Constructing the infographic was not as difficult as I first imagined it would be. Time was a huge factor in this project that made me believe the assignment would be difficult to complete. Nonetheless, because the website proved to be easy to maneuver, I was able to make creative yet simplistic graphics which contained relevant information. Simplicity was key as the infographic was made to cater to a younger audience with a moderate understanding of how the health care system works. My main goal throughout the process was to ensure the graphics were not just graphics and that they themselves portrayed the information necessary to the argument. Keeping that in mind, I designed my graphics so that if the wording around them were removed, the main idea on each block would …show more content…
For all three problems stated in the infographic, a logical solution was given and emphasized with fact. Statistics were used when explaining the single payer system, patent protection expiration was explained in regards to competition, and an equation was given as part of the explanation for the overuse of medical technology. Having shown irrefutable and well-organized solutions helped enhance the audience’s logos appeal. In addition to logos, ethos was expressed with the citations of credible sources. Correct grammar and a professional presentation of the information also aided in building ethos. However, pathos was not addressed as often in the infographic. Emotions did not come into play as I was designing the project. I was more focused on persuading the audience with graphics and logical/reasonable solutions. Consequently, the definitions and statistics I provided may have induced a feeling of shock to the audience. Unfortunately, pathos did not have a big part in the plan of persuasion. In the future I will pay closer attention to emotions and the role they have in persuading people into agreeing with ones
Today, one can see the tactic of persuasion being used as a standard avenue to influence a person’s attitude or beliefs by presenting them with different messages that encourage things like using certain brand name products, vote a certain way, or where to take a vacation just to name a few. There are four types of people that include gullible people, skeptical people, firm believers, and people who are leaders who trust others as well as make others follow their ideas. Persuasion is a widespread topic of social psychology and may be done in different ways. There are two types of cognitive processes by which to persuade someone, which are the central route or the peripheral route. For this assignment I used mostly the central route approach as well as using a little of the peripheral route approach. To reinforce the peripheral route approach the use of pathos was also used during the video to play on the emotions of the watcher. This PowerPoint is effective at using the central route of persuasion, peripheral
The use of effective persuasion techniques will not only the marketing and sales personnel to make more sales and meet the targets but also enable them to have an edge over the competitive environment. So of the techniques used in the commercial video from state farm insurance company on one hand show an effective means of communicating to convince the audience while on the other hand, the video is too complex to comprehend for an a normal and uneducated citizen. Here are some of the effective persuasion techniques that have been used in the commercial to reach out and convince their target audience to use and stick to the company’s insurance services. Moreover, these techniques are aimed at making the incumbent customers to become more loyal to State Farm insurance. According to Petty, Richard and Cacioppo (1984), there are two routes effective persuasion no matter the kind of media used to deliver the message to the audience. First, one can persuade effectively by building a central argument(s) in the message. Secondly, the persuader can effectively deliver the message to his or her target audience by trying to appeal to the audience by associating the message with what they can accept favorably. Usually, the favorable peripheral cues in the message lures the
Communication is essential in every aspect of life. Open and strategic communication plans are crucial for the efficient performance of health organizations. End users need health information to make informed decisions. With the advancement of technology such as access to the Internet, it is convenient for patients to access health care services and products (Publishing, 2013). Health care services are importance to the community.
Teens in Therapy: Making It on their own: Engaging Adolescents in Successful Therapy for Responsible Lives
Logos, pathos, and ethos are three Greek, ancient rhetorical arguments that are used frequently in today’s society. Advertisement are common used methods to persuade their potential customers to buy or support their product or idea. For example, skincare companies use proven facts to convince their customers that if they use their product, then their skin will look younger or feel younger; this is a form of logos, a term that refers to the use of logic and reason to support one's ideas. Instead of using facts to persuade people, pathos relies on appealing to a person's emotion. An example for pathos is NASAP, the animal rescue program. They intentionally show emotional images that are designed to elicit an emotion from the viewers; their use
Article was written by people with extensive experience in health care, pediatrics, and public health. Jessica Anker, Lisa Kern, Erica Abramson, and Rainu Kaushal, all of them are members of Weil corner Medical College and Health Information Technology Evaluation Collaborative. The intended audience is members of health care system, health care providers, and professionals that are involved in patient care. This article discusses how health information technology (HIT) together with organizational structure and clinician involvement can improve care and safety of our patients. I think that this article is important for nursing practice, because it shows that HIT alone cannot improve quality care, but together with work of clinicians and communication
Information, communication, and technology contributes significantly to the transformation of the healthcare system. The initiation of the computer age and the rapid advances in technology have influences on nurses/patient communication. Nurses are expected to have knowledge of healthcare informatics if they are to function effectively and efficiently in a modernized healthcare system. An understanding of healthcare informatics helps nurses to interact and communicate with their patients using different online applications. Patient portals applications are available in various forms such as, independent online services, modules of
Over the years, Aristotle’s elements of persuasion: ethos, pathos, and logos has been extensively used to analyze various speeches as well as other famous quotes. The elements can be used to appeal to a group of people to take a particular point of view or support a specific course. All the elements help in convincing the audience by creating sense of the speaker’s words. For instance, ethos appeals to the ethical mandates which convinces the audience about the credibility and character of the persuader. Pathos tends to create an emotional appeal by provoking the audiences’ human nature and compassion. Whereas logos creates a logical picture for the audience and outlines the reasons as to why the persuader took the stand.
Exploitation of Mexico by Spanish Conquistadors vividly illustrates the struggle of the native Mexicans during the inquisition, depicts the violent and savage oppression by the Spanish conquerors, and satirizes the rule and authority of Cortes. This mural by Diego Rivera was the last of the corridor panels painted in the Palacio National (Khan Academy). His spectacular approach portrays an accurate narrative of Mexican history. It is a summarization of the Spanish enslavement of the Aztecs (Sullivan). He gives a much different view of the discovery and exploration of the New World. While glory and praise rings around the world for the bravery of the Spanish to venture to the unknown, Rivera reveals a dark and
Advances in modern technology surrounds us in our day to day lives, allowing conveniences and efficiency at our fingertips. Great strides have been made over the years with technology, and the healthcare industry along with many other industries have adopted this new way of functioning; electronically. The effects of technology have come to the forefront in where our government has acknowledged the benefits and opportunities. “The promise of Health Information Technology for improving quality and safety of health care while reducing costs has caught the eye of policy makers and other leaders in health care” (Hersh, 2006). It deeply affects how we connect, interact, and communicate internally and externally, but also gives us a sense of control on how we engage ourselves to the innovative software and systems.
Health Information, therefore, is not just the patient data but the presentation of this data in a useful form and
The graphics can be interpreted by all audiences. This type of argument is more effective than words because it indirectly is embedding the message from the graphics into the minds of the audience.
Persuasion is a part of our everyday lives. Whether we are persuading our mother, using persuasion through speech, or threw advertisements, we are using rhetoric strategies to get the response we desire. With the help of minor details in many advertisements, Ethos, Logos, and Pathos are a way of persuading the audience to buy or think a certain way. A Colgate toothbrush commercial used Logos, Pathos and Ethos to spread the word that they have the best toothbrush of all, in which they target everyone who has teeth. Through the use of advertisements, Colgate has convinced the world that they have the best toothbrushes, they’re even recommended by dentists.
There are many types of data collected, such as, Demographic, financial, socioeconomic, and clinical data are collected from patients so that the healthcare providers of services to the patient are able to assess the history of whatever disease the patients is suffering from and how is to be treated. Data collection in the facility is well organized in a way that promotes shared assessment, treatment and communication. Nurses and front row staffs collects raw data’s from the patient, and. The Heath Information Manager and team are the facility are responsible in analyzing and presenting the data collected in a meaning and easily understandable way to served the specific purposes for which it was collected. Examples of such data are, patient’s name, height, weight, gender, allergies, and third party
Hebda, T., & Czar, P. (2013). Handbook of informatics for nurses & healthcare professionals (5th ed). Boston, MA: