Students are going through the day will little fluid refueling such as water. Classroom across America do not allow water or other beverages in the classroom. When students become dehydrated it become important for teachers and other adults to make available water to help rehydrate the body. There are warning signs that students may become dehydrated these would include but are not limited to: Sleepiness or tiredness, and Headaches. (Mayo Clinic, 2014) Hydration is one of the best ways to keep a body functioning properly. The human body is made up of 50- 60% of water. (Grodner, pg. 154)
Hydration in infants and children (Grodner, Roth, & Walkingshaw, 2012, p. 154) It is interesting that boys need 10 cups of water a day to maintain hydration
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Lastly, and maybe most importantly when the human body remains in a state dehydration for too long it will affect the brain. The Hypothalamus controls hormons, and the bodys response also know as the triger that tells the body it needs food and water. The Frontal Cortex controls our motor function, problem solving, memory, language, judgement, impulse control, and social behavior. (Lask & Bryant-Waugh, 2013, p. 128). This shows that when food and water are restricted learning, memory and classroom behavior is affected. Some have argued that eating and drinking in the classroom is disruptive (Advice, pg. 48) According to the American School Board Journal Jan. 2005 “Students who drink more water during the day were more alert and did better on tests then students who did not drink as much water.” The bottom line of teaching is for students to do well so allowing water improves scores why wouldn’t you allow water.
A simple solution to dehydration and its side effects of sleepiness, tiredness and headaches, would be for schools to allow water bottles or refillable cups with lids in the classroom therefor allowing students the opportunity to stay hydrated. Federal Smart Snack Act of 2010 section 9a requires school to supply drinking fountains but this is a minimum standard. Schools can and should want to set higher standard for the welfare of all students. After all “Water is more urgent than the need for any other Nutrient.” (Grodner, Roth, & Walkingshaw, 2012, p.
2.5 litres are recommended per day to stay fully hydrated. Water accommodates for 50-80% of the human body. It assists human digestion by absorbing essential nutrients and excreting waste. It is vital in regulating bodily functions such as blood volume and transporting nutrients (2). It also plays a role during physical activity. When the body overheats, it releases fluids by sweating. If the body becomes dehydrated, by not having enough water, it can lead to impaired physiological responses and performance. Although this is temporary, if adequate consumption of water is not met daily, it can lead to health issues including kidney stones, urinary tract cancers, as well as colon cancers
Current medical findings show that being well hydrated is one of the most important factors for good health. One can survive for a few (highly unpleasant) weeks without food, but only four to five days without water.
The first signs of dehydration will be thirst, this is your body telling you to get some water that the supply is already low. Moisture will be drawn from the mouth and skin making both dry. This will happen internally too taking water from the body can lead to muscle and stomach gramps. Urination will become less frequent and in little volume because there is little water to spare. The urine will be dark and could smell another sign that water levels ae too low. Being dehydrated will affect the rate you metabolize calories and fuel the body. Depending on age, sex and muscle to fat ratio will affect the rate any given individual will burn calories. I personally have a really high meetabolizem and can eat a lot before seeing changes to my weight. However if I were to become dehydrated the rate of burning calories will slow down making me sluggish. When the body has plenty of water the rate calories are burned stays accelerated ready to fuel the body. In reality staying hydrated will help you loose wait because even at rest your body is using energy and if you are hydrated it will use more energy meaning more calories and cutting
Why it is very important to stay hydrated. The first reason should be very predictable but it stops dehydration.(abc) Dehydration is not fun at all it causes unclear thinking, constipation, mood change, and can cause your body to overheat (CDC). Water can also boost your brain power for a little (ABC). If someone is having trouble with
Along with food, water has always been one of life's essentials. Humans can survive up to three weeks without food but only a matter of three days without water and the adverse effects of dehydration can be noticed within hours. Despite the risks involved with obesity and its enormous hold on the American population, individuals have a tendency to forget about the importance of water when trying to maintain a healthy diet. Water is the single most
They say a person can survive 3 weeks without food but a person cannot survive 3 days without water. The human body is 65 percent water and it helps carry oxygen and essential nutrients to our cells and helps get rid of wastes in our bodies. It is important to stay hydrated at all times as you lose water from sweating too much or by simply going to the loo. It is equally important to be sure that we are drinking clean, potable water.
hydration is the process of providing an adequate amount of liquid to bodily tissues. Not only water can hydrate you. Things like, oatmeal, coffee, lettuce, yogurt and things of that sort can hydrate an athlete. They does not give athlete the okay not to drink water.our bodies need water to mostien food and transport nutrients to and from blood cells. They does not give athlete the okay not to drink water. Our bodys can not survive without water. Water is a solvent for out bodys. without out water athletes can become dehydrated ans in fact die. Dehydration occurs when the loss of body fluids, mostly water. When we lose too much water our bodies become unbalanced. Deyhration an come from fevers, heat exposure, and too much exercise. Even when
2. Without enough water in the brain to clear toxins, the brain is more prone to diseases such as Alzheimer's
In schools around the country there are kids who are involved in sports, but lack the amount of fluids your body needs to function properly. The reason why this happens is due to dehydration. People in sports get pushed so hard and hardly ever get the chance to run to the water fountain to get a drink of water. Dehydration causes people to faint, vomit, and produces a fever because of the lack of fluids in their body.
I think that bottled water should not be banned from schools and should be used and accepted everywhere. As humans we need water to survive, whether the water is from the tap or a supposed sanctuary of pure water. What is the difference? Water is still water and that is what it will always be. We do not need fancy labels, brands, slogans, or other marketing ideas to influence the way we think about bottled water. All water should just be water, bottled or not.
Last year, gym was a requirement. Along with essential yoga pants, proper hydration was key. While water fountains quenched my thirst for the majority of the semester, there was difficulty of obtaining it standing at only 5 feet high amongst college students. The only other high schooler with me began to bring her own water bottle, leaving me alone to fend for myself at the
Let's start by looking at how important water is and what it does for our bodies.
Your brain is 75% water and with only a 2% dehydration your memory and attention is affected.
Dehydration is a problem that can be fixed easily through self-awareness and a conscious effort to drink. Many techniques exist to help facilitate and encourage water consumption: making drinking water a habit; keeping a liquid journal; and making water more appealing. Although the topic of water consumption and drinking eight glasses of water appears to be such a simple element of health, it is key to effective body function, and optimal health.
As you can see, water plays a major role in many factors of your body.