
Democracy Essay : What Is Democracy?

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What is democracy? To me democracy is the freedom to choose how your country is run. According to the Merriam Webster dictionary, it defines democracy as government by the people1. Democracy gives us the freedom to choose our government officials and political leaders. We have the right to choose our leaders and the way we live when many others do not have that power. We are privileged as a country; many aspire to be like us. Our country through democracy, gives us the opportunity to live life how we would like to. This idea is known as the American Dream, which is different for everyone. The American Dream is most commonly depicted as a good job, making good money, a spouse and children, and living a good life in general. Outsiders may think the grass is greener on the other side, but in reality it is not. Our country is going downhill and fast. In ten years I do not know where the U.S. will be, but I hope that we will become stronger and figure out our faults now as a whole. In many ways, I see our freedoms have expanded, but only to be replaced with new rules that blockade those new freedoms. In the past couple of decades our country has changed so much. Even more has changed in the past century. Slavery has been frowned upon and thrown out, the equal rights movement took place and showed that we are all equal at the end of the day. With that being said, there are still some that ridicule others and their races, and believe that they are superior to the others. Some

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