For Which We Stand Loyalty, does it still exist today? I am of the opinion that it does; after all, our loyalty to God, family and country is what we stand for. Although, loyalty can be described by many other words, such as, faithfulness, commitment, obligation, devotion and allegiance. Therefore, the true meaning of loyalty may be left up the individual. Finding what loyalty means to me began in the summer of 1992. I was offered an employment opportunity by my uncle, Richard Graham. In particular, a sales position at the Ford dealership he recently had purchased. Since I was only twenty one years old, this seemed like a great opportunity to better myself. Although, southern Ohio, was once a thriving industrial community, it had …show more content…
For example, our founding fathers wrote, in the Declaration of Independence, how it was necessary to cut ties with Great Britain and create laws of our own. To create a sovereign union with a vision of “Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness”. The ground work laid back then has united us as one big family devoted to defending our freedom. Although, I never served in the military and sometimes regret not following in the foot steps of my father, grand-father and many other family members. The loyalty we the people have for her is what makes this country so great. With out God neither family nor country would be possible that is why “In God we Trust.” As for my family, we trust in God and accepted Jesus as our personal savior. We believe in prayer and using God's word to help mold our lives. As for me, it took a number of years to even approach spiritual maturity. Therefore, to feel comfortable sharing my faith with others out side of church was always a challenge! The road was long and winding, with no shortage of wrong turns and bad decisions. Even though, in my younger years I attended the occasional vacation bible school and youth group bible studies with friends. Our family rarely graced the front door of a church growing up; let alone, teach us about God or the bible. My parents were not atheist they just chose not to participate in church. I think in part, although not an excuse,
Loyalty plays a big part in Romeo and Juliet. Ties of loyalty are woven throughout the play, binding certain characters together. The main theme is the feuding families of Romeo and Juliet that holds an “ancient grudge” against each other: the Montague’s and the Capulet’s. Romeo’s family and friends despise Juliet’s family, the Capulet’s, and as the play progresses you will find them defending each other in the face of an enemy. Romeo and Juliet have to defy their parent’s expressive wish not to see each other, and accept the consequences of their forbidden love. They question the fact that there’s no solid fact that the two family’s hate each other: merely time has blown the feuding out of proportion.
Case 37.5: Duty of Loyalty. Edward Hellenbrand ran a comedy club known as the Comedy Cottage in Rosemont, Illinois. The business was incorporated, with Hellenbrand and his wife as the corporation’s sole shareholders. The corporation leased the premises in which the club was located. Hellenbrand hired Jay Berk as general manager of the club. Two years later, Berk was made vice present of the corporation and given 10 percent of its stock. Hellenbrand experienced health problems, and moved to Nevada, leaving Berk to manage the daily affaires of the business. Four years later, the ownership of the building where the Comedy Cottage was located changed hands. Shortly thereafter, the club’s lease on the premises expired. Hellenbrand instructed Berk to negotiate a new lease. Berk arranged a month-to-month lease, but had the lease agreement drawn up in his name instead of the corporation. When Hellenbrand learned of Berk’s move, he fired him. Berk continued to lease the building in his own name, and opened his own club, the Comedy Company, Inc., there. Hellenbrand sued Berk for an injunction to prevent Berk from leasing the building. Comedy Cottage, Inc. v. Berk, 145 III.App.3d 355, 495 N.E.2d 1006, Web 1986 III.App.Lexis 2486 (Appellate Court of Illinois).
Loyalty is trait that every person in the world should have. An example of loyalty is when
In our society today, loyalty is a trait that is valued by many, despite its relative weakness compared to betrayal. This is because many will remember the times when they were betrayed, yet will only remember a handful of times
Loyalty has always been seen as a commendable trait, not only in human beings but in any creature, all through history. Soldiers have admired their enemies for their loyalty to fallen comrades, thousands of stories have been written about the intense loyalty animals portray for their owners, and even companies in the workforce look for loyalty in potential employees. Loyalty has been seen as something that distinguishes the trustworthy from the untrustworthy, and something that sets the great apart from the good. The archetypal hero commonly has a cause, whether it be another person or personal beliefs, that they are loyal to, and this unwavering loyalty is what makes them appear so highly in the eyes of the reader. Loyalty can be found in practically any work of literature, but within The Torah, The Odyssey, and Inanna is the idea that true loyalty, although a rare attribute, is the key to a successful relationship.
Loyalty is heroic. Loyalty is defined as faithfulness or devotion to a person, cause, obligations, or duties. In Homer's Odyssey one can see loyalty in many forms. Odysseus is loyal to the gods whom he realized held his life in their hands. Penelope was loyal to Odysseus, while trying not to offend the rude suitors. Telemachus was loyal to a father whom he only knew from the stories he had been told. Time and time again we see loyalty in the strongest sense, complete fidelity in time of uncertainty.
Loyalty should be considered a quality that is supposed to keep family ties together and use the shield of bravery to protect it. It is proven that devotion in families of today, are lost and bravery shows no character in a person. It is a personality that each individual has in them only to be used in the most courteous way and should not be used selfishly. Loyalty cannot be purchased and must be earned. If it used in the wrong way, it can climax to a disaster.
Loyalty is important to me because I personally want loyalty from others, so I provide loyalty to others. I have always lived my life on the concept that “you get what you put in.” In response to that, I am loyal to others with hope that others will be loyal to me.
I define loyalty as the willingness of a person to sacrifice at their own personal expense in order to protect, uphold, defend and edify those persons, ideals and/or things which they cherish most. The amount of loyalty a person feels towards someone or something determines how much they are willing to sacrifice for them. As a soldier, we are called upon to sacrifice every aspect of our lives - the physical, the mental, the emotional and the spiritual - in order to protect, uphold, defend and edify the U.S. constitution, the Army, our fellow soldiers and the nation and heritage
The dictionary defines the word loyalty as a strong feeling of support or allegiance. Schools across the nation stand every morning, put their hands on their hearts and pledge their loyalty to their country. The novel Ship Breaker is about a young boy named Nailer who works to break ships apart in a futuristic society. His mom died and his father, Richard, became an addict leaving them very poor and reliant on Nailer’s income. One day, Nailer is walking the beach with his friend Pima recovering supplies after a hurricane, there they find a massive clipper ship with one survivor inside. The girl inside, Nita, was fleeing capture from her family’s enemies and shipwrecked. Soon after, Richard Lopez and his crew found Nailer, Nita, and Pima and captured them, planning to sell Nita to her enemies. With a stroke of luck, the three manage to escape from Richard. Nailer and Nita fled to New Orleans with an unfaithful member of Lopez’s crew. While in Orleans, the trio finds work, allies, and an escape from Nita’s enemies. Then, Nita is captured by the enemy who has allied with Richard Lopez. In response, Nailer set out on the clipper ship of his dreams to find her, and unknowingly, to find himself. True loyalty doesn't come with any ties, it is unconditional and without hesitation. In Paolo Baciagalupi’s Science Fiction book Ship Breaker, use of symbolism and conflict tell the story of Nailer Lopez and his journey to find that loyalty doesn't just lie in family, it's who has your
Loyalty, loyalty is the allegiance and a strong support for something or someone, but does your support have to be unconditional for you to still be loyal. For me, no.
L-Loyalty is my commitment I will always have for my country, other service members and my superiors. loyalty is important because if I did not care for my country I would have no motivation to serve and protect my fellow servicemen and the citizens of my country. Loyalty also means that I will not betray my country, or fellow service members in any way and I will always stay true to my country. Being a person that other people can count on is being Loyal.
My family claims to be religious, but most are content with being “Sunday-morning” Christians. If it were not for my great-grandmother, I probably would be the same as the rest of my family. She was the only one who truly supported my later decision to pursue God instead of flirt around Christianity. I would go to services on Sunday mornings, but that was about as
Loyalty is being faithful to commitments and obligations. On the other hand there are many ways to display loyalty. One can be loyal to a person, political party, country, religion, or cause. The list is seemingly endless. William Shakespeare’s play King Lear exhibits many forms of loyalty, but one that shines particularly is loyalty to ones selfish needs. However there is a limit to loyalty which most over look. The characters Cordelia, the emotional King Lear, and the vile Edmund all manifest their loyalty to their own self, and all meet their demise. The limit to loyalty is death.
Loyalty is like a shadow it’s something that’s with you all of the time, but sometimes it’s hidden. Most people don’t show their loyalty hidden, but loyalty is something that’s not supposed to be hidden .To me loyalty is when someone is there for someone else. Loyalty is a characteristic many people should strive to have; it earns the trust and respect of many. A loyal person would never be able to fail someone because they are trustable. Loyalty is everywhere and there are many different kinds of loyalty.