
Democracies And Dilemmas In August Wilson's Fences

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Living his home, in Southern America, Troy was looking for a secluded town at the age of fourteen. Certainly, he narrated the reason why he left home to Bono and Lyons. By coincidence, his father found Troy with “Joe Canewell’s daughter”, sitting enjoying themselves and Troy had not done his father’s work. His father reacted aggressively to Troy and he whipped him. Now Troy realized he was a man. Surprisingly, he tried to fight back, but his father became furious and beat Troy harshly. Troy could not image living in the same house with his father anymore and decided to leave home and he never returned (Wilson 1214). Troy, from August Wilson’s Fences, is deeply affected in his adult life by his experiences as a young man. As a young man, Troy did not think about any other alternative except for running away from his aggressive father (Letzler 307). He was miserable since he did not have a place to live nor was he able to get his basic needs. In the article “Democracies and Dilemmas: August Wilson’s Fences and Datta Bhagat’s Routes and Escape Routes” the author states that “Unskilled and unwanted, he searches the streets of distant cities until the day he kills a man to stay alive” (Rani 50). In the article “Walking around the Fences” it says that he killed a man during a robbery. Having no job and money, Troy started stealing from the citizens in the streets and towns. Instead of stealing he could have gone around begging for something that would support his living.

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