of these terms consists of similar characteristics.
However, phobia can even cause people to risk their health. For example, the fear of dentists can leave people suffering from it willing to risk the health of their teeth in order to avoid having to go through an exam or procedure ( MacKay). When one knows about an upcoming confrontation, it can be the reason why one can not sleep or finds it hard to focus on important tasks. Due the change in daily routine, this unrealistic fear can interfere with the ability to socialize, work, or go about everyday life, brought on by and object, event or situation. But even animals have anxieties and phobias just as every human being ( A phobia is an irrational fear, one knows that the object or situation, one is scared off, can not hurt one, but one is still afraid. A reason for this is that the human mind can not distinguish what is real and imaginary. When one has uncontrollable anxiety attacks, he loses rational judgement, leading to complicated problems. However, anyone can develop a phobia, men and women, teens and young adults, and elderly lady or a one-year-old boy (MacKay).
The painting Starry Night by Vincent van Gogh, is an abstract post-impressionism piece of art that was painted by Vincent van Gogh in June of 1889. Starry Night was painted on an oil canvas that shows the view from a window in Vincent van Gogh asylum room. The painting is filled with light to dark colors that blend to show the emotion in the painting. The darkened colored sky seems to brighten up the other lighter colors making them stand out more. The painting shows a variety of curved lines giving the piece an organic shape. Vincent van Gogh applied to his painting a rough texture by heavy brushstroke technique impasto. The painting is created in a 3 dimensional form so that if you look at the bottom of the painting you can see the houses look as if they were a very great distance away. The painting provides us with a shallow space because of the space we perceive due to the landscape of the painting.