
Democratic Vs Democrats Vs Republicans

Decent Essays

Democrats vs. Republicans!!! I suppose there must have been a time when these two parties co-existed respectively. Well the aftermath of the George Bush era has shown a lot different scenario. Most notably upon the heels of President Barack Obama being elected to two consecutive terms in 2008 and 2012. Hence, this is when the true division of a supposedly fruitful country showed its true colors.

The Unwelcomed Guest
In November of 2008, Barack Obama became the first African-American man to take oval office in a historical feat, beating out Senator John McCain. Supporters rejoiced, and the haters boy did they hate. Upon Obama’s election, radio talk show host Rush Limbaugh openly stated “I hope he fails”. U.S. Senator Mitch …show more content…

In a 2014 speech he called Capitol Hill leaders out stating “Congress should stop standing in the way of the country’s success. “If leaders are concerned about the President acting without first consulting Congress, then they should pass legislation and get things done.” (
With that being said, let’s run down a number of occasions over Obama’s eight year term where he has had no choice but to ACT FIRST.
Firstly let’s take the Equal Pay Law For Women issue. In 2009 Obama proposed to pass the Paycheck Fairness Bill allotting equal pay for men and women who perform equal work. Republicans would go on to block this proposal in 2010. In 2014, Democrats pushed to increase the minimum wage gap to $10.10 per hour by the end of 2015. House Republicans immediately went on to block the bill stating that raising the minimum wage would hurt job growth. Another example came in 2012 on Immigration Reform. Democrats proposed a path to citizenship for nearly 12 million unauthorized immigrants in the U.S. and to end strict deportation requirements. The House would go on to block this proposal as well stating illegal immigrants should not be given amnesty until the border is secure. In return, Obama went on to issue an executive action in June 2012 to allow provisions to thousands of immigrants that were in the U.S. before the age of 16 to remain.
By and large, these are just a few instances of a disconnect between these two parties. There are many more cases that

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