
Deity Disavowns

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Time’s inconsistent form is captured by variations in the meter as the poem progresses. The meter in the first line of the third stanza “Man disavows, and Deity disowns me” (9) adheres to the format of a dactyl followed by four trochees. Man’s disavowal of the narrator renders his life terminable, putting an end to his time on earth. The repetition of assonance with “dis” in “disavows” and “disowns” with a sound that means an absence of something is quite contradictory, thus creating a void of what death might be. The stress placed on “Man” lingers on this disavowal, as the “Soul” travels from transience to eternity. Yet Deity is particular over which souls pass into perpetuity, and the narrator’s is one which does not qualify. It is quickly

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