I identify with the Democratic Party because that party is more for the working class people. I agree with many of the views the democratic party stand for such as equal pay for women, higher minimal wages, gun control, lower pay for education, raising tax for the rich and this is just to name a few. The way society is today a new political party can easily be formed. I do not think it would be very successful because most people are democratic or republic. Even though we have the liberal and the independent parties that are very active. There aren’t very many people to vote in a high office like the President.
The characteristics of American Democracy are individualism, political equality, popular consent, majority rule with the preservation of minority rights, and personal liberty (South University Online, 2016).
Democrats vying to become the next chair of the Democratic National Committee are set to face off for the final time before the organization's election on Saturday.
Being the first opposition political party in the United States stands to be the best party to be supported as their views were not intended to harbor aristocratic attitudes and their policies did not placed too much power in the central government. In regard to this the democrats were totally against the views of the federalist whose governance only intended to benefit the affluent
There were many political disputes that happened in the United States. Many people were fighting over which party they should go to or which one was better. They had the Republicans and the Federalists who wanted to sway the vote to their side. They opposed each other and disputed against each other. This caused many conflicts in the United States.
For starters the Democratic Party supports gay marriage, abortions and supports the rights of gun ownership. They also agree to have higher tax rates and not many laws. With that said, there are many negative features that come with those privileges. For instance this party is basically showing that they are people pleasers, they do what the people want and don’t enforce their own strict
The perfect democrat candidate would promote the people, the Democratic Party, and efficiently manage the U.S budget. Throughout history, many voters have looked for Democratic candidates that can improve the economy and promote overall equality. Some important traits that the ideal democratic candidate would hold are justice, equality, diversity, safety, and promoting the common good of society. Another important Democratic value is majority rule and the protection of individual rights. Furthermore, the Democratic Party generally promotes freedom of speech, freedom of religion, and individual protection.
Such parties may claim to be trying to answer rampant demands or solve serious problems, but their true intentions are to take the power away from the people and place it in the hands of men who don’t deserve it. In the words of Washington, he states: "However [political parties] may now and then answer popular ends, they are likely in the course of time and things, to become potent engines, by which cunning, ambitious, and unprincipled men will be enabled to subvert the power of the people and to usurp for themselves the reins of government, destroying afterwards the very engines which have lifted them to unjust dominion.” In this quote Washington explains how both parties (Democratic and Federalist) may love their country, but also about how he feared that having separate parties may leave the people loving their parties, more than our country. Ironically, when George Washington became President of the United States in 1789 during his first term, there were no political parties, and looking at today’s society, things have changed. George Washington was clearly very aware of the destructive nature of Political Parties and the harm that it could do to our country, but we have not learned from our mistakes to this day***** add something else/switch
OBJECTIVE: Students will be able to analyze a series of sources related to the causes and effects of exploration and answer questions.
“The modern Democratic Party is the descendant of the Democratic-Republican Party, an early-nineteenth-century political organization led by Thomas Jefferson and James Madison. Also known as the Jeffersonian Republican Party, the Democratic-Republican Party began as an antifederalist group, opposed to strong, centralized government. The party was officially established at a national nominating convention in 1832. It dropped the Republican portion of its name in 1840.” As stated in the free dictionary’s definition of the democratic party. The Democrat and Republican parties have differences as well as similarities such as their views on government decisions.
The United States of America is known to have two major political parties. The Republican party and the democratic one. Both parties are based on views and principles being completely opposites of each other. The Republican party is known to be a conservative party, while the democratic party is known to be liberal. Two concepts that are opposites to each other. The democratic party will most certainly convince the majority of the people that it is the ideal party to remain in office because it promotes economic equality, it advocates civil rights and individual freedom, and because it is a liberal party.
Government has been a paramount piece of the United States’s development after July 4, 1776. The role of government has been pivotal to the process of how America operates today. Government is an important part of America’s society because it protects individual rights of people. Government is a forever changing entity because it is a necessity to satisfy the people’s demands. As a political party, Democrats and Republicans have many views on different topics in America. Although the Democrats and Republicans may have different stances on modern issues in America, many of these politicians seem to have the same attitude toward changing policies on these issues/government. I believe that the democratic party is more appropriate party to represent the United States because of their philosophy. The traditional values of America needs to be altered and the democratic party represents the change that America needs. The democratic party best represents an ever-changing society by exemplifying the desires of the citizens as is apparent in their policies in regards to abortion, gun control, and same-sex marriage.
The Republican Party’s beliefs are far vaguer and broad than the Democratic Party’s. The Republican Party has a list about 11 core principles they follow whereas the Democratic Party has 9 points that go into much detail. The Republican Party believes in sticking true to the Constitution, whatever power the Constitution gives the government is the amount of power they should have and valuing human life. The Democratic Party’s preamble does not mention anything about sticking true to the Constitution or preserving human life. But they do talk about equal opportunity for everyone, allowing people to have access to affordable health care, a good job, a good home, have clean air to breath, clean water to drink. The Democratic Party also emphasizes that people who work in a business are just as important as those who own it, workers should be paid a wage that they can survive off of, taxes should be taken fairly, and that the government should not favor corporations who have are not practicing fairly by keeping their money abroad, mistreating their workers and mistreating the
On the other hand, the Democratic Party generally supports workers’ rights and government programs to help people in need. The democrats are for same-sex marriage and fight for their equality. They feel that our economy should help everyone not just the wealthy, and that big business and corporations pay their fair share of taxes. In addition, they want to prevent business from taking advantage of the public. Democrats feel that there are better ways to make peace with terrorism such as through diplomacy and only using force when necessary. They also believe that we should not have to
The United States became increasingly more democratic between 1824 and 1840 due to the prominent shifts in the electorate system, fostering the formation of strong and separated political parties. The idea of politics also began more accessible to everyday men and workers that were able to vote. An atmosphere of political involvement and the desire of individual representation created a culture coupled with the glaringly differing political policies aided the formation of a new popular culture on democratization. The public involvement and growing prominence in political policy was evident in the accumulation of voters that tripled between 1824 with 350,000 votes cast to 1828 with 2.4 million white men voted. Its important also to note that
The Democratic Party is one of two major political parties in the United States. I associate myself as a Democrat for the reason of their liberal views. The Democratic Party tends to be more liberal and support the views like same sex marriage, immigration, and social and economic equality. Many of the views the party stands for and beliefs tie to my beliefs. Some of the key priorities of the Democratic Party are the Economy, Poverty and Homelessness, Education, Healthcare Policy, Social Security and Medicare, Immigration, and Gun Policy.