
Definition Of Dreams Essay

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Dream Meanings By researching, and observing dreams, I can conclude that each dreams have different behaviors. Dreams occur at different emotional states in your life. Times that you are feeling down, feeling on top of things, or even when you are feeling amazing. These dreams occur for these reasons because your brain is trying to help fix your emotional problems. Being naked in public. This dream occurs quite frequently for some people. It represents you hiding something. Something you want to get out to your peers, your friends, or family. It can happen when you are keeping secrets. Being chased is a way of your body telling you to stop stressing so much. Relax, and not to stress over things so much. It also can be an example of anxiety. That you are running and avoiding your problems because you are getting anxiety from them. …show more content…

This dream is the way your brain tells you that you are avoiding or neglecting something. There are different variations of this dream. Sometimes you will be taking the exam and not be able to right. Or your pen is out of ink, pencil is out of led, or not being able to read the test. Flying in the sky, and not falling. This dream occurs when you are feeling on top of things, no problems in sight. Running, but going nowhere. This is another common one which happens for people who are worried about the future, and who have anxiety. They are trying to stay in the present but cannot continue to the future because they’re scared for the future. Now there is the most common dream. Falling. Falling in your dreams is actually one of the most unique ones. Falling means that you are afraid to lose something. You’re are falling for minutes, and then you face plant into the ground. You have hit rock

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