What is Life?
The end of a person’s life seems to be something that everyone ends up worrying about. People take life for granted until there time has come and regret all things they didn't do, all the moments they didn't enjoy, and all the people he didn't love back. They always say to say “I love you” to your parents before you leave because it could be the last time you ever see them. When it comes to life, they always say to live it to its fullest, to cherish and enjoy every moment you have, because on day it will all be gone.
Steve Jobs has good points about death and life in a speech he did in 2005 at Stanford University. When Jobs said “Remembering that I’ll be dead soon is the most important tool I’ve ever encountered to help me make the big choices in life”(Steve Jobs Stanford University Speech). I had an instant reaction because there was an instant connection since I always think if the choice i'm going to make going to have a good impact in my life. Another good statement from Jobs is “ No one wants to die…And yet death is the destination we all share”(Steve Jobs Stanford University Speech). People have the option to have a good
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They dislike life, always seeing the bad in everything ruining their mood and letting their hopes down. As I read Hamlet’s Soliloquy I was able to understand that Hamlet is thinking about life and death pondering a state of being versues a state of not being alive or being dead. He talks about how death is nothing more than sleep. A direct quote from this Soliloquy is “To be, or not to be- that us the question:Whether ‘tis* nobler in the mind to suffer The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune Or to take arms against a sea of troubles And by opposing end them.”( Hamlet’s Soliloquy Lines 1-5). We can see that people think suicide is the end to this tortures life, but he laters goes on about why some people don't do
Hamlet says, “[death is] the undiscovered country, from whose bourn no traveller returns” (III, I, 79-80). Hamlet saying no one returns from death is what adds to the elusiveness of it, Fundamentally, Hamlet is saying that nobody avidly takes their own life because nobody knows what comes after death, since nobody has ever returned. Also, since nobody is informed on the experience of the after life, it allows people to make assumptions that it must be terrible since people choose to live through all the pain and suffering they face. These factors combined create a large unknown that is unnerving to Hamlet and make him believe that that is why people continue to live. Suicide may just be too risky of an action and especially for those like Hamlet, who are meticulous and rational, the risk just might not be worth it.
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Hamlet was so obsessed with his lack of action and the worthlessness of life that he contemplates suicide asking, "For who could bear the whips and scorns of time" ( III. i. 69-70). He believes he would be foolish to suffer through his life when he will simply be
The “cave” in Plato’s “Allegory of the Cave” is a metaphor for human’s mind, in this document he basically said that human need guidance that help them to get out of that “cave” and the cave that we are in right now is our mindset and our perception. Get out of our cave meaning create for us a new perception, give us a chance to gain back our free will and more than that it help us take back our freedom to think, question, analyze about this world. When you living your old thought and perception, at first you will feel terrifying, scare and depress because you don’t know what to do or what to think , you will question everything you do, see, touch or heard. However, it’s worth it because when you gave up your old knowledge that enlightened
It is inevitable that we will all die it is a fact that everyone must come to terms with. There comes a time in everyone’s life that they must face death; a friend’s tragic accident, a family member’s passing or their own battles with diseases. When faced with the idea of death people will act in different ways some may find it therapeutic to apologize for the negative they have done, some may want to spend time with loved ones to ease the future pain, and others may decide that their life was not what they believed. The story Death Constant Beyond Love tells us about a man named Senator Sanchez who is living a happy life with his wife and five kids. That is until he is told by doctors that he only has a short time to live. Death is
Death is a mystery that has puzzled the human race since the beginning of time. Most people fear it, although some look forward to it. In Steve Job’s 2005 commencement address at Stanford University, he explains how when death is so close, almost everything seems irrelevant and small. “Because almost everything- all external expectations, all pride, all fear of embarrassment or failure-these things just fall away in the face of death, leaving only what is truly important.” As seen with Roger Ebert’s philosophy of life, Hamlet’s philosophy, and Job’s speech, death makes everything seem unimportant in the grand scheme of things, and that is what makes people want to leave a lasting legacy.
When Hamlet is set up and spied on by Claudius and Polonius, he examines the moral aspect of suicide in a painful world. He opens his soliloquy with asking a simple question, "To be, or not to be:that is the question:" (III. i. 58), that is, whether to live or to die. He then begins to question whether it is nobler to suffer life and the, "slings and arrows of outrageous fortune," (III. i. 66), or to take ones life and end one's suffering. He compares death to sleep and at first thinks that
Everyone dies in the end and people know it, but nobody believes it. If we did, we would do things differently. Morrie has a lot of opinions about death as he is a dying man and I find all of them are so true. We never count our days as almost done and always believe that we are so far from that day. We do what we are supposed to do and walk around with a meaningless life, until that day comes automatically. My primary school teacher once told me to live like there’s no tomorrow. We should treasure our time and what we have and treat our days like we can die anytime with no
Hamlet is asking himself if it would be easier to endure a never-ending sleep, or to suffer; he asks who would tolerate the whips and scorns of time, the oppressor's wrong against us, the disrespect of proud men, the pain of rejected love, the proudness of authorities, and the advantage that the worst people take of the best when one could just release himself with a blade? Hamlet wonders who would carry this load, sweating and grunting under the burden of life if one did not have to dread of the after life. By Hamlet's in-depth thoughts of suicide, it is apparent that Hamlet is depressed and does not enjoy his life. "Repetition of words such as calamity, scorns, oppressor, despised, dread and weary emphasize the mental trauma he is portraying ("Passage analysis of Hamlet")." "Hamlet's speech contains obsessive concerns with suicide and death. His representation of himself as mentally unstable is an attempt to accomplish his super-objective of avoiding
Hamlets contemplation of ending his life shows an inward conflict within himself. In his first soliloquy, he debates whether he should commit suicide. "To be, or not to be- / that is the question: / whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer/ the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, / or to take arms against a sea of troubles and by opposing, end them" (3.1. lines 64-68 Shakespeare). He questions why he should live with all of this chaos but overcomes this internal conflict because he acknowledges that in his religion suicide is a sin. “O, that this too, too sullied flesh would melt, / Thaw, and resolve itself into a dew, / or that the everlasting had not fixed His canon 'gainst (self-slaughter). O God! God!” (1.2. lines 133-136 Shakespeare). This soliloquy signifies the reality of Hamlet s internal conflict and also shows the reality of his external conflict with the society he is surrounded by. This declamation establishes
In Hamlet's soliloquy in Act 3, scene 1, he presents his most rational and dominating scrutiny of the moral authority to take one's own life. He presents the dilemma of whether to commit suicide and escape one's frustrations in life, or to live because of fear of the after life. "To be or not to be-that is the question:/ Whether it is nobler in the mind to suffer/ The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, / Or to take arms against a sea of troubles" (3.1. 64-7). He decides that the only reason people choose to live is because they fear the afterlife and it's consequences. "When he himself might his quietus make/With a bare bodkin? Who would fardels bear, / To grunt and sweat under a weary life, / But the dread of something after
Death is something that brings fear and sadness in our daily lives. It is a scary thing to be honest. Not knowing at all on how you will spend your last minutes on earth is crazy. Death can teach people on how to enjoy life with their loved ones and other stuff, The fact that you never know when it is going to be your last day on earth can really make you think if you actually enjoyed life the fullest. You should always enjoy life like if it was your last day on earth, be close to the loved ones and enjoy them while you can.Do not have any regrets on anything that has made you laugh along the way of your life. Laugh until you feel like throat is hurting, cry with laughter because deep down you're happy with how things are. Live your life to please you, not other. Do what you feel is right, make your own rules.
Steve Jobs argues in his speech that the fear of death is the best method to make decisions in life because it reminds you that life is limited while opportunities are flourishing. Such as Steve Jobs building his first company in twenty-years however within those twenty years his company fired him. Consequently, instead of stopping, he continued to build a new company called NeXt. Thus, by building this new company it secured him to rebuy Apple. As a result, Steve Jobs utilizes the fear of death to continue to prosper in his career.
In a democratic society, governmental entities enact laws, design policies, and allocate resources. Bredenoord and van Lindert (2010); Ludwig et al. (2011), and Campbell (2012) pointed out that many policies are designed to help the poor; some are drafted to protect the environment, while others are designed to protect the defenseless and ensure social justice, freedom of speech, and civil liberty. Liable governments often arbitrate in regulating and deregulating government agencies and other capitalistic industries so that people are able to acquire vital products and services such as basic healthcare, shelter, water, heat, and clothing. By doing so, governments seem to uphold its responsibilities for developing policies and socioeconomic programs to protect their citizens from poverty (Ulriksen & Plagerson, 2014; Bowman & Kearney, 2012; Straehle, 2012; Karnani, 2011; Amsden, 2010; Smeeding & Waldfogel, 2010; Dolgoff & Feldstein, 2009; Albareda et al., 2008; United Nations Development Program, 2009).
My few years on this planet have been a bit confusing. I have learned of many aspects of life from which one can draw meaning, if indeed such meaning can be drawn. I have also learned that there can be no singular meaning of life to stand for us all, or even any one of us. What I have learned above all is that trying to put words to the meaning of life is a task of absolute absurdity. This is not to be confused with the idea that life has no meaning, for life certainly has meaning. However, there is no single meaning of life to be defined - life is different for us all. Therefore, rather than define life for an entire planet, I shall try to explain what life means as I perceive it, and why it means so.