
Definition Essay on Loyalty

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For Which We Stand Loyalty, does it still exist today? I am of the opinion that it does; after all, our loyalty to God, family and country is what we stand for. Although, loyalty can be described by many other words, such as, faithfulness, commitment, obligation, devotion and allegiance. Therefore, the true meaning of loyalty may be left up the individual. Finding what loyalty means to me began in the summer of 1992. I was offered an employment opportunity by my uncle, Richard Graham. In particular, a sales position at the Ford dealership he recently had purchased. Since I was only twenty one years old, this seemed like a great opportunity to better myself. Although, southern Ohio, was once a thriving industrial community, it had …show more content…

For example, our founding fathers wrote, in the Declaration of Independence, how it was necessary to cut ties with Great Britain and create laws of our own. To create a sovereign union with a vision of “Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness”. The ground work laid back then has united us as one big family devoted to defending our freedom. Although, I never served in the military and sometimes regret not following in the foot steps of my father, grand-father and many other family members. The loyalty we the people have for her is what makes this country so great. With out God neither family nor country would be possible that is why “In God we Trust.” As for my family, we trust in God and accepted Jesus as our personal savior. We believe in prayer and using God's word to help mold our lives. As for me, it took a number of years to even approach spiritual maturity. Therefore, to feel comfortable sharing my faith with others out side of church was always a challenge! The road was long and winding, with no shortage of wrong turns and bad decisions. Even though, in my younger years I attended the occasional vacation bible school and youth group bible studies with friends. Our family rarely graced the front door of a church growing up; let alone, teach us about God or the bible. My parents were not atheist they just chose not to participate in church. I think in part, although not an excuse,

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