In the story ten billion that we have been reading in class talks about all these different problems in the world. I believe that we are heading towards a distopian society. Ten billion does as great job about talking about the world problems. There are millions of way to stop what the author is saying and we can change the way we are heading. We could stop our society from becoming a distopian society. We are the only ones that could stop what is happening in the world. Ten billion talks about deforestation and that needs to stop we are cutting down animals habitats and trees provide us with air a natural necessity for all human beings. We need air to breathe and live and the less trees means the less air we have to breathe. We can not keep chopping down as many trees as we are …show more content…
But there is a simple solution stop cutting down as many trees as we are or for every tree we cut down we grow a new one those are the simplest solutions to deforestation. Not only deforestation but the cause of deforestation is over population over the last 20 years the population has spiked drastically and with more people means more houses which means another forest cleared so we can build houses there for more people to live in. and because there are more people that need houses also means more people that need air and with more forests getting destroyed for those people who need houses they get less air because they cleared a forest for there house. Overpopulation is also a huge problem because of food major companies have to use chemicals to grow food faster so they can feed allot more people. Also more animals are getting breeded and killed for food so the billions of people on the earth can eat. We are killing animals who could have feelings, and were killing them for our own plessure and necessity. Yes i understand that we need to eat and we need food but we kill too many animals because billions of people need to eat and
The problem we have now in the present day is too much deforestation. We have to realize that getting rid of these trees and habitats just to keep modernizing the world is not good for the environment. Yes, of course we need homes, jobs, and service buildings; however, we can use old vacant building and remodel. It is not necessary to build new. If only we used what we already have, we can save many trees, as well as habitats. I do understand that we may be able to plant new trees; nevertheless it takes years for them to
According to a Collective Evolution article published on March 4, 2013, “260 million acres...of US forests have been clear-cut to create land for producing feed for livestock” (Ketler 1). In addition to this, National Geographic has released an article about deforestation stating that one of the worst outcomes of deforestation is the destruction of habitats for animals. The article goes on to state that deforestation is also a major cause of climate change and global warming. What is even worse is that this deforestation will likely not stop, as the world population swells and the demand for meats as well. So, this tragedy must be stopped now, or this could materialize extremely negative, complex issues for the environment and the population of the
As you are reading this, sixty seconds from now approximately over 100 acres and roughly about 2,000 trees are being destroyed at an alarming rate worldwide. As a result an estimated 140 species of rainforest plants and animals go extinct every day. That is the equivalent of at least 42 million acres of tropical forests in Asia, Africa, and Latin America are lost each year, an area the size of the state of Washington (RFA). Now some may say in a geographical perspective the continents listed above are not in correlation to North America’s natural resources, but it is of vital importance to take swift precautionary methods to help reduce this process before it is too late. Even the most conservative estimates project
In our world deforestation rate is getting higher day by day. In fact, the rate of
Borneo's struggle to survive during their struggle with large industrial deforestation and devastation. The government of Borneo is in favor of logging, thus destroying the culture and environment of the indigenous people. They are faced with the destruction of their entire way of life. For generations, their ancestors have lived on this land and been stewards of it. For decades, their government has trampled upon their rights and caused environmental destruction so that a few might get rich, all the while marginalizing the native communities and destroying their livelihoods.
Deforestation is the permanent destruction of forests in order to make the land available for other uses. Half of the world’s tropical forests have been cleared or degraded. Some people ask why forests’ are being cleared. It is typically done to make more land available for other things like housing, cash crops, oil, and cattle ranching. Most of what everyone does with deforestation is said to be illegal. Common methods of deforestation are clear cutting and burning trees. The burning method can be done either quickly or slowly. Quickly for plantation use or more slowly using the slash and burn technique. The many reasons why farmers and other people do that is to get money to feed there family or like it was stated early, to make room for growing crops or livestock. Forests are cut down for many reasons, but most of them are related to people’s need to provide for there families or money. Logging operations, which provide the world’s paper and wood products, also cut a number of trees down each year. Loggers, some of them doing it illegally, also build roads to get to more and more remote forests, which leads to further deforestation. Not all deforestation is a terrible thing and intentional. Deforestation comes in handy when in need to build a new oil place. There are a lot of natural factors that play into deforestation like wildfires and subsequent overgrazing. Most of the deforestation occurs in the tropics, which is a terrible place because they have poor soil for
Imagine taking a look outside and not see anymore trees. The once thick and abundant forests completely gone. The beauty of nature completely wiped out. Imagine all the animals we know today not being around anymore. The animals that we take for granted and don't think twice about.This is all because of deforestation. Deforestation is the the act of clearing a wide area of trees. Deforestation comes in many forms, including fires, clear-cutting for agriculture, ranching and development, unsustainable logging for timber, and degradation due to climate change.(----) At the rate at which deforestation is occurring the later generations might never get to experience and see these luxuries. Some 46-58 thousand square miles of forest are lost each year—equivalent to 48 football fields every minute.(---) Deforestation also has many other effects on the planet. things The environmental costs of deforestation can include species extinction, erosion, flooding, reduced land productivity, desertification, and climate change and increased atmospheric carbon dioxide. As more habitat is destroyed, more species face extinctions.(“Deforestation” 3) In today’s world, deforestation is a problem and should be put to an end.
Deforestation is a problem that does not concern many people, but it is an issue that the people of Earth need to deal with. In the past 50 years deforestation has increased a significant amount, but people around the world have been removing the forests since the 1600s. The forests remaining are in danger as the human population goes up, the need for resources will also increase and this will make the deforestation of the last forests come quicker before humans realize it is too late. Unless the people address this threat to the world, it will be too late because this is something that can be fixed, the forests can be rebuilt but it has to start right now before there is nothing people can do. There are many causes for deforestation such as, clearing space for urbanization, making areas available for houses, or harvesting the lumber for goods and other consumer items and all of these have an effect on the world. The consequences of deforestation can affect all aspects of life on Earth, including the water cycle, the soil, and the life quality of species around the world.
Forests have covered the earth for millions of years, providing habitat and food for animals and humans. These forests have stabilized different ecosystems and have continued the natural cycle that keeps plants and animals in check. The discovery of fire changed all of this. It was the beginning of deforestation, a process that has continued and increased over the last 200,000 years. Humans are the responsible party for the deforestation that has occurred. Humans discovered that animals could be driven with fire. This led to accelerated forest loss due to uncontrolled burning for hunting use (Miller & Tangley 1991: 28). Agriculture was the next problem
Three to six billion trees are cut down each and every year! Deforestation is a huge problem in the rainforests. Because these forests are home to much of the Earth’s species of life. Covering 30 percent of our land forests provide homes, protection, and oxygen for humans and other wildlife in the forests. There are 7.125 billion people that count on the benefits provided by the forest, which is: food, clothing, traditional medicine and shelter. If something isn 't done soon to reduce our carbon footprint, we will not have forests of any type to soak up the carbon dioxide(CO2) in the atmosphere.
Life on Earth could not continue is not for the existance of forests. Even though most people know this, many people do not know that one and a half acres of forest are cut down every second. Deforestation is one of the biggest ecological problems our world faces today. Deforestation is the conversion of forested areas to non-forest area for uses including agricultural, residential, and commercial. Deforestation contributes to other ecological proeblems as well, such as global warming.
Deforestation is one of the most significant issues of our time; considerable measures must be taken to prevent further pillaging of our unique forest resource.
So Deforestation, in my opinion deforestation is wrong and bad for earth, the reason i dont like deforestation and i think its a problem is because its killing many species, destroying forests, and destroying habitats.
The Earth has an ability to produce natural resources, provide land to build on, and absorb waste. This is known as the bio capacity of the Earth, and it can only take so much to keep the planet healthy and clean. It takes about a year and a half to generate the resources that the human population only uses in a year. Therefore, if it continues at this rate, according to the World Wildlife Fund, “by the year 2050, the human population is anticipated to use an equivalency of two Earths worth of renewable sources in only one year.” The planet Earth can only produce so much in one year, and doubling the amount is far from possible. There are many threats on the planet Earth to prevent it from providing what is demanded, in which people do not realize are a part of a day-to-day routine. Just as the Earth is evolving, human life and wildlife is expanding its population as well and consequently, all residents of the planet should be aware of saving the Earth from demolishing everyone and everything in it. Cutting down forests for the sake of human utilization may be beneficial, however it will decrease the benefits of Earth as a whole. The act of deforestation may be considered a gateway to the extinction of all living things on the Earth.
Deforestation is a major global problem with serious consequences to the planet. These consequences have a negative effect on the climate, biodiversity, the atmosphere and threatens the cultural and physical survival of life. Deforestation is the permanent destruction of indigenous forests and woodlands. It has resulted in the reduction of indigenous forests to four-fifths of their pre-agricultural area, so that now indigenous forests cover only 21% of the earth's land surface. The world Resources Institute regards deforestation as one of the worlds most pressing land use problem.