
Definition Of A Right?

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Definition of a Right A right is a concept in which a person has ownership of a metaphysical aspect pertaining to one’s self. That is, a right is a concept that first exist in the mind. Accordingly, where rights are concerned, it is similar to property; however, it cannot be taken away. A right first must be reasoned by the mind, where “the mind has the capacity to gain knowledge of some principles through reason alone” (Snyder, 1986, p. 727). The human mind is able to reason out certain concepts; of these concepts the idea of ownership over something comes into play. Further, the ability to reason out a concept such as right, or rather innate ownership of something is known. For example, the mind is able to reason out that there exists a …show more content…

Where life and liberty are concerned, these are metaphysical concepts in which the mind has reasoned out to be distinct from the body, but are still part of personal property. Meaning, we have reasoned out that the concepts of life and liberty are our property, and as property we have a duty to ensure that it is kept intact with all things capable of reason. Further, because we have this duty, we also have a right to these concepts. Where there is a duty, there is to give someone rights; then they have a claim. Thus, all beings that can reason have a claim to rights because all beings have a duty to give these rights to other rational beings. Therefore, a right is simply the metaphysical concepts a person is able to reason out to be district in things that can reason, and are in conformity with natural law. Natural law is “a point of intersection between law and morals... what naturally is, out to be” (Wacks, 2015, p.15). Natural has given us our bodies and minds, morals are subjective. When parried with our reasoned-out rights, we then have moral concepts that are our property. Simply, there are concepts that can be morally justified as being innate to human existence. These concepts are what natural law has given to us. A right is then the sum concepts of duties owed to natural law, our moral concepts, reasoned out concepts, and then rights given by nature. We have a duty to obey nature, nature as certain

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