At first look, American novelist Don DeLillo’s words sound harsh on the idea of traveling abroad. Upon further review and personal analysis, DeLillo’s harsh words and personal analysis, the harsh words speak truth. As strange as it sounds, travelers are more confident in sounding stupid in far off places rather than being at home. Travelers understand that there is going to be a communication barrier but are still willing to sound stupid to communicate with others. But why are they still so confident in their stupidity? Is it because the first few days, weeks, months in a new country is basically like being thrown in the deep end of a swimming pool, unsure of one’s own abilities and not knowing what’s going to happen next – fight or flight. …show more content…
Everyone knows someone who has traveled, whether it was to another city, another state, another country, or another continent – we have all met people who are shaping the way tourism is viewed. As a native born Alaskan, I’ve encountered my fair share of tourism in the majestic state that I call home. I’ve met people from all around the world; gathered tourist information from visitor centers; and have been asked my opinion on what to see, where to go, what to do. But how often are we given the opportunity to return the favor and ask these questions of someone else? Thanks to the help of modern technology, we no longer need to ask for opinions from locals, we search the Internet for the information ourselves. Through the use of travel guidebook websites, travel blogs, travel social media accounts, and many more we are granted the opportunity to hear what fellow tourists would recommend to do, see, and go. Although asking fellow tourists is a great way to gather starter information, I’ve learned to not have the same stories as every other tourist who has ever traveled to that country, that I need to ask locals what they would recommend. I have been traveling internationally on …show more content…
China is a dominating country with a long, graphic history; an economy worthy of getting into business with; and stories that are unlike any other. The relationship between general economic development and tourism is a tale as old as time, whether it’s businesses agreeing to tourism in their city or in literature where the results proved to be true. Tourism is often seen by governments as a tool for economic development, in particular areas such as employment, entrepreneurial opportunities, development in rural regions, generate tax revenues, and so much more. In 2012, a study by Zeng et al discovered that domestic and international tourism in China is becoming a booming industry. In reality, tourism in China has actually been declining slightly since 2007. This is because of the Chinese Yuan, (whose full title is Yuan Renminbi, abbreviated as RMB) and the fluctuations of the exchange rate causing the price of traveling to China to increase as well as decrease in personal interest. The recent recessions in America and Europe has led to Americans and Europeans being less willing to travel to China and contribute to the Chinese market. In recent years, air pollution and food safety problems have arisen, causing some foreign visitors to worry about travel conditions and even cancel their
Britain has been over the news due to the British exit the European Union, which this event is known as Brexit (Hunt, 2016). This decision brought a large impact on every country in Britain, but the Britain has not started negotiate with European Union about adapting regulations to minimize their negative consequences. Before people can list potential impacts of Brexit on Britain’s tourism, it is important for people to understand how well the Britain was doing in the tourism industry. In addition, it is important to analyze and understand what type of tourism impacts on Britain. So, people would know how Brexit will change its policy and what impacts will bring to their current life. It will provide an idea of how the changes of regulations will impact different countries and the region. Thus, it provides an understanding of how tourism helps to develop the Britain in terms of environmental impacts, socio-cultural impacts, and economic impacts.
Those who make a habit out of traveling the world, more often than not, become more of an extrovert than they may have been prior to their many journeys. It is no secret that those who make the choice to travel more often have a bit of extroversion in them, however, even the least social of any group typically find a way out of their shell when traveling. No matter the destination, it is the various interactions with people from foreign backgrounds, beliefs and cultures that present a challenge to the normality that most individuals cling to. These initial interactions create a comfortability, or openness rather, to engage with new people and see humankind through an altered, more optimistic lens than once
Throughout my academic career, I have taken courses in Research Methods, Public Policy, International Relations and Politics and History of Alternative Tourism. Through this coursework, I have learned the importance
Second we analysis the macro economy of HK and the anticipated effect on Disney HK’s operating profits. As the “tiger” of Asia, Hong Kong has a free market economy—low taxes, unrestricted capital movement, stable HK$ linked to US$. What’s more, HK’s economy was based on services, tourism and trading. According to data in Exhibit1, the number of visitors is 1570 times its local population in 1999, with an amount of 10.7 billion. Although we see the financial crisis had an impact on tourism, but it recovered quickly—from 11.7 billion in 1996 to 9.6 billion in 1998 then back to 10.7 billion in 1999. We anticipate a further recovery as the economy warm up. As a tourist resort, Hong Kong Disneyland has high profit potential.
number of tourists from Asian countries in last 10 years has been growing up. More, the stronger of foreigner currency is also one of the factor of increasing in number of tourist.
Tourism plays a vital role in economic development in most countries around the world. The industry has not only direct economic impact, but also significant indirect and influential impacts. There is agreement among experts that the travel and tourism sector is the fastest growing of global economy. According to the latest UNWTO World Tourism Barometer, international tourism receipts surpass US$ 1 trillion in 2011, growing about 3.8%up from 2010 (WTO, 2012).
As mentioned by Rimmington & Morrison (2009), the assistance from different parts of the world presents a new and diverse outlook for future research including theoretical innovations and revelations, cultural and environmental aspects, tourist destination and other ecotourism and recreational aspects of tourism and hospitality industry (Brotherton,
Nowadays, travelling becomes a new trend, especially travel abroad. It can open people’s mind and obtain more experience, so, more and more people spent money on travel (Lee, K., 2002). Besides, the development of family leisure brings a new opportunity for hospitality industry in China, for example, the rising of aging market. In China, young age people spent a lot of time on their work, so they have less time to company with their parents. Thus, they prefer to sign up for a tour for them to travel with other people who are in the same age. As long as many people travel around the world, increase hotel
Another aspect of impact of tourism on a country’s economy is that it facilitates the expansion of the market of goods and services. Foreigners come to a country willing to spend money on different goods and services, thus increasing the amounts of sales. This is a great chance for producers and service providers to receive larger profits. This concerns not only hoteliers, tour operators, and souvenir shops owners. Public transportation, retail stores of different kind, restaurants, and cafes benefit from international tourism. Obviously, if these industries are in demand, businesses will be expanding. On the one hand, it means that more money is paid to the budget. On the other hand, profits generated by the owners are spent inside the country, affecting almost all the fields of the
1 The tourism school, Zhejiang Gongshang University, Hangzhou, China; 2School of Business Administration, Zhejiang Gongshang University, Hangzhou, China. Email:
From an environmental perspective, it is apparent that the world is starting to realise that increases in tourism are having a negative impact on the environment. This is due to increases in energy consumption, which in turn heightens the effects of global warming (Neto, 2002). There are many controls that governments are trying to put into place, such as flight rationing (Liverpool Business School, 2009). However, it can be argued that these have not really begun to have a significant effect on tourism, as they are still insufficient to dampen demand. It may become a problem in future years, as the number of controls is likely to increase. Perhaps the largest environmental factor would be natural disasters, like Hurricane Katrina (Cashell, 2005) and the tsunami that hit Asia in December 2004 (Birkland, 2006). These will impact negatively on people’s confidence in visiting places that have been hit severely by such disasters.
The Travel and Tourism industry is still one of the largest single businesses in world commerce and its importance is widely recognized. The tourism industry is now one of the largest sectors earning foreign exchange. In the face of many benefits, many countries have started assigning due weight age to the tourism industry in their national development agenda. Tourism is an industry that operates on a massively broad scale: it embraces activities ranging from the smallest sea-side hotel; to air-lines, multi-national hotel chains and major international tour operators. Originally, non-traditional industries such as tourism emerged as a solution to strike a balance between ecology and industry
Traveling can broaden ones mind and make them more creative. When traveling, the different culture can give a person new ideas and allow them think in a different way. One study by Galinksy, an American Social Physiologist, proved that traveling makes people more creative. Throughout the study, they examined directors in two hundred and seventy high-end fashion houses, and“ researchers found a clear correlation between time spent abroad and creative output: The brands who creative directors had lived and worked in other countries produced more consistently creative fashion lines than those whose directors had not (Galinksey).” Having a new insight to the world, and immersing yourself into a new culture and language can help open one’s eyes. I experienced this first hand when I had traveled to foreign countries. Traveling has
Apart from inflation, Individual Visit Scheme causes loss of local small and medium enterprises in Hong Kong. CBRE Hong Kong (2012) notes that Hong Kong ranked world’s top destination for luxury brands due to a large number of mainland tourists who demand for the benefit from the price variance
China’s devaluation of its currency has been causing headlines, but what are the effects on its tourism? Are the Chinese likely to swap outbound tourism with inbound travel?