I want to start my analysis of this article off by saying that I’m a psychology student, and am going for my PhD. In order to help others, and the premise of the study that was covered in this article is intriguing, and I would hope that some of the methods entailed may be embraced by the APA (American Psychology association). In saying that, however, I have some critiques of the writing of Dellasega. I’m going to start with the basics. The grammar of the article isn’t quite up to standard. There are few missing commas, quite a few awkward sentences, a one or two unideal choices of phrases, such as when she used “seventy persons” instead of seventy people, which made the sentence read a bit clumsily. Aside for the grammar, I have an issue
Through the study of the records of courts, both secular and ecclesiastical, which exists in thousands of European and American archives and libraries, a patient and careful researcher can reconstruct particular images of “the world we have lost” and of the people who inhabited that world. From this vast, largely untapped repository of judicial records, Gene Brucker uses the notarial protocols of Ser Filippo Mazzei, which contains the transcripts of the litigation in the archiepiscopal court and the catasto records, which provides information about Florentine households, to piece together the dossier of Giovanni and Lusanna. The story of Giovanni and Lusanna explores the love and marriage in renaissance Florence and uncovers the gradation of the city’s social hierarchy and the role of women in society.
2. What stuck out to you the most from the article (either because you strongly agree or strongly disagree)? Explain why.
Critically evaluate the weaknesses/limitations/problems of the article. Is the work thorough? Fair? Clear? Convincing?
2b) The authors provided the reader a lot of information on the topic. Each topic was very well explored. A lot of different information on different but similar studies. The authors seemed very knowledgeable on the topic. This article lacked a few things. A clear research question and a hypothesis. The paragraphs were not clear and consist, I felt that I had to dig to get certain information. The paper was very wordy, which made me have a hard time understanding the substance.
In the context of this story, the important men are those who had influence in Abina’s life and can also be defined as wealthy, and/or landowning, men who were fluent in English (57). This is evident by looking at the various encounters throughout Abina’s story, for instance James Davis is considered an important man since he was the one who helped Abina formally charge Quamina Eddoo and indirectly etched Abina into history through the paper to the magistrate (13). Quamina is also an important man as his mistreatment and coercion of Abina ultimately thrusts our protagonist on her journey to freedom (83). While Quamina Eddoo is a land owner, he is more notably an important man because of his relationship with the commerce of slaves in the
Did you summarize the article in your own words including the finding of the study? Yes
The purpose of this report is to conduct a critical appraisal of a published article.
To be clear, the intent of this essay is not to argue for or against the content; instead, we are analyzing what the article does in terms of the following:
I assumed that since I had already written other reports in which I was tasked with analyzing the contents of a scientific research paper, I had ample experience so that I could perform well in this assignment, however, I found that as I began analyzing the paper, that experience actually hindered me. The primary goal of this assignment was to analyze the rhetorical techniques, especially their use of ethos, pathos, and logos, used by the authors. The key factor was that we were instructed to
The article was well written and organized thought. However it did had a bit of deficiencies. Although the usage of personal experience and opinions are existing but she also used a lot of rhetorical strategies. This overreliance made the argument and the tone sound little bit emotional. The introduction of
Istoria was the third of Alberti’s main idea’s in his Della Pittura. This idea encourages Alberti’s readers to be individual with their painting, to have variety and to be different to the average stereotypical medieval painter. “The istoria which merits both praise and admiration will be so agreeably and pleasantly attractive that it will capture the eyes of what ever learned or unlearned person is looking at it and will move his soul.” -Alberti’s Della Pittura. Alberti then goes on to talk about how by having variety in your painting gives pleasure to the viewer, and how it’s good to have an abundance of food and music. Alberti thinks that in order to bring pleasure to the viewer, the painter needs to include a variety of various subject
Freedom of religion and freedom of expression are fundamental concepts that defined the inception of the United States. This is in stark contrast to how many citizens view religious freedom today, as the United States has moved towards a secularized nation. Too often, citizens champion for a separation of church and state, which does not appear in the Constitution, in order to validate the exclusion of God’s Word. These proponents for secularization have chosen to misinterpret the words of then President Jefferson rather than reflect on the historical precedence of Christian morals established by the Founding Fathers, who were God fearing people. “The constitutional Framers saw clearly that relgion would be a great aid in maintaining civil
Kabuki - Kabuki is a style of Japanese theater that evolved from Noh theater. Noh was slow, contemplative, and philosophical, and eventually became so refined that it was considered inaccessible and reserved for the educated upper classes. Kabuki was developed by the rising middle class as popular entertainment, and included stylized fighting, aerial stunts, exaggerated makeup and costuming, and physical and verbal comedy.
As I come to the end of my first master’s course, it certainly does come with a price of perfection, and perfection I have not found yet. I feel overwhelmed with words and the usage of APA style. My professor Dr. Kris Lichtanski says that scholarly writing is a must when one enters the Psychology field. I have finally understood what scholarly writing is truly about. Every time I hear the words “scholarly writing”, I think of Aristotle and Socrates for some reason, These two famous men from the beginning of antiquity, have impacted our souls and minds with such great wisdom, such as education and medical teachings that one can only imagine and
The research efforts that addressed for the connectivity and coverage issues in WSNs are based on upon a lot of theories and assumptions. The basic concepts of connectivity and coverage are essential for understanding this issue. In this section, we describe the notions of connectivity and coverage, the category of sensor nodes, sensing models and communication models.