
Dehydrate Hydration In Schools

Decent Essays

Students are going through the day will little fluid refueling such as water. Classroom across America do not allow water or other beverages in the classroom. When students become dehydrated it become important for teachers and other adults to make available water to help rehydrate the body. There are warning signs that students may become dehydrated these would include but are not limited to: Sleepiness or tiredness, and Headaches. (Mayo Clinic, 2014) Hydration is one of the best ways to keep a body functioning properly. The human body is made up of 50- 60% of water. (Grodner, pg. 154)
Hydration in infants and children (Grodner, Roth, & Walkingshaw, 2012, p. 154) It is interesting that boys need 10 cups of water a day to maintain hydration …show more content…

Lastly, and maybe most importantly when the human body remains in a state dehydration for too long it will affect the brain. The Hypothalamus controls hormons, and the bodys response also know as the triger that tells the body it needs food and water. The Frontal Cortex controls our motor function, problem solving, memory, language, judgement, impulse control, and social behavior. (Lask & Bryant-Waugh, 2013, p. 128). This shows that when food and water are restricted learning, memory and classroom behavior is affected. Some have argued that eating and drinking in the classroom is disruptive (Advice, pg. 48) According to the American School Board Journal Jan. 2005 “Students who drink more water during the day were more alert and did better on tests then students who did not drink as much water.” The bottom line of teaching is for students to do well so allowing water improves scores why wouldn’t you allow water.
A simple solution to dehydration and its side effects of sleepiness, tiredness and headaches, would be for schools to allow water bottles or refillable cups with lids in the classroom therefor allowing students the opportunity to stay hydrated. Federal Smart Snack Act of 2010 section 9a requires school to supply drinking fountains but this is a minimum standard. Schools can and should want to set higher standard for the welfare of all students. After all “Water is more urgent than the need for any other Nutrient.” (Grodner, Roth, & Walkingshaw, 2012, p.

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