
Degree Open Doors

Decent Essays

At an early age, we are taught the importance of getting an education and how obtaining a degree open doors. As years pass the value of education increases, what before required a high school diploma now requires two to four years of college. Jobs become more and more demanding.
Having a degree not only improves your job income but according to a study done by Arizona State University, “individual earnings are strongly related to educational attainment. People who have completed high school earn more than those who have not; people with a bachelor’s degree earn more than those with only a high school diploma, and those with a graduate education earn more than those with only an undergraduate education.” One can assume that the higher the degree …show more content…

According to department of education, in some states community colleges are contracted to provide the correctional education and in others they only provide postsecondary vocational programs which can include noncredit certificate bearing courses. In an analysis done with all fifty states in 2005 by the Institute for Higher Education Policy (IHEP) found that 68 percent of all postsecondary correctional education is provided by community colleges. Being able to continue an education once released from prison gives the person something to look forward to. Many times it takes a while to be able to get a job; however being enrolled in school gives the person the opportunity to keep busy and to work towards something.

In the article,” Partnerships Between Community Colleges and Prisons” by the U.S. Department of Education, Office of Vocational and Adult Education and Office of Correctional Education; states how important it is to get inmates prepared for a labor market that requires post-secondary education degrees or certificates. Giving the inmates an education increases the ability for the inmate to obtain a living wage-job because they now have the skills to do so. Then obtaining a job means the ex-offender will not return to their criminal …show more content…

The Adult Basic Education program is for inmates whose reading and math scores are below on the department’s standardized test. In the end inmate reading and math level should be at the six grade level.

The Bilingual Program provides English as a second language for Spanish dominant inmates. The course for any illiterate Spanish dominant inmate is first given in Spanish. Then he is prepared for the Spanish HSE exam. For the Spanish HSE reading and math levels must be above 6.0.

The College Program offers college level credit courses for inmates who possess a high school diploma. The program is privately funded and offers certificates, Associate and/or Bachelor degrees. In addition the New York Theological Seminary's Masters of Professional Studies Program is offered.

The Masters of Professional Studies is a graduate level program that is two years and then followed by a one year post graduation practical experience. In order to participate, you must have a Bachelor’s degree, recommendation letter by a staff member in Sing

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