
Demographic Division

Decent Essays
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1. The total number of census division is , and the number of usable data is .

2. a)
Minimum: -59.7
Maximum: 36.3
Mean: -14.9
Standard Deviation: 14.12
The number of observations above and below the mean: 135

b) No, because it shows that the change is a negative change in poverty, which means it, is not the smallest change. To find this sort data table to acceding data in order to find the lowest percent change being 0%.

c) Decreased, because most data range in the negative with large poverty change.

d) Normal distribution, it tells us that the data is weighted heavily in the mean with extreme values.

e) Yes, there are outliers and the cause of them could be due to population number, the types of communities (aboriginal reserves) …show more content…

I had chosen these classes in order to see, in which classes the percentage of poverty change is heavily weighted and in which classes the percentage of poverty change is minimal. Organizing the data in the following classes allows the reader to spatially determine the areas with high and low concentrations of poverty and which ranges they fall in. I believe the best method to display the poverty percentage change in Canada is presented through natural breaks. The reason being natural breaks seeks to reduce the variance within classes and maximize the variance between classes. Therefore allowing the reader to clearly distinguish the different classes while grouping regions with similar percentage poverty change in the same classification. Being able to see clearly in Canada region of high and low percentage poverty change. A limitation I had found with attribute data was the issues of shapefiles, which store numeric attributes in character format rather than binary format. Therefore any numbers containing decimal places, lead to rounding errors when I was graphing the data. A way around this limitation would to be, either round all data points prior to inputting data and informing the reader that the data points are rounded or obtain data that has already been rounded or avoid data with decimals. A geographic …show more content…

The first being the dot mapping method, I had used this method in my map because it is a highly effective way to show density differences in geographic distributions across a landscape, and the dots show exactly where the event occurs. The second mapping method I had used was the proportional point symbol to indicate the scale and size with simple symbols proportionally to the data value found at that location. Large circles represent a higher density of population (urban areas) and smaller scale is a smaller density of population (rural areas). I had use the Miller cylindrical map projection for my two-variable thematic map for the following reason; first being the map is due to the accuracy and clearly defined of local shapes. We are displaying geographic data and it is important to have a projection that does not distort the area to effectively map the data. Secondly the map avoids scale exaggeration, which is also important when mapping geographic data within regions. One manipulation I had made to my map to improve the communicative effectiveness of my map, was to only emphasize the borders of France to clearly define the geographic area where the data is applicable. Advantages to using ArcGIS to map this data was that it provides a great simplistic map to communicate the data to spatial regions, and the program

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