
Defographic Analysis

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Constructing the infographic was not as difficult as I first imagined it would be. Time was a huge factor in this project that made me believe the assignment would be difficult to complete. Nonetheless, because the website proved to be easy to maneuver, I was able to make creative yet simplistic graphics which contained relevant information. Simplicity was key as the infographic was made to cater to a younger audience with a moderate understanding of how the health care system works. My main goal throughout the process was to ensure the graphics were not just graphics and that they themselves portrayed the information necessary to the argument. Keeping that in mind, I designed my graphics so that if the wording around them were removed, the main idea on each block would …show more content…

For all three problems stated in the infographic, a logical solution was given and emphasized with fact. Statistics were used when explaining the single payer system, patent protection expiration was explained in regards to competition, and an equation was given as part of the explanation for the overuse of medical technology. Having shown irrefutable and well-organized solutions helped enhance the audience’s logos appeal. In addition to logos, ethos was expressed with the citations of credible sources. Correct grammar and a professional presentation of the information also aided in building ethos. However, pathos was not addressed as often in the infographic. Emotions did not come into play as I was designing the project. I was more focused on persuading the audience with graphics and logical/reasonable solutions. Consequently, the definitions and statistics I provided may have induced a feeling of shock to the audience. Unfortunately, pathos did not have a big part in the plan of persuasion. In the future I will pay closer attention to emotions and the role they have in persuading people into agreeing with ones

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